Today we will look at how from a simple "odnushka" you can make a spacious "kopeck piece" for a girl, using the example of the work of designer Irina Lavrentieva.
When choosing a style, Irina pushed away from the bright chest of green color.
Customer and wishes
The landlady of the apartment is an unmarried girl who follows fashion and new trends, accordingly, she feels color combinations.
An obligatory condition of alteration is a separate bedroom and a lot of space for clothes. Another wish of the client is a sofa bed.
Initially, the small kitchen and the room were half separated by a partition. Since the partitions are not bearing, they were broken and made a spacious bedroom and kitchen, combined with the living room.

Light and color
Illumination has decided to make the standard. Ceiling lamps for bedroom and living room are purchased in the online store Westwing. For the bar, the Pressed Glass Tube was chosen - the design of Tom Dixon. Table lamps - Zara Home.
The girl adores bright colors, and it helped to distinguish her apartment from the monochrome interiors that are often found in Russia.
Since the chest of drawers is green, took a yellow sofa. Fuchsia-colored pillows were placed on it. The same color put the pouf in the hallway. The curtains have chosen black and white colors.

The basic furniture, a wardrobe, a sofa and a bedside table were bought in IKEA. However, the cover on the sofa was sewn to order in the workshop.
The cupboards and the bar stand are also the fruit of the works of the private master. Bed in the bedroom - Dream Land. Poof in the hallway from the store "Etazherka".

Decor and Textiles
Decor in the bathroom was purchased in the online store Westwing, for the hallway - in IKEA. They also bought a carpet. Mirrors in the living room were bought in the store "Etazherka", a blanket on the bed - Zara Home. Window textiles are made to order together with a cover on the sofa.
Style получился яркий, творческий, неординарный. Техника, барная стойка, стулья, кубы, кухня с фартуком «кабанчик», яркая кровать — всё современное. Но, в то же время, присутствует классический диван и графичные орнаменты в виде ромбов на комоде, шторах и ковре. В спальне яркие обои и растительный рисунок.

Complexity consisted in the choice of one layout from 9 developed options.
When designing the layout, it is necessary to take into account everything to the smallest detail: will it be possible to carry furniture in the corridor, will not the interior door touch the bed, or will the cabinet doors rest against it. All this is very important, so the walls were built strictly to a centimeter.
The project was developed over a month, the construction lasted about two months, the interior - 8 months.