The total area of the apartment is 35 square meters. Of them 6 - kitchen, 11 - combined bathroom. The living space is only 18. If you have a share to live in such conditions, do not despair! Over time, accumulate on something suitable. And now learn to correctly use what is available.
It's great to have a balcony. After all, it makes it possible to add an additional two or three meters to store rarely used or seasonal items. If you hold a warm floor and close all the cracks in the street, you can expand the room to which it adjoins.

Even if you have enough spacious housing, an extra place will never hurt. Especially if under the windows there is a noisy roadway, then no loggia will bring pleasure, if it is used only for its intended purpose.

Another way to supplement the useful functions of the already existing interior elements is to make a working area out of the window sill, or to enlarge it and so turn it into a dining table.

Very irrationally used territory is used where food is cooked. It is best to take advantage of valuable advice from qualified professionals - professionals. This will give you more freedom and opportunities.
In the meantime, look for ideas in the works below.