Built-in wardrobe in the hallway - one of the options for furniture, enjoying great popularity, thanks, in the first place, its ability to save the most square meters, leaving as much free space. The hallway is the premise of the apartment, which certainly needs a store for clothes. Since the usual wardrobes are inconvenient because of the swing doors, and also because they occupy quite a lot of space, the closet is increasingly used in the interior. They have their own versions, they can be made of different materials and decorated with a particular style. All these basic questions, as well as how to better equip the interior space of the closet in the hallway, we will consider in this article.
Built-in wardrobe in the hallway: the main types
As already mentioned, the main advantage of this design is the ability to gently use space, while leaving more space. Therefore, the closet in the hallway is usually located in the corner or in the niche of the wall. Starting from this, we will consider in detail the positive characteristics and disadvantages of these models.
Built-in corner wardrobe in the hallway: photo in the interior
Usually, the space in the corner of the hallway is difficult to use in a useful way, but to place there the closet will be the most profitable option. Such constructions do not have side walls and a roof - they are walls and ceiling, to which, in fact, the facade is attached. The built-in corner wardrobe in the hallway can have even large dimensions and at the same time be quite compact. If you install it from the entrance door - all the rest of the space will remain free, so this model is widely used for small hallways.
Read also: How to choose doors for a built-in wardrobe compartment (+20 photos)
A variety of this design, developed recently, but already won the confidence, is a radial corner cabinet in the hallway. Due to the smoothness of the bend of the structure, this model has more interior space, as well as an original appearance, allowing it to be used in various interior design solutions for the hallway (as, indeed, any room). Such a cabinet can become a real "highlight" of the interior.
The disadvantages of such corner models include the need to equip corner shelves, which are not quite roomy.
Closet built-in niche in the hallway
Для владельцев прихожей, оборудованной нишей или кладовой, оптимальным вариантом станет использование этого пространства под шкаф-купе. Closet built-in niche in the hallway позволит организовать вместительное и удобное хранилище, не заняв при этом дополнительных квадратных метров.
Since the walls and the top overlap does not have a built-in closet in the hallway, its price will be much less than a full-fledged design. Such cabinets are represented by a wide variety of designs - therefore, to choose the model that most successfully fits into the interior is not at all difficult. Quite often the doors of such cabinets are equipped with mirror surfaces, which has several positive qualities: firstly, it looks beautiful and elegant, and secondly, as is known, mirrors are capable of expanding the space at a visual level, and thirdly, they serve in their direct appointment, since leaving the house, each person, of course, tries once again to make sure of the neatness of his appearance.
Sliding wardrobes in the hall are built in with a mirror, to achieve the effect of double space increase, they win only if the wall opposite is a free plane, not loaded with shelves and things. Otherwise, the effect will be exactly the opposite. The mirror surface can be decorated in every possible way - it can be laser painting, sandblasting, etc.
From the presence of mirror surfaces, the built-in wardrobes in the narrow hallway most benefit. Quite often you can meet the layout of apartments with a long corridor, at the end of which there is a kind of impasse, forming a niche, which is equipped under the cabinet.
As for the disadvantages of sliding-door wardrobes built into the niche, this is their immobility. This design is stationary - it can not be moved or deployed anywhere if the hallway is converted, however, due to the variety of materials, it is always possible to change the exterior facade, to adjust absolutely to any style of the interior - be it classic or modern minimalism.
Built-in wardrobe compartment in the hallway to order: choose the material
The first thing to decide on before ordering the built-in closet is what material it will be made of. This is very important, because beauty is beauty, but I want furniture to last as long as possible. For this, the best options are natural wood, chipboard and MDF.
Built-in wardrobe in the hallway of wood
Built-in wardrobe in the hallway of wood имеет массу позитивных характеристик, а именно:
- strength and resistance to various external factors;
- Aesthetic appearance with a natural coloring and a pattern of a frame;
- durability, as furniture from a natural array, with proper operation, can last for several decades;
- natural properties of natural material: odor, texture;
- high environmental friendliness. In the original, wood does not contain toxic and dangerous elements for the human body.
At the same time, these positive qualities directly result in a high construction cost. Such wood species as oak, pine, walnut, cherry, beech, ash and others are used as wood.
If everything with a natural tree seems to be clear, then what exactly is a particleboard and MDF is a frequently asked question.
Built-in wardrobe in the entrance hall from the chipboard
Built-in wardrobe in the entrance hall from the chipboard имеет наиболее низкую стоимость. ДСП — древесно-стружечная плита, изготовленная методом горячей прессовки древесной стружки с введением специальных добавок, концентрация которых может некоторым образом сказаться на токсичности материала. В изготовлении корпусной мебели, в частности, шкафов, часто применяется ламинированная ДСП, которая в процессе производства покрывается слоем меламиновой пленки, обеспечивающей надежную защиту от влаги и механических повреждений, а также хороший внешний вид. Фасады для встраиваемых шкафов из ДСП ламинируют или облицовывают натуральным шпоном дуба, сосны или ясеня.
MDF is a more modern version of particle board, which is more environmentally friendly, because it contains much less formaldehyde resins (MDF - transliteration from the English "Medium Density Fibreboard", which means "medium density fibreboard"). The surface of MDF, as a rule, is very smooth and smooth.
Decoration of the facades of the built-in wardrobe
The decoration of the facades plays a decisive role in creating a unique interior, style and general mood. In the old days, furniture was made according to standards and was pretty much the same. Now, there is the possibility of a huge choice, and a built-in wardrobe in the hallway to order, you can make it as much as possible to meet the individual wishes of the customer.
First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the cabinet must correspond to the stylistic direction and be combined with other furniture. We have already talked about the use of mirror surfaces and their advantages, as well as on veneering from different types of trees. In addition, simple or acrylic glass of various shades, plastic, stained glass, which look exclusive and interesting, inserts made of bamboo and rattan (these materials have always been valued for their beauty, durability and ecological purity) can be used for decoration of facades. Different combinations are possible. The photo facade of the cabinet will perfectly decorate the facade of the cabinet, modern technologies of applying which make it possible to create unique images that stay on the surface for a long time, do not fade or burn out.
Built-in closet in the hall: photo inside the structure with a description of the recommended elements
It's not uncommon, when home craftsmen are going to design a built-in closet in the hall with their own hands. Here, some knowledge will be required to make the inner filling maximally functional. In most cases, the internal space is divided into several zones. In the central part, there may be one or more bars under the outer clothing. Here the depth of the cabinet plays a role: if it is relatively large - the bar is better placed parallel to the door, and, if there is not so much space - perpendicular. For shallow structures, less than 40 cm, you can use retractable systems with bars - pantographs.
From the sides are arranged shelves for the storage of sweaters, raglans, bags, cosmetics, towels, etc. In the lower part, there are shoe compartments. Here, too, space is often allocated for the storage of clothes and house care items (vacuum cleaner, ironing board, etc.). The top occupies, so-called mezzanine, where not often used accessories or headgear can be stored.
The built-in wardrobe in the hallway can have a completely different set. In general, in equipment "stuffing", an important role is played by the size of the design itself, where you can fit certain zones, as well as personal preferences of the owners of the apartment.
Concluding our review, I would like to note that the built-in wardrobes in the hallway, photos of which can be seen in our selection, have a beautiful face of modern models. They are able to create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, while significantly saving space. These are excellent compact storage facilities, the useful volume of which is twice the volume of traditional designs, and the variety of facade materials will complement any style of interior design.