Vigutta spiraea is a shrub covered with a white cloud during flowering. This cloud consists of many small flowers, collected in inflorescences, which are located on each centimeter of twig-shaped shoots.
Such a holiday of flowers this plant is able to arrange every year for several weeks.
In this article, read:
- 1 Who are you, Spangya Vangutta?
- 2 Where to plant best
- 3 Breeding and care
- 4 Spangya Vangutta The White Bride. Video
- 5 Spring Vigutta Spiraya
Who are you, Vangutt's spirea?
Spirea (from the Greek "spiral") is a genus of the Rosaceae family. It includes only shrubs, each of which can be safely planted on private plots and on the streets of cities as an ornamental plant. The most popular species, hatched in Russia, is the spirea izvolistna. This is a shrub 1-1.5 m high, which almost 2 months a year produces inflorescences with small pink flowers. There are so many of them in the inflorescence that it gives the impression of a pink cloud.
Most spiers have white flowers collected in inflorescences of similar shapes. They differ from each other mainly by the shape of the leaves, the abundance and the terms of flowering.
If someone wants to plant on his plot all kinds of spirits capable of living in a given climate, then this corner of the garden will please the flowers from May to September.
Vangutta spirea is an artificially derived hybrid. They gave him two wild species - the Cantonese and the three-lobed spirea. Artificial selection created a magnificent plant that absorbed all the beauty of wild ancestors.
In the adult state, the wiggut spiraeus is a ball with a two-meter diameter of the crown, both in height and width. The ball is formed due to the rod-like branches, cascading down from different heights of the trunk to the ground.
The plant blooms in early summer for 3-4 weeks. If he lives well, then during the growing season it will please you with another bloom, but this time not so abundant.
The beauty of this shrub inspired breeders to create different forms. As a result, spiraea with pink flowers appeared. The leaves have also undergone changes - they have acquired different shades. Especially it becomes noticeable in the fall.

Spiraea Vangutta is a hybrid between spiraea cantonese and spiraea trilobate.

Types of spirits.

The bush of Vangut spiraea is up to 2 meters high, richly covered with buds of small flowers.
Where best to plant
Most spirits love the sun, good soil and moderate humidity. In nature, they are part of broad-leaved and mixed forests, filling the edges and gleams among the trees. Some species feel well on the slopes of the mountains, including on screes, covering a range of heights from the foots to the subalpine belt. There are species, for example, spirea ivolistna, which prefer to settle closer to the water and grow along the banks of rivers, lakes or along the edges of marshes.
Spiraea Vangutta is not only beautiful, but also unpretentious. It is frost-resistant, can grow in contrasting seasonal temperatures. It carries strong winds, but only if they are not too frequent. In relation to moisture, it is more drought-resistant than moisture-loving. So plant this plant in well-lit areas, on the slopes or uplands, where a light sandy soil formed.
The decorative properties of this spiraea can be used to form the following elements of the landscape:
- hedges, both on the perimeter of the site, and inside it;
- the central element of the composition in combination with a flower garden of stunted plants;
- cannons of a group of coniferous trees;
- composition, framing the entrance to the house.

Spyria Wangwutta«Gold Fountain».

Vangutta's spirea as a weeping willow is notable for sprawling, arcuate downward bending branches. Vangutta's spiral is attributed to spring-springing. Blossoms a few weeks.
Breeding and care
Growing spiraling vangutta is not particularly difficult, but still requires some knowledge.
Spirea grows rapidly, and bloom can be the next year after planting seedlings. Planting and care can affect the timing of flowering spirea. Autumn planting will allow you to count on flowering at the end of May. If you plant seedlings in spring, then flowers can appear by the middle of summer or even in autumn.
Spire seedlings are sometimes sold already blooming in containers. Despite all the temptation to get blossoming bushes immediately after planting, treat this carefully. The plant in the flowering stage is very vulnerable and can die from the slightest damage to the roots, which must necessarily be placed in the ground in the state in which they are in the containers.
Before transplanting the bushes should be well watered and carefully pulled out, without shaking the ground. The pit for planting should also be moist and contain a layer of organic fertilizers, preferably humus.
Planting and care are carried out in the following sequence.
- Preparing the bush. Plant transplantation is the creation of a stressful situation for him. Remove everything that will prevent the plant from recovering from stress. Trim excess shoots, leave only the main shoot, shortening it to 30-50 cm. If the bush has young shoots, most of them need to be removed, leaving only 1-2. If the roots are too thick and long, they need to be cut off a little.
- Preparation of the pit. It should be relatively large. This is necessary in order to form a layer of fertilizers and drainage, which will ensure the growth of spiraea in a comfortable environment. As a drain, you can lay a layer of dry or green grass on the bottom of the pit without roots and seeds. At first this grass will absorb and store water, then it will become humus. However, the seedlings also need fast fertilizers, so you need to put humus and a few mineral fertilizers on the grass layer.
- The soil for backfilling should be mixed with sand, dry leaves or compost. A small groove should be made around the seedling for easy watering. The first watering must be done with warm water. The space around the seedlings needs to be covered up. It is best for these purposes to use dry foliage.
Planting and care are aimed at creating the plant all the conditions for abundant flowering. In order for the white cap of flowers to please the eye year after year, you need not so much - cut, watered and fertilized.
Growing spiraling vangutta requires at least 1 additional fertilizer per season. It is better if it is watering a warm solution of mineral fertilizers with the addition of a little rotten manure.

The flowers of spiraea are pure white in dense hemispherical inflorescences, the buds thickly cover the arcuate shoot of the bush.

Spirea grows rapidly, frost and heat resistant, the bush well tolerates a haircut.
Each year, it is necessary to prune the crown. It is not a decorative haircut, but a pruning in order to stimulate the growth of new shoots. Remove the old branches that did not differ in this year with abundant flowering. It's worth removing those shoots that are too high above the whole crown. In the spring it is necessary to remove branches that could not stand the frosts.
Cultivation of any plant, including decorative, is always associated with the fight against insect pests.
In spiraea, the Vanghutt has few enemies, but they do exist. She can be amazed:
- the bluefly sawfly;
- with a bud of gall midges;
- aphids;
If the lesions are insignificant, then we can confine ourselves to collecting the affected leaves. If the insects multiply too much and threaten the integrity of your favorite bush, you will have to resort to chemical treatment.
As you can see, there is not much trouble with spiraea. Help her to be healthy, and she will give you her wild flowering.