For chocolate is to thank the inhabitants of South America. From cocoa beans they made a cold drink, which was called "bitter water". In the Aztec language, the name sounded laconic "chocoatl" or "chocolatl". Until now, we have used the adapted version of this word: its meaning has remained unchanged. The ground cocoa beans were mixed with water with the addition of chili pepper and fragrant herbs. The drink was poured from the vessel into the vessel in order to obtain a characteristic foam, which was considered to be the most valuable in it. As for the taste, the chocoatl did not look much like modern chocolates. They drank bitter water during rituals. The shamans used it to try to reach a state of trance. Generously treated with chokoatl and future sacrifice - the central character of the bloody rite. For Europe chocolate was first discovered by Christopher Columbus, the same one who confused South America with India. Together with potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco leaves, he brought cocoa beans to the ship. However, the overseas seeds of the unlucky traveler were not interested at the court and the discovery of chocolate in the Old World was postponed for almost a hundred years.
toc_container" class="toc_white have_bullets">Content
- Characteristics of color and its psychological perception
- Main advantages and disadvantages
- With what to combine
- Walls, floor, ceiling or furniture?
- What styles are used?
- Interior Features
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Entrance hall
- Conclusion
Characteristics of color and its psychological perception
Everyone knows the expression "life in chocolate", that is, to be fully secured in all respects, to find your own happiness. No one would have thought half a century ago that this phraseology would be treated literally: live in a "sweet" interior. Why do many choose this color for the decoration of their apartments? It turns out that chocolate, like many shades of brown, has a special "magic", a magnetic attraction that fascinates and hypnotizes a person. In the decoration and decoration of the room, which is framed in "sweet" motives, it is easy to relax, tune in to a positive mood, to have a calm, frank conversation, to throw off the accumulated burden of everyday problems. Chocolate color is more likely to be calming, neutral shades. He is preferred by conservatives in the soul, who do not need bright, catchy innovations and shocking. These people are confident in their abilities and know their own worth. They do not need to rush to fashion, in order to keep up with the times, or rush into the pool with the head, for the sake of achieving the desired. Chocolate - the color of the people held, we can say that this is a "status shade". However, do not think that the tone is suitable only for the interiors of apartments, where people live in their ages. Together with the mischievous shades (orange, pink, mint, lime, turquoise), chocolate opens on the other side, as an ultra-trendy and active color. It's as if he will throw off his critical importance and from elegance will pass to moderate frivolity. This is the main feature of the chocolate color: its role in the interior depends on the overall stylistic picture and tonal palette of the situation, this shade of the station wagon and chameleon.
Main advantages and disadvantages
Like any other shade, chocolate has its pros and cons when used in the interior. The main advantages of color include:
- Ability not to get bored. If the interior is moderately "saturated" with sweetness, then it will remain fresh for many years. Fashion will change, time will flee, and the situation will remain relevant.
- Age versatility. Chocolate chooses both the younger generation, and the elderly.
- Pleasant associations with desserts and "sweet" life. The development of the most "happy" hormone (serotonin) chocolate walls, curtains or sofa certainly will not provoke, as does the tile of delicacies, but subliminal parallels with it will be held.
- Dominance in any combination.
Among the few shortcomings of color can be noted:
- Not suitable for losing weight. Strange will sound, but subconscious associations with desserts can play an evil thing with those who sit on diets. Restrictions in food are usually associated with irritability, and the chocolate room will unobtrusively arouse appetite, and simultaneously with it also aggression.
- In small rooms, the prevalence of color is unacceptable. He will make the room even smaller. At competent use shades of chocolate are deprived lacks.
With what to combine
As mentioned above, chocolate is referred to universal flowers, which can be combined with almost any option. He is often confused with brown - the closest spectral relative, but the shades are different. This is especially noticeable in combinations. Traditional brown does not have such a rich tonal range and depth. Combinations of chocolate and white have a light refreshing effect. Any light shades hold back dominant colors and allow you to find balance in the palette. Against the background of white wallpaper turquoise-chocolate "filling" of the room looks great. Harmonizes the "sweet" color with peach, pink, blue, olive, lilac and fresh (mint, turquoise) shades of green. Good relations develop in tone with other relatives of brown: sand, walnut, chestnut, gold. Beige and chocolate interiors are combined with snow-white decoration. In spacious apartments (more than 25 square meters), various "overflows" of surfaces create a unique comfort, which is sometimes difficult to achieve due to the large area of the room.
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To visually assess the merits of color, try to resort to comparisons. The beige-brown interior will look much poorer. Add a little shade of milk tiles and paint will play with a new force. The design of the room in white-brown tones will seem boring. It will create the impression that serious people living in an apartment are deprived of imagination. Add a "sweet" shades to the palette and a zest appears, a light mischief. Turquoise-brown interior with a stretch can be attributed to elegant, but not fashionable solutions. But chocolate overflows in combination with a bright "neighbor" will help create a luxurious environment.
Walls, floor, ceiling or furniture?
Which parts of the room are preferable to decorate in shades of chocolate? Ceilings trim in a darker range only in rooms that can boast of extra meters. If the room is small, the only exception can be a light shade of milk chocolate. The walls are covered with paint or wallpapered with "sweet" motifs, but the furnishings on a similar background should be either pastel or with cold shades (turquoise, blue, blue). The olive, pale yellow and wine color will look original, against the dark chocolate "box" of the spacious room. For close rooms, the use of light decoration and "naughty" furniture is topical. Its upholstery can be made of textiles with turquoise, orange, pink stripes on a dark chocolate background. Floors in traditional variants are covered with a laminate, linoleum or a parquet board of brown, gray, black color. To make the cover look more elegant and "richer" use a rich shade of chocolate with golden impregnations. Implement a tone solution is best on a smooth, glossy surface of the filling floor. An effective addition to the studio apartment or a combined room will be the design of partitions or other elements of zoning with chocolate motifs.
The actual solution for one-room apartments and studios will be interior decoration within a single palette. In different zones it is played out differently and a single picture is created, consisting of elements not devoid of individuality.
What styles are used?
In modern, chocolate is considered one of the color "pillars" of style. It is used in rooms of any type in various variations. Effectively on a dark background looks ornate floral ornament, which is so fond of the classic. Reception is used not only in wallpaper, but also in textile curtains, tablecloths and upholstery furniture. This color allows you to achieve the effect of the very "heavy" luxury, which became a visiting card of the direction. Liked the shades of chocolate and modern styles. Brickwork or a wall of slate, made in this color, look great in combination with the rest of the industrial loft. Captivating his sophistication art nouveau uses wood of chocolate shades widely to create an interior for connoisseurs of beauty. Slightly less often, the color is used in hi-tech, as it worked well together with the proprietary "technological" tone - gray. In many author's design projects for elite apartments, the shades of chocolate are played out. In combination with various surface textures, a unique "truffle box" effect is created, where each element conjures dessert associations and becomes visually "tasty".
Interior Features
Each room in the house performs specific functions. The color solution should emphasize the purpose of the room and in no case interfere with its main tasks. When decorating different rooms, the "sweet" interior will have its own nuances, which must be taken into account at the design stage. Perhaps the main plus of chocolate color is that it is considered natural for some types of wood, so picking up materials will not be too difficult.
Living room
In the living room is allowed a "mischief" in shades, a game of color combinations. For example, a zone for reading can be made in dark chocolate tones. What could be better for a quiet rest after a book in a calming environment? Chocolate furniture with elements of olive, orange, turquoise decor looks good on the "milky" background. If the decoration of the walls of the hall is made in dark colors, then use sofas, chairs with soft, light upholstery. Uniform textiles are suitable for creating strict interiors. If you want to add "cherry" to the cake, then get an element of unusual shape. For example, it can be a "hollow" inside chair, a set of book shelves and a "wavy" couch in between, a hanging shelf consisting of concentric circles.
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В спальной комнате избегайте использования темных шоколадных тонов. В них можно оформить только акцентную стену у изголовья кровати, но лучше разбавить орнаментом или мелким рисунком. Он же может повторяться на вытравленном стекле фасада шкафа. Bedroom должна обладать уютной, спокойной атмосферой. Создать ее можно, применяя комбинации различных оттенков цвета на мягких, шелковых поверхностях. В результате получится эффект многослойной глубины, вызывающей желание «закутаться и утонуть». Именно такая атмосфера будет настраивать на отдых и подарит крепкий сон.
In the kitchen, it is recommended to resort to a "dessert" color, either in furnishings or in finishing the room. Against the background of gray, beige, white walls, the chocolate set looks very solid. A light kit of kitchen furniture will look stylish in combination with a rich "sweet" finish. To add a room "taste" in the decor use paintings or collages with photographs of pastries and cups of coffee. Motives are relevant for the kitchen and will look in its interior organically. An accent zone can be made an apron from a tile of rich chocolate color with gold. The main thing is not to overdo it with a dominant tint, so as not to cause a feeling of soggy.
In typical apartments, bathrooms are usually small. To competently beat the color solution of the premises of such a square, you need to carefully "dose" the dark shades. They are recommended to use only in accents: the facades of lockers, shower curtains, rugs or curbstones under the sinks. Elegantly looks tile, laid in a mosaic method. Shades of chocolate color are combined on glossy surfaces, which effectively "poured" in the rays of artificial color. To visually expand the space, use a light finish with dark horizontal stripes.
Entrance hall
In the hallway chocolate color is usually used in the facades of cabinets and door kits. Not bad looks like this solution against a background of soft "creamy" finish. Corridors, as a rule, are long and narrow. To increase their width, add notes of beige on the floor, white color on the ceiling and horizontal stripes or a chocolate-colored ornament in light wallpaper on the walls. In more spacious hallways, the use of a contrasting combination of snow-white and dark tones of "sweet" color is acceptable. Light skirting boards, door trims and docks, decor elements make. Dark chocolate form smooth surfaces of walls.
Chocolate - the main inspirer of color, has a rich history, enveloped in secrets and legends. The difficult path that passed the dessert was full of adventure, in the best traditions of the eponymous literary genre. Chocolate has a very specific taste. It's amazing how essentially a bitter ingredient could become king in the world of confectionery. Perhaps this eccentricity and contrast are reflected in the deep color changes. Whatever it was, the chocolate tone showed that it was out of time, the changing fashion failed to force it out of the interiors of the houses. Designers began to beat him differently, but they could not give up completely. Probably, this is the magic of chocolate color.