The exemplary loft-style kitchen is a balanced balance of old and new solutions in the materials, surfaces and equipment used.
The style of loft (translated from English "loft" - attic) was born in the 40-ies of the twentieth century in industrial areas of New York by converting factory buildings to living quarters. The loft gained a lot of recognition from creative, creative people who are keeping pace with the times and for which freedom of the spirit is of great value.
The attic style combines a special inaccuracy in decoration with the most up-to-date materials and equipment.
To decorate the interior in the loft style, it is not necessary to settle at the former factory - it is enough to decorate the premises, adhering to the main features.
Features of the kitchen in loft style:
- similarity of finishing materials with finishing of industrial premises;
- as much free space as possible, a minimum of partitions, it is desirable to have large windows, maximum lighting, both day and artificial;
- brickwork, open sockets and ventilation pipes, a kind of rough plaster;
- for the kitchen in loft style there is a game of contrasts - a combination of old and modern, when the industrial features in the interior are combined with ultra-modern kitchen equipment, antique furniture successfully coexists with modern high-tech furniture.

The loft style, which was formerly called industrial, looks great in a spacious light kitchen.

The wall of brickwork fits nicely into the interior of the kitchen.

The right version of the zoning of the kitchen space. Simplicity, modesty, functionality and practicality are the style for a real hostess.
In this article, read:
- 1 Design for a small space
- 2 Finishing materials
- 3 There should be a lot of lighting
- 4 Furniture and equipment
- 5 Industrial style loft in the interior - the simplicity and functionality of the home. Video
- 6 Kitchen interior in loft style in apartments and country houses
Design for a small space
It would seem that a kitchen or living room in the loft style for the owners of small apartments is an unattainable project, but even on eight squares you can achieve what you want in the interior and implement the basic features of the style, as evidenced by the numerous reviews.
The design of the kitchen in loft style is quite suitable for small rooms, because the interior with a small area implies the embodiment of the designer a large number of author's ideas. A small kitchen in loft style should be functional, maximally spacious, comfortable room. In cases where the area and shape of the kitchen leaves much to be desired, design techniques are used that help to change the space externally and functionally. So, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct zoning, which is carried out not only with the help of furniture, but also thanks to the well-chosen color of the walls. Of course, the important aspects that create a loft in the interior of a kitchen of small dimensions are the maximum lighting of the kitchen and the well-designed layout of the kitchen unit.

Kitchen space. The correct example of a functional organization - the window sill is involved in the work area.

A small kitchen in a traditional city apartment. An interesting design decision was made of ceramic white pots with greens.
The living room in a small apartment can easily be combined with a small kitchen. In this case, professionals recommend to concentrate the kitchen in the most inconspicuous place and unusually beat it. This style will help visually expand the space. For example, for a living room you can make a wooden floor, and for a kitchen area - tiled, separate visually the kitchen from the living room with furniture.
Practice has shown that the kitchen-living room in the style of the loft is an advantageous solution for the owners of small apartments and collects positive reviews.

As a wall decoration used white brick.

Creative cuisine for the creative person. A stylish interior for a small square kitchen.
Decoration Materials
Style loft in the interior is good because it can afford not only rich people, but also people who prefer economical repairs, because there is no need for expensive and exquisite decoration. Choosing materials for the kitchen in the loft style and relying on the testimonies of happy owners, one can conclude: the less the customer spends on purchasing materials, the better the result is. Because the walls in the room remain brick or concrete, sometimes use a decorative brick, which mimics the natural wall.
When decorating the ceiling, a specially designed plaster is used, if possible wooden beams.
The kitchen floor in loft style can be either wooden or tile.
Sometimes they think that the loft is something dark and dark. In fact, designers constantly prove the opposite, coming up with kitchens in light and warm colors. In the interior next to the brick wall you can see a white glossy tile, textiles of discreet shades.

The wall in the kitchen imitates a destroyed, but reconstructed surface. The industrial loft is skillfully combined with interesting classical kitchen furniture.

Elegant kitchen in a country house in the south of France.

Rough finishing of walls in interior design. The kitchen set is laconic, simple, modest, but functional.
Lighting should be a lot
This design finds approval from those who do not think their apartment without a lot of light. For a loft in the interior there is an ideal lighting, large, better panoramic windows. Luminaries should be many, their shape depends on the chosen direction - from the classics to high-tech. This kind of decor does not recognize curtains, curtains, curtains in the interior of the kitchen. But if you still want to curtain the windows, as an option you can choose stylish blinds.

Kitchen in a small apartment of a beginner designer.

Very light kitchen. The room receives enough natural light.

Example of properly selected lighting for the kitchen. Zoned light in the room separately illuminates the working and dining area.
Furniture and equipment
Do not underestimate the role of furniture in the interior of the loft. Furniture, in addition to its immediate task, also performs an additional function - the zoning of the room. Kitchen furniture can relate to any style, but preference should be given to functional and concise forms. The interior of the kitchen will be successful if the antique chest of drawers and modern chrome wardrobe harmoniously coexist in it. The main thing is to competently combine colors, textures and skillfully play on contrasts.
One of the main distinguishing features in the interior of the loft is a variety of household appliances. Technique in the loft-style kitchen, like furniture, should be ultra-modern and harmonious with the rarity. So, the old-fashioned plate can be near the refrigerator with a built-in computer. It is desirable that the kitchen had a lot of new home appliances.
The most important thing in loft style is air, freedom, as well as harmonious filling and openness of space.

Style loft in the kitchen, combined with the living room.

The kitchen is decorated in a modern loft style. Interesting furniture makes the interior bright, eccentric and memorable.

Steel, chrome furniture fits perfectly into the kitchen. Correctly organized space is not only practical and functional, but also cozy.