On the solemn day of the wedding ceremony, everything should be perfect - and the dresses of the newlyweds, and car decoration, and a place for painting, and a restaurant. Now the design of the wedding hall can be entrusted to the designer or the whole creative agency, or you can do it yourself. Looking through wedding albums of acquaintances or studying photos on the Internet, it is possible to find millions creative ideas of registration of a celebration. At once it is necessary to realize the differences of the word decor and decoration. Decor - a whole thoughtful wedding, in which the same style decorated and the room, and cars and even invitations. The usual decoration of the hall is the balloons and sparkling garlands left over from the New Year celebration. Next is a series of tips that will need both a bride and a decorator for decorating a wedding celebration.
How to start the design of the room
Once the final location of the ceremony is finalized, you can begin planning the decor elements. The first, with what it is necessary to begin - a choice of subjects for a decor and the basic colors of wedding. In case the whole wedding is devoted to a certain topic, then naturally the design of the hall will be appropriate. In other cases, you can choose the style and colors that will correspond to the place of the celebration.
After choosing subjects, we are determined with specific zones, which will be decorated for the celebration. Most often these are the places of the hall:
- tables on which you can set vases or baskets with flowers;
- registration of glasses;
- decoration of the restaurant space;
- small accessories that create an impression of the wedding (invitation cards, guest cards, napkin rings, etc.).
The purchase of a decor for a wedding can be more expensive than a banquet. However, most of the design elements can be made with your own hands by viewing several thematic videos on the Internet. The bride can, together with her friends, make glasses for the young, exquisite napkin rings and small boxes with gifts for guests.
Tips for decorating the wedding hall
In order to design the wedding hall in accordance with the style of the celebration, before starting work it is better to make a list of cases. Important ideas, as well as unexpected ideas that come to mind, should be immediately recorded in a notebook, since at the last moment they have a property to be forgotten. The list should consist of several sections:
- what is planned to do independently, with a list of what else you need to buy;
- a list of what will be ordered;
- important phones and addresses, for example, a florist or a tissue store;
- ideas that you still need to think about.
Try to think separately each area of the solemn hall, and do not try to create the whole concept at once.
Basic ideas and styles of celebration
Each bride dreams of an ideal wedding, which will emphasize her individuality and at the same time, for one evening will take guests to a fairy tale. Some newlyweds prefer to make out a wedding based on their hobbies or lifestyle, while others look for ideas in fashion magazines or photo sessions on the Internet. There are several win-win styles for decoration, which are suitable for almost any wedding:
- a maritime feast;
- wedding in the Russian style;
- Ceremony in the style of the Venice Carnival;
- Wedding with the motto "America in the style of Chicago in the 1920s";
- style of the Middle Ages;
- wedding in the Mediterranean style.
Such styles will not require the selection of a specific room and do not contain complex decor elements, which will have to be looked for in all online stores. Below, each style of design is discussed in more detail, with specific tips that will be needed in practice.
Maritime wedding
It is this variant of the celebration that is suitable for young people whose budget is still limited. There is an opportunity to spend a minimum on the design of the holiday, and the outfits of the young. Usually such a ceremony is held in the summer, when the temperature of the air allows you to hold a painting and a banquet on the street. It is desirable to have a nearby sea, well, or at least a river. For the wedding in a marine style, several places are suitable:
- Boat or yacht. If there is no possibility to order a ship for a banquet, it can be used only for painting or photo session.
- A restaurant located on the seashore or with panoramic windows pointing towards the pond.
- Coast of the sea, where an exit ceremony will be held, and a reception for guests.
If there is no possibility to find a special place for a wedding in a marine style, you can properly decorate an ordinary restaurant. Some prefer to hold the ceremony in the winter season, when the newlyweds, as it were, transfer the guests of the celebration to a warm country.
For the decoration of the hall, any attributes of the marine theme are used. The main ones are anchors, shells, starfish, corals, twine. The colors of the wedding are white, all shades of blue, emerald, pastel colors. The use of a strip looks original in the design of the hall. Using in the design of textiles, preference is given to light translucent fabrics. Placing flowers in the hall, they are complemented by coral twigs, shells, silhouettes of sea horses.
The wedding theme does not imply an abundance of attributes. Sea style - lightness in everything, looking at the decoration guests should feel the whiff of the ocean breeze and almost hear the cries of seagulls. Thinking about such a wedding, you need to try to complement each piece of interior with a marine attribute, but at the same time, do not create a refuge for Poseidon.
Wedding in Russian style
Если хочется отойти от навязанных Западом традиций празднования свадьбы, то можно обратиться к традициям своего народа. Wedding in Russian style – соблюдение традиций и обрядов, которые начинаются веселым выкупом невесты и заканчиваются повязыванием свекровью на голову жене платка. В целом такое мероприятие проводится очень весело, гостей удивляют этничное оформление праздника и веселые конкурсы.
In the design there is pottery, which is painted under Khokhloma, many seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are typical for a particular region. When used in the design of fabrics, preference should be given to natural fabrics - cotton, burlap. It will be appropriate to use multi-colored ribbons, bright beads. In this case, beads can be made from berries - sea-buckthorn, viburnum or blueberry. Bouquets are created from wild flowers, which can be complemented by bundles of straw, spruce branches.
Attributes of the wedding can be very diverse - samovars, wooden spoons, felt boots, in general, everything that the bride can find for the celebration. Organizing a wedding in the Russian style, you will have to choose the appropriate restaurant. Extremely inappropriate will look like guests dressed up for antiquity, in the pompous hall of a doroguschey place in the center.
Wedding in the style of the Venice Carnival
Venetian carnival is a place of luxury, wealth and dizzying dances. The main attribute of the carnival is a mask that hides the true faces of the dancers. Therefore, the main feature of the wedding in the Venetian style will be the use of masks by both newlyweds and their guests. The whole hall should be richly decorated with candles, sparkles, garlands, feathers and masks. The main color of the wedding is golden. It can be shaded scarlet shades, saturated with blue or warm yellow. Using textiles, it is worth giving preference to majestic velvet, smooth satin or luxurious silk. From the point of view of floristics, the Venetian wedding is characterized by the use of scarlet roses, tender lilies or compositions of exotic flowers. Bouquets can be decorated with gold sparkles, beads, feathers.
For the ceremony in this style, you need to find a restaurant with a luxurious hall, in which the elements covered with gold and rhinestones are in abundance. If there is no possibility to book such a place, then you can work and decorate an ordinary room. To do this, when making use of a lot of fabric, which fancifully pins.
America in the style of Chicago 20 years
The design style of "America - Chicago of the 1920s" can be seen in the movie "The Great Gatsby". It is on this film that you can create your own wedding. In order to adhere to this scenario, special attention should be paid to the outfits of young and guests, the selection of transport. With regards to the decoration of the solemn hall, there are no special requirements. However, it is worthwhile to understand that Chicago of the 1920s is known to us from the old black and white films, so it's better to avoid bright colors. In addition, you do not need to use a lot of balls that are clearly uncharacteristic for that era.
Choosing bouquets of flowers you need to stay on calm callas, tender white roses or choose the original exotic buds.
Style of the Middle Ages
Despite the fact that the times of the Middle Ages were not too rosy, when organizing a celebration in a knightly style, the best moments of that era are used. It is a beautiful natural beauty of the bride, exquisite outfits, an abundance of natural materials in the decoration.
To organize a wedding in the style of the Middle Ages, you need to consider a number of requirements:
- Corresponding venue. Ideal option - a restaurant built like a castle or a country stone mansion. If there are no such places nearby, then you can find an institution, the interior of which is filled with wood and stone. You can also hold the ceremony in nature by placing a tent.
- Take care of transport. Cars will be inappropriate for such a ceremony, you have to fork out for a carriage or a cart, which is harnessed by horses.
- Organize dresses for guests. You can ask relatives to find their own outfits corresponding to the era. To do this, send out invitations with notification, at least two months before the date of the celebration. You can also put at the entrance to the restaurant hangers with women's fur coats and accessories, and men's hats, and plastic swords. Each guest, at the entrance to the restaurant, will be able to choose his favorite vestments.
Instead of banal electric lightening, it is better to use candles. They can be placed in glasses or buy original candlesticks made in the old days. As flower decoration it is better to use wild flowers, to which you can add several scarlet roses. The dishes can be replaced with wooden boards or clay bowls, which will emphasize the style of that time.
Mediterranean style
Wedding in the Mediterranean style - intertwining of many directions together. Here you can meet the attributes of the sea style, and calm classics and partial elements of the wedding-boho. The main characteristic is naturalness and naturalness in everything. For a wedding in the Mediterranean style is not typical fanciful pomposity, strict adherence to certain topics. All you need to do is find a beautiful cozy place for the ceremony and lightly decorate it with a soft blue cloth, emphasize the twists of the textile with white fathin, decorate the festive tables with a few white buds. For such a wedding is not characterized by a strict dress code, but you can recommend guests to refrain from pretentious evening outfits and costumes.
Wedding in a certain color
Wedding in a certain color может быть выполнена в любом вышеописанном стиле. При этом, во всех деталях присутствует только один цвет или его оттенки. Гостям предлагается прийти в нарядах выбранного цвета или использовать аксессуары соответствующего оттенка. Оформляя зал, можно использовать игру цвета и его оттенков. Например, крупные атрибуты застолья облачаются в самые насыщенные цвета, например, свадебная арка, скатерти на столах, элементы букета невесты. Все остальные элементы используются в менее насыщенной гамме.
What and how to decorate the hall
The wedding hall is the heart of the ceremony. It is here that the guests congratulate the young, give them parting speeches and escort them to a happy family life. In the restaurant hall, the husband and wife dance their first dance, showing the whole world their sincere feelings. Decoration of the hall is a crucial moment, which must be approached quite seriously. For the decor of the hall are used:
- air or helium balls;
- textile;
- flower compositions;
- Garlands;
- gypsum letters.
In accordance with the theme of the wedding, you can choose one or more materials for decoration.
Air balloons are familiar to everyone from childhood. This is an invariable attribute of any holiday, so why not use it in decorating the wedding hall. For decoration, you can use ordinary balls or shapes. These can be the silhouettes of swans or rings of newlyweds, figures of the bride and groom. Often the balls simply run to the ceiling, the helium products that are on the tape are tied around the tables of the groom and the bride look rather original. Another idea - the placement of ordinary balloons in the grid, which is mounted on the ceiling. With the onset of a romantic moment, for example, during the first dance of the young, the net is untied and the balls go down nicely, and then remain on the floor.
By order of the balls are made shapes, for example, flowers, animals or silhouettes of people. Also from the balls you can make a wedding arch, which is complemented by flowers and ribbons. Such an arch can be near the entrance to the restaurant, denote a photozone or be placed behind a young one.
The use of fabric in the design of the room, makes it possible to give the wedding a certain color. Depending on the theme of the wedding, you can use different types of textiles, among which:
- fatin;
- organza;
- silk;
- velvet;
- natural fabrics.
The fabric is used to decorate the wedding arch, chairs. Also with the help of pieces of textiles you can decorate the ceiling. To do this, one edge of the canvas is attached to the center of the ceiling, and the other to one of the walls of the room. All other pieces of fabric are also located from the center to the edges of the hall. Using this method, you can create a feeling of ease and romance of the event. Cutting canvas can also be used to decorate tables.
Very original looks, if the table is covered with a tablecloth of bright color, and a layer of translucent tulle is laid out on top.
With the help of pieces of fabric you can visually zonate the solemn hall. For example, creating a zone with tables, a separate area for dancing and entertainment, as well as a place where you can take a picture for memory.
Fresh flowers
Fresh flowers are an invariable attribute of the wedding. The bride includes them in her bouquet, and the guests do not imagine how they can come to the celebration without a bouquet. Live flowers can be used in the decoration of the hall, to create a special atmosphere of celebration. A particular type of plant is selected depending on the preferences of the bride, and also based on the general theme of the celebration. Flowers are used in the design of tables for young and guests, woven into a wedding arch or placed in flowerpots along the perimeter of the hall. You can use one kind of plant or mix compositions from field and exotic buds.
To decorate the hall, you can use electric garlands, and made of flowers or paper figures. Electric garlands can be hung to the ceiling or hidden under tablecloths. In a subdued light, the illuminated tablecloth will create a special romantic atmosphere. Floral and paper garlands can be made independently from improvised means. Such products are used to decorate a photo zone or a wedding arch.
Gypsum letters are sold in pure white, but on order they can be painted in any shade, including the one chosen by the main color of the wedding. You can paint letters yourself and purchase acrylic paint. You can use letters that symbolize the initials of the names of the bride and groom or acquire ready-made words or whole sentences. For example, on each table you can arrange the letters that make up the words "Wedding of Ani and Pasha" or the phrase "Happiness to the young". You can also put only one letter of these phrases, and then announce a competition to collect the full proposal.
Свадебная арка используется для проведения выездной росписи или устанавливается на заднем фоне молодых, в момент торжественного банкета. Arch украшается шарами, живыми цветками, тканью, бумажными фигурами.
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The decoration of the arch fully corresponds to the chosen theme of the celebration.
For example, when organizing a wedding in a marine style, the arch can be decorated with shells and corals, as well as pearl beads. When holding a themed seasonal wedding, you can add real fruits or vegetables to the decor of the arch, as well as any other decor elements.
Decoration of wedding tables
Wedding banquet is the longest stage of celebration. It is on the tables that the guests pay more attention, so they also need to complement the overall style of the holiday.
The table of the bride and groom
This is the main table on the holiday. Usually a table for young people stands out even visually, as it is located in the center of the hall. In order to emphasize the peculiarity of this place, it is customary to decorate it more than others. So, the surface of the table is covered with a colored tablecloth, which is decorated with a cloth, paper figures or electric garlands. Over the tablecloth there are large floral arrangements. Usually on a table of young put pair bottles of a champagne, and also decorated glasses for a newly-married couple. The table can also be decorated with candles, statuettes or plaster letters.
Guest tables and chairs
The guests' tables are decorated in the same style as the place for the young, but a little more modest. In addition, guest cards are placed on the tables, so that all relatives and friends can easily find their place on the holiday. Depending on the theme of the celebration, guest cards are also differently designed. For example, at a wedding in the Middle Ages, such cards can be executed on aged paper, which is hidden in a pouch.
The chairs in the restaurant can be hidden in white cases if their appearance is completely depressing. In all other cases, the task of the decorator is to emphasize the beauty of the furniture. To do this, you can tie a few ribbons or beads. It will be appropriate to place on the back of a small bouquet of wild flowers, if it corresponds to the style of the event.
Decoration of a buffet table
Buffet table is made according to the same principles as a usual banquet table. The only difference is that all attributes must be miniature, in order not to clutter the table. So, instead of a large floral composition, it is better to put a small vase with an original decorated bouquet. Dishes that are served as a buffet table must correspond to the theme of the celebration. For example, when organizing a holiday in the Russian style, you can put a samovar and bagels, pancakes on the buffet table, to which you can offer different fillings.
Wedding photozone
For carrying out of photos it is possible to establish a paper or fabric cloth which decorate under the general stylist. It looks original if the names of the bride and groom are written on the canvas, as well as the date of their marriage. On the ground you can install large flowerpots or make a stylistic composition.
We decorate ourselves
If the wedding budget is limited, and the ideas for decorating the hall for a celebration are very large, some attributes can be made by hand. First, such elements will be no worse than store items. Secondly, it is possible to make the paraphernalia precisely such that it ideally corresponds to the theme of the ceremony.
Decor of glasses
The wedding will require three pairs of glasses - for painting, for young people and for witnesses. To decorate will require a very small set of accessories:
- degreaser;
- glue gun;
- beads and rhinestones;
- figures of polymer clay;
- tapes, patches and other elements.
Before starting work, the surface of the glasses is cleaned, greasy marks and stains are removed from it. Beads, figurines are attached with a glue gun. How to decorate - a flight of fantasy, you can lay out the stones in a certain sequence or make their placer.
Bottle decoration
At the celebration it is customary to order several specially designed bottles - decorated in the style of the bride and groom, alcohol, which will be sung for the first and fifth anniversary of the wedding. In wedding salons, these bottles are quite expensive, so you can make them yourself. Choosing materials for decoration, you need to adhere to the main theme and colors of the celebration. There are several design options:
Decoration with ribbons | For this, a glue gun and satin ribbons of several colors are used. Work begins with the neck of the bottle. To do this, the tape is applied obliquely so that one edge overlaps another, one centimeter. The edges of the tape are glued together. So, step by step it is necessary to cover all the neck. In the place where the bottle ceases to be beveled, the tapes are glued evenly. In the course of work, the color of the ribbon needs to be changed, imitating the suits of the bride and groom. Uneven work can be hidden with bright decorative elements. |
Velvet decoration | Before the beginning of work it is necessary to make a pattern of the future cover. After the appropriate measurements of the bottle and drawing of the future elements, the pattern is transferred to velvet. As a result, you should get a cover that can be easily put on the bottle. In the future, velvet can be decorated with beads, ribbons and rhinestones. |
Acrylic paints | So, you can make drawings of swans, create silhouettes of the bride and groom. |
At work it is possible to combine several techniques of registration of wedding bottles, but it is desirable that they are combined with glasses and the general theme of a holiday.
Garlands станут идеальным украшением для свадебной фотозоны или могут использоваться для оформления свадебного зала. Бумажные гирлянды можно создать самостоятельно, для чего используется разноцветная бумага, клей, нитки, ножницы. Перед началом работы, нужно выбрать цвета, в которых будет выполнена гирлянда. Далее, из плотного картона нужно вырезать заготовку, которая будет служить основой для вырезания бумажных деталей. Потом, используя основу вырезаются заготовки из бумаги. Если изготовливаются бумажные элементы нескольких цветов, то желательно сразу раскладывать их в несколько коробок, чтобы не запутаться. Фигурки можно делать объемные, склеивая несколько деталей между собой или оставлять одинарными.
Making a wedding is a complicated process. It is necessary to take into account the wishes of the groom with the bride, their individual style, the place of celebration and the time of the year when the wedding takes place. However, if you set the goal and think carefully about all the details, you can create a truly original decoration of the hall.