Beautiful furniture, original wall decoration, stylish curtains - all this is an integral part of the design of the room. But only such insignificant things at first glance, like souvenirs, photo frames, decorative pillows, etc. can make a room really cozy and harmonious. One of the popular and no-lose options are floor vases.
This accessory has come to modern art to decorate the room from ancient Greece, where skilled craftsmen created real masterpieces. Initially, large-volume vases were intended for storing various liquids, amphora, and granular substances. Later, they began to be used simply as decoration items. Most often, such decorations were found in the houses of the rich and aristocrats, and therefore were considered a luxury item. In this sense, today, little has changed. Large decorative vessels are also a symbol of well-being and sophistication.
Floor vases come in different shapes. These are elongated narrow vessels, antique jugs, bottles. There are also triangular, square, flattened, conical varieties. Playing with a silhouette, coloring and texture of pots, you can achieve a completely unexpected effect. Various techniques will help to create the integrity of the room or, conversely, to divide space into zones.
Design Tips
- Before you buy a large decorative vessel, you need to think very carefully where it will stand, how to look. An important role is played by gamma shades, shape, material of the product;
- Color should not be out of the general palette. Kashpo should either be in harmony with other objects, or serve as a bright accent along with other decor;
- The floor vase should not be too light. This is especially true when there are children or active pets. In this case, it is better to give preference to interesting vessels made of wood, metal or other unbreakable materials. If still the look fell on the fragile object, for weighting it is possible to pour some sand or small stones on the bottom;
- Expensive or rare specimens should be placed on special supports, which will help to avoid damage;
- Large vases should stand along the wall, and not in the middle of the room. The best place is a spacious corner. In this case, there will be no feeling of unnecessary accumulation of objects.
Decorate the room
If space allows, you can install not one, but several vessels at once. There are many variants of such a composition. It can be two identical vases, placed on different sides of the room or some piece of furniture. Interestingly look a few pots of the same shape and texture, but different sizes, set side by side. Such an ensemble can become a central element of the room, attracting attention.
Outdoor vases love space. Therefore, you do not need to put them close to the furniture. Let there be some space around. Alternatively, you can arrange a vase at a free window.
What to put in the interior vase
Floor vases are quite an independent subject. Often they do not need to put anything in them. But if you want, you can choose artificial flowers on long stalks, ears, dried flowers, bamboo compositions. Design can be changed depending on the mood or the time of year. For example, by the New Year's Eve you can prepare a bouquet of fir or pine paws, and for Easter, stock up on fluffy willow branches. In summer you can put fresh cut flowers with long legs. The most daring owners of houses can realize extraordinary design ideas. For example, inside you can put a wire abstract sculpture.
The main rule is to observe the proportions when filling. In the wide vases it will be interesting to look a magnificent bouquet. And for narrow high vessels only single flowers or high compositions of several elements are allowed.
It is very interesting to experiment with transparent vases. They can be filled with colored pebbles, decorative sand, glass balls. And in the wide pots the craftsmen create original compositions from seashells, dried fruits and berries, small figurines and other improvised materials.
Products with a large neck can be the basis for creating a mini-garden. To do this, you need to carefully think over the composition, pick up plants that will comfortably grow in the conditions of a particular room.
In the style of the interior
- For a house in high-tech style, chrome accessories are relevant.
- In a classic room, you can put a luxurious ceramic vessel painted by hand. Also a simple vase of white or black color will be appropriate. A touch of refinement will add fresh flowers.
- Clear lines of the contour and geometric patterns perfectly underline the Egyptian style.
- Vases made of wood, imitation of branches, ethnic patterns - an integral attribute of the "African" room.
- Fans of minimalism designers are advised to stop the choice of transparent, non-wide accessories. Also it is possible to put a large vessel that will be the central element and account of interesting outlines or texture.
- Lovers of romance cheby-chic with pleasure will contemplate the compositions of pastel shades with the effect of scuff paint.
- A bright accessory of unusual shape will complement the avant-garde interior. Absence of clear rules, unusual combination of elements, boldness are the main features of this design.
Materials для таких украшений дома поражают разнообразием. Это может быть:
- Ceramics. The prototype of a modern ceramic vase are those most ancient Greek vessels made of clay. They have an aesthetic cozy look, allowing you to harmoniously fill almost any corner of the house;
- Tree. Wooden vases of simple appearance will suit lovers of minimalism. And fans of ethnic styles can look for products of a more free silhouette made of wood, bamboo or vines. Very interesting and unusual look vessels, where the glass base is braided with wooden branches;
- Glass. Glass floor vases look very elegant. They are suitable even for small rooms, where there is at least a little free space. The technology of glass vessels production is quite simple. Therefore, they can have intricate outlines, a wide range of colors, unusual decorative elements. Vases of glass are of low cost. In combination with the variety of species, they have a very high popularity among designers and inhabitants of modern dwellings;
- Metal. Strict outlines, clear lines, a brilliant surface will perfectly fit into the concept of a modern dwelling. And if you decorate a metal vase with intricate patterns, they will fit perfectly into a room with a vintage design;
- Porcelain and faience. This, perhaps, the most common materials that have been used since antiquity and have not lost relevance now. The process of manufacturing such vessels is very laborious. Before getting an elegant piece of decor, the master should give it the right shape, burn, put a layer of glaze, decorate with painting or stucco. Therefore porcelain vases are one of the most expensive of the entire assortment.
In addition to the usual materials, designers use unusual solutions at first glance. More often you can find vases from coconut shell, tree bark, steel pipes. Do not go past such options. Perhaps it is such an accessory that will be the ideal solution for a particular house.
In different rooms
In a room for rest it is advisable to choose quiet shades that promote relaxation. They are often placed in front of a place to sleep. Thus, the balance between the parts of the room is achieved. Living room. In a place where the whole family gathers to communicate and spend a joint evening approaching the choice of an accessory, you can be much bolder. Experiments with different colors, unusual silhouettes, will create accents in space, without violating its overall harmony.
Entrance hall
Choosing scenery for the hallway is not an easy task. Ornaments in the lobby set the tone for the entire room. Before buying a large pot, you need to think carefully about what the hosts want to show their guests. Bright colors, asymmetrical vessels tell about the originality and originality of all residents. Strict forms and calm colors, on the contrary, emphasize restraint and laconism.
Read also: Decorating a modern interior with wood - ideas for design on the photo
Kitchen and dining room
Large pots in the kitchen will add elegance and elegance. This is the case when it is appropriate to think over the composition for filling. Ideal option will be a bright composition with artificial or living plants. Such an accessory will set the inhabitants of the house and guests to a positive mood, will always cheer up. If the whole dining room is sustained in a simple style, it will be enough to have a simple vessel that will add elegance and charm to the room.
Floor vases in the children's room are not found as often as in other parts of the house. But in vain parents neglect this element of decor when creating an interior. A non-bright vessel of the classical form can be supplemented with plants of tender tones. The main point in choosing an ornament is environmental friendliness and safety.
With your own hands
If the sale was not exactly the kind of vase that the owner of the room sees in its interior, do not get upset and give up this idea. There are many ways to decorate the vase yourself. A rich range of materials for creativity will make it possible to implement the most daring and unusual ideas.
To do this, it is enough to purchase a vessel of the right size and shape and decorate it to your taste. Here are a few ideas that will help create a unique masterpiece and will exist only in one copy:
- To glue the ceramic vase with round spits of branches, shells or unnecessary coins;
- Color the transparent vases from the inside in different colors. You can make a monotonous vessel, and come up with an intricate pattern;
- Blend a simple glass vase with twigs or twine it;
- A very popular technique is decoupage. Special napkins with various elements allow you to create any pattern from romantic delicate flowers to unusual ethnic motifs;
- The glass floor vase will look cozy at home, on top of which there is a "sheath" of a large knit from woolen yarn, the scheme of such design can be found on the Internet;
In addition, instead of a finished vase, you can use the most unexpected items. For example, an old canister, painted with shiny paint, can become a wonderful decoration of a country house. A bottle of large volume - in general a universal object, which is suitable for any place, depending on the decor.
The outdoor vase is a versatile tool that can create a unique atmosphere in the house. The main thing is to think through all the parameters before purchasing an ornament, so that the result looks holistic and harmonious.