To grow almonds decorative, planting and care must be performed correctly. Almond is a rather beautiful shrub. He has fragrant and very useful nuts. Almond in the spring period is very abundant and aromatic blooms. Noticing the flowering of this plant, many want to become its owners on its site. Grow it and take care of it is not very difficult. But the majority of the derived varieties are not frost-hardy and in the first year they often freeze. On the cultivation and selection of a variety that is suitable for your climate zone, further will be described in detail.

Flowering shrubs of almonds on the slopes of the Crimean Sopok.
In this article, read:
- 1 Popular cold-resistant bush varieties
- 2 Planting of decorative almonds
- 3 Care for almonds
- 3.1 Reproduction of ornamental shrubs of almonds
- 4 Decorative bush - Almond - care and planting. Video
- 5 Flowering almond
Popular hardy bush varieties
In itself, almonds are resistant to frost. But because of early flowering in spring, most flower buds in the central band often freeze. Therefore, a large crop can not be collected from all bushes.
Some modern varieties have a long period of generation of the kidneys and later flowering. Thanks to this, you can be guaranteed to receive fruits.
The greatest fertility and frost resistance in the central belt is observed in the following varieties:
1.Nikitinsky. This plant, which can reach a height of 5 m. This variety has large fruits and a long period of rest, characterized by high yields. This variety can be grown in any regions. Flowering by the bush in mid-April. To make it pollinated, you need to plant a variety nearby, which blooms at a given time.
2. The sea. This tree reaches a height of 3.5 m. It blooms also in mid-April. Its fruits have an elongated shape, rounded base, sharp end. Ripening fruits reach in mid-November. This variety is characterized by high yield.
3. Dessert. He has a thick crown in the form of a ball, which reaches 4.5 m. It blooms in April. Fruits are oval, slightly pointed. Every year one can observe high yields.
4. Loose. This grade has high yield and frost resistance. The bush does not have a very high altitude, only 2.5 m. It blossoms late. The fruits, although small, but there are a lot of them.

Almonds are three-bladed.

Almond steppe.
Planting of decorative almonds
Planting can be done by 2 methods - seedlings or bones. Saplings grow much easier.
If you still wanted to plant bones, then it is advisable to accomplish this in the spring. If it is done in the autumn, then the bones can eat the rodents.
Features of planting seedlings:
- plant 2-3 seedlings, otherwise the shrub will not bear fruit - it requires pollination;
- pit to dig a depth of 30 cm;
- spacing between seedlings do 3 m;
- Almond needs sunny places, which are protected from winds;
- watering according to the degree of drying of the soil;
- it is advisable to put support next to each seedling.
At the bottom of the pit before landing, you can pour sand or gravel. So the almonds will be much more comfortable.
Caring for almonds
After planting in the spring, the shrub should be shortened. Its height should be approximately 1.2 m. The crown should be 40 cm. The branches need to be cut so that a ring is obtained.
For 4 years the crown should be formed in the shape of a bowl. You need to trim the method by thinning the branches.
The soil needs to be well loosened and watered.
Almond should be fertilized on time. Autumn should be applied organic fertilizers, potassium and phosphoric salts, until June, requires the introduction of fertilizers that contain nitrogen.

Shrub almonds refers to the beautifully flowering. Almond three-lobed pink foam.

Almonds are terry.

Almond steppe - the fruits are not edible.

Fruits of almonds.
Reproduction of ornamental shrubs of almonds
In nature, reproduction occurs as seeds, but cultivated shrubs are propagated in a vegetative way - by ocularization.
For these purposes, you can use different varieties of almonds, it can be germinated from the stone.
The grafting is performed in the middle of July. To do this, you must perform the following actions:
- First you need to take a one-year-old good seedling, whose root necks have a thickness of at least 1 cm;
- at an altitude of 10 cm from the cervix, an incision is made in the form of the letter T on the stock; insert the vegetative bud, which is cut from the heel of the desired variety;
- The graft is closed with a film, which after 1.5 months will need to be removed.
Now you know about planting and caring for such a wonderful and fascinating shrub, like almonds. We hope that our advice will greatly help you grow a fruit-bearing bush. We wish you success in growing and a good harvest of almonds!