Cases-compartments: the design of facades +50 photo examples

Modern interior with a wardrobe compartment

The stylistics of modern interiors often involve the use of sliding doors. This allows you to save space that does not "eat" the opening flaps. The designers took the idea of ​​such design in the West from the trains. Capacious elements of furniture for storage of things received a capacious name - a wardrobe. At the same time, the universal attribute of the headset is enclosure or built-in, and the facade decoration is versatile. Furniture made from materials that are suitable for style is distinguished by its beauty and practicality, so we will consider its variants further.

The disadvantages of the same product include the need to prepare a place. This is due to the fact that uneven planes can make it difficult to open the doors. To extend the sliding mechanism as long as possible, the owners should take care of the alignment of the sides. To eliminate distortions, plasterboard and floor screed are used.

Depending on the location of the built-in wardrobes, the following types of this type of cabinet furniture are distinguished:

  • Built in niche. A popular option, because it adapts to the configuration of the room. Used either a natural niche, or self-equipped with plasterboard. The key point here is the exact coincidence of the dimensions. The slightest negligence threatens premature failure of the sliding mechanism.

Classic style in the hallway

Attention! When using drywall it is important to remember that the material can not withstand the pressure of heavyweight leaflets. Therefore, it is recommended to equip it with only small structures.

Mirrored closet in the bedroom

This type of closet is installed even in a narrow hallway, not to mention the spacious rooms of the house.

  • Built-in corner. Ultra-modern models elegantly decorate the space. Among the advantages of the fashionable option is called a hidden dignity in the form of volume - more than it seems at first glance. The location in the corner allows you to effectively use the area of ​​the room. Stylish looks placement of a deep wardrobe in the corner of the bedroom. Harmoniously also looks like a corner construction in a square hallway. She brings an aesthetic dissonance in the decor, forming the perception of the guest. The filling of these models of sliding-door wardrobes is multifaceted, as is the decoration of the facade. For example, an attractive specimen of the outer facade is the radius wings.
  • Built-in wall-to-wall. Gradually gaining popularity of the arrangement implies the exploitation of the entire length of the plane without window openings. This closet is considered a modification of the first option, with the only difference that it looks cumbersome. Large designs are designed to store a lot of things, so they should be located in spacious rooms. Usually such space is a long hallway or narrow corridor. Since the width of the product is quite large, the material is subject to increased demands. The rail fasteners must be ready for a significant weight of the doors. To emphasize the quality of embedded models, designers recommend using clarified types of facades. The ideal option is a mirror finish, visually increasing the space of the same corridor.
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Internal organization

Despite the general similarity with the usual items of the furniture set, the internal arrangement of the built-in models differs in a number of interesting features. We can name the following points:

  • Method of attachment;
  • A lot of different elements in the absence of the usual details;
  • Open shelves, etc.

Modular type of shelves allows you to rearrange them at your discretion. In addition to finishing the exterior facade, designers also try to decorate the boxes themselves, when appropriate. Depending on the preferences of the owners, even domestic appliances can be placed inside. Fashion trend is the location of a thin TV or audio system behind the sliding doors. Such innovations largely depend on the wall parameters and the purpose of the closet. If financial resources permit, the owner can provide in it a place for a wide variety of things.

Corner wardrobe in the hall

Very important. Before installing the built-in model, it is important to calculate all sizes in advance, so that the internal arrangement corresponds to the expected load on it.

At the preparatory stage it is also desirable to determine the number of internal elements. This will allow you to determine the cost, because there is a directly proportional relationship. Among the recommendations of professionals it is possible to highlight the filling of the closet-compartment with those or other things. For example, the content of bed linen and kitchen textiles is appropriately looked at the lower shelves, which are characterized by their width. For lingerie, retractable systems are often used. But for the attributes of everyday clothing better suited barbells with tremps. Upper shelves can be treated in two ways: either use them to store headgear and gloves, or to place travel bags.

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Materials for the facades of sliding-door wardrobes

Thanks to the use of various materials for finishing the facade, modern models of wardrobes look extremely stylish. Cumbersome designs fit perfectly into any interior, whether it's Scandinavian minimalism or elegant classics. At the same time, design refinements must necessarily take into account the functional purpose of the rooms. Since even the most luxurious mirror exterior of the closet will quickly become unusable when placed in the children's room. Similarly, we can say about the absurdity of placing a large-sized product in a small room. It is important to take care of the reliability of the assembly. Let's consider each variant:

  • Chipboard

Популярным вариантом для производства изделия считается использование древесно-стружечных плит. Достаточно прочный материал отличается своей бюджетной стоимостью, неприхотливостью в уходе и природным происхождением. Для имитации фактуры настоящего дерева, элементы конструкции покрываются специальным лаком. Богатство оттенков при этом дополняется увеличением долговечности материала. Единственным недостатком консервативной технологии является невозможность создания изысканного декора из Chipboard.

Stylish wardrobe from dsp

  • MDF

Многих привлекает экологическая чистота и пластичность материала. Несмотря на общее сходство с Chipboard, склеивание мелкой стружки здесь достигается с помощью парафина, а не формальдегида. Мягкость вещества также обусловливает любовь дизайнеров, которые предпочитают работать с податливым материалом. У них появляется возможность создавать любую дизайнерскую форму для шкафа. Отделка при этом может быть как глянцевой, так и матовой.

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Светлый шкаф-купе из MDF

  • Mirror

Отделка фасада с помощью зеркала стоит несколько дороже, чем оба предыдущих варианта. Однако она имеет целый ряд преимуществ, которыми не могут похвастаться MDF и Chipboard. Это и универсальность декора, позволяющая вписать зеркальный шкаф-купе в любую стилистику интерьера, и зрительное увеличение пространства. С помощью зеркальных плоскостей можно также насытить помещение дневным светом. Чаще всего такой вариант используется для оформления узких коридоров, чтобы с помощью отражения визуально расширить пространство. К тому же никогда не помешает перед выходом из дома полюбоваться на себя в зеркало. Для защиты от различных деформаций, зеркало покрывается специальной пленкой с толщиной в пару мм.

Closet with a mirror in the hallway

  • Natural wood

The luxury of natural material is favorably emphasized by decorative carvings. Expensive invoice can also be finished beautifully stucco. The reliability of this option lies in the very relation to the tree. The warmth and comfort that this classic material gives is incomparable. That is why the decor of the room with a cabinet made of natural wood is often made in an aristocratic style. Usually it's a bedroom or a living room. Those rooms that are rarely decorated in a minimalist or hi-tech style. For a tree, quiet interior colors are much more suitable.

Interior of the bedroom with a sliding door wardrobe made from natural wood

  • Lakomat

Более практичным, по сравнению с зеркалом, выглядит использование матированного стекла. Его полупрозрачная поверхность позволяет примерно представлять, в каком месте находится нужная вещь. Однако детали содержимого оно при этом хорошо скрывает. Достаточно неприхотливый материал легко чистится. Его используют в небольших комнатах, поскольку он способен зрительно увеличивать пространство. Однако для эксплуатации в прихожей лучше все-таки использовать зеркало. Lakomat же оставить на откуп гостиной или уютной спальне. Внешний дизайн материала характеризуется отсутствием броской цветовой палитры.

Interior with sliding-door wardrobe from laminate

  • Лакобель

Another option for using glass in the interior of a dwelling is an opaque lacobel. The name of the material speaks for itself, as it implies a varnish coating. Since the layer of varnish can be any color, the owners can easily enter the product in tone of style. Exquisite decoration looks good in a modern interior with minimalist decor.

Black-and-red wardrobe from the lacquer in the interior of the bedroom

  • Rattan

To create a relaxed atmosphere in the room you can use environmentally friendly material. Rattan has a lot of advantages that attract the majority of adherents of a cozy atmosphere. He looks perfect in country style. Durable material does not require special care, retaining all its properties for dozens of years.

A room in the style of minimalism with a closet from rattan

  • Bamboo

Its use has many similarities with the previous version. However, the eco-design of the premises with a bamboo wardrobe provides owners with more options for decoration. It easily fits both in the country style of the room, and in a modern design with ethnic motives. An unusual facade is attached to wood-chip panels together with fabric strips. At the same time, the cost of such models of a furniture set is quite budgetary, so that everyone can afford it.

Bamboo wardrobe in the bedroom

  • Plastic

The modern plastic is also considered to be an inexpensive option for finishing the doors. Practical material is distinguished by its plasticity and variety of assortment. A wide palette of colors is complemented by the ability to make the plastic translucent. Depending on the overall interior design, the color can be glossy or matte. Modern design uses plastic for minimalist interior decor with futuristic motifs. Contrary to prejudice, reliable material does not look cheap.

Closet-coupe made of plastic in a modern interior

  • Decoracryl

A harmonious combination of synthetic and natural components implies the use of acrylic panels in combination with the same bamboo, green leaves or even seashells. On a matte or transparent surface, decorative elements are fixed, invariably attracting attention. Such a closet is often made to order, because the cost is somewhat biting. However, the unusual style of the facade makes a proper impression on the guests, if the furniture is located in the hall.

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Built-in wardrobe from dokoril

  • Leather

An interesting option for the finish of the wings is the skin. Thanks to the use of natural or artificial material, the doors of the sliding-door wardrobe acquire a solid and costly appearance. Exquisite facade can last a very long time. Usually it equips the offices and libraries with it. You can often find a combination of leather with metal or glass.

Modern design room with a wardrobe with leather trim

Attention! To create a unique design of the room, turn to modern manufacturing techniques for the facade. After careful planning of the individual order, the owners choose the stained-glass windows, photo-facades or sand-blasting technique of the image. Expensive options can emphasize the aesthetic taste.

Bedroom interior with white furniture

  • Stained-glass window

Такой фасад выглядит не только стильно, но и дорого. Его преимуществом является также то, что он легко вписывается как в классический, так и в современный стиль интерьера. Stained-glass windowи часто используют для шкафов-купе, размещенных в многолюдных комнатах. Красивое оформление обогащает обстановку живостью своих отражений и красок. Добавляет декору вычурной эксклюзивности.

Closet and stained glass in the bedroom with furniture of the same design

  • Sandblasting Technology

It means drawing a drawing under certain conditions. River sand forms a discreet design under great pressure. Due to the use of special tools, sophisticated technology is expensive. But such furniture is easy to fit into the interior of the home.

Sliding wardrobe with sandblast

  • Photofasad

The use of photo printing technology allows the owners of the wardrobe to create a unique decor in their home. Any photo is used provided that the facade of the closet is combined with the color palette of the remaining items of the furniture set. For example, for a small room should not be used on the doors of large ornamental patterns. It is better to create a discreet minimalist design with panoramic images. Matte family photos will ideally look at the furniture in the bedroom.

Closet with a photo facade in the hallway

Variants of design of sliding-door wardrobes for different rooms

Here we will present the recommendations of professionals in the arrangement of certain rooms in the house.

Design for anteroom

For this, the premises are selected the most capacious product. With compact dimensions, the closet can visually make the hallway larger. It is enough only to equip a concise facade with the help of a discreet mirror. The design is harmoniously combined with the functional purpose of the headset. If the hallway is characterized by large dimensions, the product is recommended to be made in the whole wall. Better fit the built-in model.

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Design for the living room

В большой комнате акцент делается на эстетике. Чем привлекательнее фасад шкафа-купе, тем элегантней будет обстановка в доме. Вместительное изделие идеально смотрится с отделкой в пескоструйной технике. Если же в зале преобладает классический стиль интерьера, то имеет смысл приобрести натуральное дерево. Массивное изделие будет легко комбинировать со спокойной цветовой гаммой классики. Для минималистской стилистики лучше применять зеркальные или пластиковые варианты фасадов. Для обустройства в деревенском стиле стоит отдать предпочтение ротангу или бамбуку. А вот Chipboard или MDF лучше оставить на откуп другим комнатам, поскольку для гостиной эти материалы недостаточно дорого смотрятся.

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Design for bedroom

To decorate the bedroom with a beautiful wardrobe, you need to take care of the correct arrangement of the product. The installation of a corner model of the built-in type will allow the hostess to create her own personal boudoir. At the same time, decorative decoration of the flaps can be any. It is acceptable to use both a paintball and a photo facade. The latter attracts by the fact that the presence in the private space of warm, family photos raises the mood of their owners. However, even a plastic closet can serve as a bedroom decor. There are no restrictions. All at the discretion of the owners.

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The variety of models and configurations of modern wardrobes allows owners to create a unique decor in their home. Capacious products with attractive facades perform several functions at once.