Modern landscaping of housing and its stylization can be easily combined, using beautiful moss in the interior. Spore plants require minimal care, look catchy and unusual. They are used for laying out paintings, decorating furniture and lamps. They can be vertically placed on the walls, emphasizing the creative design of the premises. Spore plants have no roots: they are attached to the base by mini-roots or glued. This feature makes these items easy to use. Mkhami can identify the individual parts of the room, conduct an original zoning area. They are allowed to be used in any part of the dwelling, including bedrooms and halls. Properly selected spore plants and their correct location will provide an unordinary look of the premises, a bright and distinctive stylization of the decoration.
- Wall panels;
The basis is a moisture-proof plywood. To her glue gun, thick PVA glue glued plants. Beforehand, they must be cleaned of any debris.
- paintings;
As a basis, plywood is used. Glue green plants need a glue gun, liquid nails.
- three-dimensional figures;
To the dense base (wood, ceramics) is glued with silicone glue. To porous substrates (foam plastic) is attached with wire. Each piece of the plant is supplemented by a wire bent in half (like a hairpin). Then the greens simply stuck into the base.
- composition;
To attach to the structures of the branches, you can densely arrange the plants between the individual elements.
- walls;
Initially, the wall is primed, then to the dried primer for liquid nails are attached vegetable decorations.
For and against moss
Spore plants, of course, look original and can complement any stylistics of the room. Other advantages of their use include:
- ease of use (suitable for decorating walls, interior elements, landscaping);
- a wide range of colors (from light-green to blue, black);
- long-term preservation of the brightness of the material (do not fade, do not darken)
- flexibility of raw materials (suitable for decoration and smooth surfaces, and for the creation of products in the form of balls, cones).
The shortcomings of spore plants include high and average cost. Budget plastic products are cheap, but they look not so impressive in decoration. Natural unstabilized plants need periodic spraying and top dressing. In addition, due to high moisture, they can lead to the appearance of mold and fungus. Natural spore plants are not recommended for use in a dwelling.
Stabilized moss what is it?
The most popular decoration in the form of spore plants is stabilized greens. It is produced from real formations, which can be seen in forests, near water bodies. Their treatment is carried out by removing moisture, introducing a stabilizing agent. It translates moss into a dream state, thereby producing its conservation. "Renewed" greens do not need watering or feeding. In addition, the ingress of moisture onto such a cover is devastating. Also, the stabilized greenery should be located away from direct sunlight. The effect of ultraviolet light will lead to its gradual fading and subsequent death. It does not tolerate frosts, so it is not used to decorate orchards, flower beds.
Many companies additionally paint the stabilized integuments in different shades: pink, blue, red. True, such plants are not at all like real ones and are more suitable for bright styling of housing.
Application in the interior
There are no special restrictions on the use of stabilized greenery. It is ideal for decorating walls, highlighting individual parts of rooms or their zoning. Usually used to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere. Can be used to stylize some types of furniture. Modern masters produce many ready-made ornaments with spore plants: paintings, inscriptions, compositions. For styling, large panels are used, representing a long canvas decorated with greenery. The panels are suitable for fixing on the walls with the help of self-tapping screws, liquid nails. They do not need additional use of moisture-proof materials. After the installation of such panels, the surface behind them remains completely dry. Also, some masters apply voluminous plants for direct fixation to walls, shelves, floor.
Methods of vertical gardening
Performing unusual decoration of walls with spore plants is quite simple, combining panels of different shades. They can be laid out with patterns or glued to surfaces with strips. The most popular options for decorating rooms with green inserts are:
- полное украшение walls;
Panels with plants are attached close to each other, creating a single canvas.
- location between columns;
Optimum solution for elongated rooms. They can be separated by columns or their imitations. Green decorations between the dividers will look exquisite.
- montage of strips;
Vertical narrow panels with spore plants help lift the ceiling or zoning the room.
- installation of panels (they can be replaced by inscriptions from plants in plastic frames).
Small panels from different in the colors of greenery, located in the center of the wall or in different parts of it, allow to impart dynamics to the stylistics.
In the kitchen
Styling the kitchen with unusual greens can be done in different ways. For example, use original materials to create paintings. They will perfectly complement the recreation area, make it more comfortable. The stylization of the apron will look great: it can be laid out for half or a third from the voluminous greenery. True, it should be located at the top. Direct hit of artificial lighting on the green part of the apron will make it as attractive as possible. In addition, the debris from the working area at this location will not fall on the layout. The original solution will be the use of panels with mosses for the zoning of the working area and the zone of food intake. To do this, the dividing bars should be fixed on the walls and on the ceiling. Stylishly it will look and pair of panels, framing the kitchen set at the edges.
You need to fix the elements on a drywall ceiling or a strong partition between the two parts of the tension webs. Also fastening of panels from above is supposed and for the usual whitewashed ceiling.
In the living room
Spacious rooms are ideal for stylization with spore plants. The presence of a variety of options for their decoration makes it easy to choose the right options. The most popular stylistic solutions for landscaping halls are:
- decoration of the wall opposite the sofa (around the TV, mini-wall);
- decoration of the wall behind the sofa (for the original allocation of the rest zone);
- decoration of the side walls (relative to the sofa for expanding the rest area);
- installation of stylized green partitions (to separate the space of the room);
- installation of small panels in staggered order on 2-4 walls.
The original installation of the room will help and the installation of stylized inscriptions. They are frameworks with bumps, between which the plants are located. Such elements look original and allow you to easily update and refresh any design.
In the bedroom
In the bedroom, the original green panels will look original, framed by plasterboard protrusions from above and below. The illumination in them will visually increase the depth of the created niches and make the space free. The advantage is the installation of panels over the working area (written or computer table). They will contribute to the creation of special comfort. The location of spore plants opposite the bed will provide a cozy rest. They can frame the TV or be mounted occasionally over the entire surface of the wall. The green frame of the headboard also looks unusual. It can be a thin frame or occupy all the free space behind the furniture. It will fit well into such a decoration of the walls and a couple of pictures or family photos. Beautifully moss can be and passage to the balcony, window openings.
In the bathroom
Decorating the bathroom with bulk greens should be carried out with special attention. Stabilized plants should be located as far as possible from the shower area. Otherwise, getting water on the green panel will lead to its fast deterioration. It is better to arrange such decoration on the opposite wall to the soul. Care should be taken so that the water from the washbasin does not fall on the surface of the moss. A very beautiful green frame will look around the mirror. With its help, you can emphasize the originality of the design of shelves, installed furniture for storing towels, cosmetics.
Eliminate problems with high humidity will help install a powerful hood that will work when using the room. If such measures are not suitable, then it is better to replace stabilized greens with plastic or polymeric analogues.
Decor from moss
Make the decoration of any room in the house cozy and original will help the use of paintings, inscriptions and other elements from the voluminous greenery. For example, individual pieces of lightweight panels can be used to create abstractions, stylized patterns on the walls. Equally attractive is the decoration of furniture with the help of unusual plants. Adding a "fluffy" layer to the armrests, headboards, other parts of the frames contributes to easy styling of products. Quite often designers use unusual spherical plants to decorate table and floor lamps. It is very beautiful to look like this cover will be with small statuettes on the windowsills. In this way, you can create a stylish panorama in front of the window. There are many options for using spore greens: they can be used to update individual elements or to be used as a basis for creating new products.
Bright phyto-pictures
Conventionally, phytoparticles are divided into two groups: a single linen or products with frames. Ornaments of both types can be combined into triptychs and diptychs. According to the peculiarities of registration, phytoparticles are classified as follows:
- consisting of monochromatic elements (laid out from plants of the same shade, attracted by volume texture);
- consisting of multi-colored elements (include spore plants in green, blue and other colors, can be an abstraction or a full-fledged picture);
- products with other plants (supplemented with herbarium or other stabilized flowers, herbs);
- patterned products (in them the greens are laid out at a certain distance from each other, creating three-dimensional ornaments);
- stylized photos, portraits, paintings (similar to patterned products, but the image on them clearly conveys a complex picture).
Furniture with moss elements
The most popular option for stylization spore plants is the design of tables. For example, in a room or bedroom you can set a coffee table, the table top is decorated with greenery. If desired, it can be covered with glass, preventing dust from entering or creating a relief surface. For writing and dining tables, the location of a narrow strip of greenery in the part of the tabletop located close to the wall is acceptable. For stand-alone models, let's assume the option of placing a strip of stabilized plants directly in the center of the tabletop. Non-standard styling can be carried out for the sofa strap, located behind the back. We will apply this option also for the design of the armrests. The upper part of the bed head can also be decorated with stabilized greenery. A simple solution will be the mossy closing of several cells of a wooden rack, installed in a hall, bedroom or hallway.
Compositions of moss
Non-standard decorate the apartment and make its decoration fabulous will help the use of numerous compositions of stabilized plants. They can be located in tall vases and flowerpots, replacing the usual floral compositions. Stylishly look spore plants in large glass vases. They can be replaced with similar glass products with a flat base and a dome cover. Usually such compositions are supplemented by miniature figures of houses, animals or fairy-tale characters. To implement such ideas, even large laboratory flasks can be used. No less original look spore balls with wooden dishes: plates, trays. Beautifully look stylized dishes from twigs, deer horns, wooden chips, decorated with green stabilized plants (formed from them balls and cubes).
Operation and maintenance
It is quite easy to take care of stabilized plants. But it is worth considering that they are short-lived. For example, wall panels can last about 7 years, but the paintings and compositions will preserve their original appearance for no more than 5 years. Change these features can not be. To maintain a healthy state and the type of plants do not need to spend their watering, processing from insects. But at very low humidity, they can begin to dry up. In this case, it is recommended to install a humidifier in the room or place a couple of containers with clean water near the spore green. Plants are completely antistatic, so you do not have to clean them from dust. But we need to pay special attention to the decorated with greenery products in houses where young children live and animals are kept. Despite the manufacturers' claims, not all "canned" plants are safe.
How to make a stabilized moss with your own hands
The production of stabilized spore plants at home is not difficult. But the quality of conservation of greenery can be low. This will lead to their rapid loss of attractive appearance. For work, you need to choose any kind of greenery, it is good to clean it from the ground. Further stabilize mosses with their own hands, it is necessary according to the following scheme:
- Mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 water and glycerin (sold in pharmacies). If desired, add food coloring. Some elements may darken or become light brown during processing. Exclude this will help add a couple of drops of green gel color.
- Pour the prepared mixture into a deep container and immerse the greens in it.
- Leave the frozen greens for 2-3 weeks. During the stabilization process, the mixture can evaporate, so it is possible to add new portions of the solution. After treatment, the plant must be dried naturally.
Bright and unusual styling of housing with the help of stabilized mosses makes it possible to bring a special comfort to any design. The use of voluminous greenery helps to identify individual zones of bedrooms, halls, to conduct a visual division of the area. For decoration of premises can use wall panels, paintings, portraits and inscriptions from spore plants. If desired, you can choose products that use only green or multi-colored elements. And you can give preference to combined products: with other types of plants and flowers. You can also sublimate spore greens yourself. But this requires a proper mixing of the composition to soak the plants. Only accurate adherence to simple recommendations will allow to create non-standard compositions and to carry out decoration of the house without special expenses. Stylish and bright products will please owners for many more years.