Home offices, marked by an elegant feminine atmosphere - the result of a combination of decorative and functional elements. Stylish solutions for a productive workplace at home can be found in such details as custom-made shelves, comfortable chairs for those who have to work many hours in a row or house plants that will purify the air and thoughts when you so need inspiration.
30 creative ideas
It does not matter how your workplace looks: maybe it's a spacious study, or maybe just a quiet corner with a table - the essence of your work remains unchanged. So why not afford to enjoy the elegant, sculptural design of the working interior, which not only tells about your personality, but also complements it?
If you live in a small apartment and you need to use the living space with maximum efficiency, the niche can become a place where you can place a mezzanine bed, and under it - a compact home office. Even if there is not enough space in the room to store things, a pair of vintage wooden boxes is suitable for storing magazines and papers.
If there is not a niche in your house that is spacious enough to accommodate all the things necessary for work, several shelves and drawers can help you. In a small office located in a small niche, as in the photo above, the correct organization of the workspace is a key condition for maintaining the working environment.
A small home office does not require much space, but definitely will require a considerable amount of creativity. The idea of placing books on vertical shelves next to an elegant work desk and decorating the logs on the wooden stairs rails really seems like a great solution for your home office, right?
The corner of the living room can also become a workplace. Carefully selected elements of decor, combined in style with the decor of the entire room, make this home office an integral part of the overall design style. A comfortable office chair is an extremely important detail for those who spend a lot of time at the desk, so choose a chair that would provide comfort during work, and looked aesthetically pleasing at the same time.
Turning a small niche into a home office is a complicated and enjoyable process. Custom made furniture will help to limit the working area, in which everything is in its place, and you feel only comfort and peace.
A home office in a women's style is not only the most necessary. For example, a computer, good lighting and a socket for connecting all the devices you need for work, but also a color scheme that supports balance, textures that create comfort and furniture that place everything you need to organize your work activity and decorate the workplace . A small home office in the picture above is a vivid example of attractive simplicity.
But when you find a place for your home office, it's not a problem at all, and your office occupies a whole room, and you have ample opportunities to create a terrific, inspirational workspace, in which your needs coincide with your desires. The interior of the home office in the photo above, flooded with natural light reflecting off the creamy surface of the furniture, was supplemented by gray walls creating a balance with too bright lighting. The result is a cozy, soothing working atmosphere.
By choosing light gray tones and adding feminine details - such as a shiny pillow on the armchair or decorative crowns of cream color - you will emphasize your attention to the details creating a comfortable work environment. In the interior of the office in the photo above were added glamorous notes, using a table with mirror faces, and a living orchid and carpet with a plant pattern set the main design motif.
Another way to add feminine notes to the workspace is the combination of soothing nuances with natural light. This Long and narrow cabinet with two working areas was spacious enough to accommodate two chairs: a great way to add comfort and style to the space that you so often use.
Corner home offices represent a perfect example of adapting the workspace to your own needs and placing all your working trivia. Good lighting allows you to keep everything you need in the field of visibility and at the same time maintain a positive atmosphere, even in the darkest corners. Can you imagine such a workplace in your home?
Careless elegance - that's what makes a home office really cozy. It's not that you need to pretend that you are in a real office, but rather, create a pleasant and inspiring working atmosphere in which your dreams come true. Therefore, organize everything in your home office according to your own taste and needs, but do not forget to maintain a relaxed atmosphere.
Since the home office is a place where you spend a lot of time, it is worth paying special attention to both physical and mental comfort. The organization is the main condition for a cheerful start to the working day, and it also helps to manage time correctly. Therefore, the choice of baskets, boxes, colorful organizers for files and documents will not only save such valuable time, but also create an order that you want to regularly support.
Bright colors combined with a simplified style of interior give individuality and playfulness to the home office atmosphere. Creative people work much better in space, not overcrowded with unnecessary trifles. The example in the picture above demonstrates how charming the home office can be in which color replaces the heap of things.
Books, family photos and a place to store perfectly coexist, forming a home office and creating a balance between a cozy home and the necessary working atmosphere. The creation of such a special home cabinet, inspired by ideas and stories from books, seems an incredibly beautiful beginning of the work path.
The space filled with light promotes openness and lack of tension, reminding us of the world outside the windows. Office full of sunlight and consisting of carefully selected details and natural tones, exudes vitality and gives even more mental strength every time we look away from the computer screen.
Almost in the hospital, a clean, neat interior, furnished with bright decor items, is a truly interesting workplace. In the photo above, the white table standing near the window sofa is probably the ideal place for writers and thinkers, for those who find inspiration in books and nature. And yet this table looks very convenient for writing letters - hobbies, which are now considered part of the past, but in fact, it is part of our ability to communicate with someone on a completely different level than the one we are used to at a fast pace of modern life.
When the design of the interior faces simplicity and productivity, truly inspiring home offices are born. In a modern dwelling, the working space is becoming increasingly important as technology and our understanding of the world develop. Work at home is no longer considered as something wrong, or something unprofessional, and we quickly learn to look at our own home and as a living space, and as a working space at the same time. The boundary between these two worlds passes in our perception.
Art has a significant impact on everyday life, whether you recognize it or not. By decorating a rather boring workspace with a colorful picture, you can completely change the aesthetic appeal of your home office. A small workplace in the photo above, fused between the bookcase and the window, helps you concentrate on work and at the same time leaves room for inspiration. Here's how the workspace does not look overloaded with details.
Let's move on to more bold design of office interior: the cabinet on the picture above has the ability to carry us to the world of important details. Bright feminine colors blend with the brick wall and the calm tone of the wooden floor. Sunlight reflects off the metal countertop, giving this eclectic work space even more bulk.
If your home office is spacious enough to allow both you and your visitor to feel comfortable decorating it with personal things, cheerful colors and colors, you will feel such comfort that it never occurs to you that you can be anywhere, except at home. The bright natural light reflected from the white walls was softened by colorful details.
Absence of a lack of space for storage of things contributes to the organization of the working space necessary for any office.
It may also happen that there is not enough space in your home to organize even a small study, but you can find a place that was not used before and create a small workspace on it. As an example, you can take a photo above: a simple table, a matching cabinet with drawers with drawers - and a place has appeared where the owners of the house spend their working hours. And if you think that such a home office takes only a small part of the mezzanine ... That's what it is Creative home design in a confined space!
The room, completely turned into a home office, easily and simply turns into an elegant, refined space for work and business meetings. In the office in the picture above one of the walls is intended for placing books, decorations and personal belongings, leaving the desktop in a modern style completely free of excess. A colorful mat with a geometric pattern destroys the monotony of white and gray colors, giving this inspiring work space greater bulkiness.
The idea to turn an attic into a workplace and a reading room is remarkable for several reasons: an attic with bright natural light looks great, being alone is not a problem, because your family is unlikely to bother you at work, and there is usually enough space to accommodate everything you need. The way the interior of the attic home office is decorated in the photo above, with ease, stimulates the imagination. Here the Scandinavian simplicity is combined with carefully selected pieces of furniture, talking about modernity and functionality.
A home office that boasts of access to open air outside the walls of the house is a real dream, because you have the opportunity to destroy the monotony of the workflow by pausing in a busy work schedule. And because the color and bright sunlight get along so well with each other, a home office that exudes femininity and elegance with a playful color scheme is the key to a truly inspiring design of the working interior.
Bright, with high ceilings, the home office in the picture above was designed specifically for two people working side by side. In this work space there is enough space for storing the necessary things organized in order to meet the needs of the owners.
Inspiration is in all shapes, sizes and shades. Look, for example, at neat home office in this picture: here everything reigns white, emphasizing the bright pictures lying here and there, as if the owner of the house had just left to take a glass of water, and was about to return to work. Inspired by Scandinavian freshness, this office demonstrates Jacobsen's chair covered with a soft cover as a detail of the interior. It is supplemented by a large number of places to accommodate things. It's just a dream, not an office, is it?
Look at this office in a strict, clean design and with nice details in the form of decorative houseplants. It exudes a sense of pure joy that surrounds you, in combination with a practically organized space in which it seems to work much easier. What a sense of freedom appears when you understand that you can make your own schedule, and work in the comfort of your own home!
Feminine and playful, home office in the photo above shows a small office table and similar in style cast plastic chair Eames and a wall decoration in the form of a hat Juju (Cameroonian hat is a symbol of prosperity, personifying refinement, beauty and fragility of birds). Simple, small, inspiring, this beautifully decorated cabinet is feminine to the last detail thanks to the use of cheerful colors combined with floral and geometric patterns.
Who does not like a drop of exotics in life? The combination of an elegant white table with wallpaper with a floral pattern adorning the wall with transparent shelves, and complementing this combination of exotic details can be the answer to your question about how to decorate your workspace.
When your desktop is flooded with bright sunlight, you can be sure that all your work duties will be performed with the same ease. The home office in this photo was created by the graphic designer Julia Kostreva for herself: a very personal workspace in which you can work on creative projects without leaving home.
And what is your style?
Whatever work you do, if it requires the organization of a workspace, make sure that all the functional and stylish details fully inspire you. This is your home, your workspace, your home office. All you need is a little inspiration to start a fruitful work!
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