Wild grapes are a very picturesque climbing plant. It is a large liana reaching 15-20 meters, undemanding to the soil, shade-tolerant, having high winter hardiness and not affected by pests and diseases. Wild (girlish) grapes are ideal for decorating the walls of houses, country houses. Pavilions and fences, braided by them, look great. First the leaves are tender green, then they darken, and after feeling the cool breath of autumn, they turn red. At this time he looks very beautiful.
The striking ability of this grapes to spread due to the antennae with branched tips like suckers, allows it to conquer even smooth and sheer walls, without any protrusions. If he is allowed to grow freely, he can rise to a greater height and cover the whole wall. To wild grapes always pleased you with their well-groomed appearance and did not turn into a shapeless shock, you need to cut unnecessary branches and not give it much to grow. The Latin name of the virgin grapes is Parthenocissus derived from the Greek words 'partenos' - virgin and 'kisses' - ivy; by similarity to the shape of the growth of ivy. There are several species of this plant.
In the landscape design, grapes are used for decorating fences, pergolas, arbors, walls of buildings and other vertical surfaces.
For decoration of balconies in northern areas wild grapes are not used so often, as a perennial plant and sometimes freezes in winter with the wrong cover. But in more southern latitudes the plant hibernates and with a minimal winter shelter and grows beautifully around the balcony and even neighboring windows, if it is not pinched in time.
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