Petunia - a grateful flower: happy gardeners all summer. You need to know how to collect petunia seeds at home to prolong lush flowering, and then the favorite flowers will be enjoyed in the next year.
A universal favorite can be seen everywhere: on flowerbeds, in suspended flowerpots, in containers on window sills and balconies. In addition, this southern flower is unpretentious and does not require special care. Grow petunia easily.
In this article, read:
- 1 Petunia - Brazilian tobacco?
- 2 Varietal diversity
- 3 Petunia Petrotechnics and Plant Cultivation from Seeds
- 4 We propagate by cuttings
- 5 Is it possible to collect petunia seeds?
- 6 How to keep the seeds until spring?
- 7 Wishes for fans of an unforgettable flower
- 8 Cultivation of petunia and lobelia. planting and care seedlings 2016 year. Video
- 9 Queen of terraces and balconies - petunia. A photo
Petunia - Brazilian tobacco?
Yes, the name "petunia" came from the word "tobacco", which is a relative of the Brazilian flower. Petunia flowers are related to the Solanaceae family, so among the "brothers" and "sisters" - tomatoes and potatoes. In addition to Brazil, in natural conditions they grow in other countries of South America: in Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay.
Do not be surprised, but petunia is a long-term culture, which in our climate is grown as an annual one. By the end of the summer, it grows strongly, especially planted in the open ground. At this time, the flower has the shape of a small but branched bush.

The popularity of petunia among gardeners is determined by decorative qualities, a wide variety of colors, geometric shapes.

Petunia aristocrat of black color Black Velvet.

Charming petunia in flowerpots.
Single petunia flowers are like a funnel with noticeable veins. Coloring pleases with a rich palette of colors: from light beige to bright red and dark purple, even ink. It is believed that it blooms from July to the first frosts in autumn. But, petunia, planted in seedlings, blooms in May. To make it all covered with flowers, it, like a real southerner, should be caressed by the sun. The more inflorescence of a flower, the more they love the sun. In rainy weather, flowers will not please with abundant flowering. From the rain, the inflorescence is very spoiled, crumpled and torn.
Varietal diversity
Petunia is a variety of varieties and breeders continue to work on the introduction of new ones. Conventionally, flower growers classify them according to the size and shape of the flower. Petunia hybrid happens:
- Multicolor (multiflora). It is characterized by an abundance of small flowers, which are spread out in a continuous carpet on the flower bed. It can be both petunia terry, and simple. We are used to such petunia, but with its usual nature it has important advantages: unpretentious and resistant to colds.
- Large-flowered (grandiflora). Varieties with large flowers, simple or terry, are spectacular, but more capricious, do not tolerate cold weather, require careful care.
- Floribundoi. This is the golden mean between many- and large-flowered plants: resistant to cold petunias with large flowers.
- Cascade. Petunia cascade differs from the previous ones in that the shoots are very long. It grows very much, therefore it is not recommended to plant close to each other lianon-like flowers.
- Ampel. It differs from other varieties of petunia ampelic in that it also has long shoots, but its stems fall down in pots and hanging pots.

Pale purple petunia on a large flower bed.

An islet of red petunia on a green lawn.
Petunia Petrotechnics and Plant Cultivation from Seeds
An amateur horticulturist growing petunias often raises questions. All of them boil down to one: I want to see a chic petunia appear on the flower bed, planting and caring for which differ in 2 ways. Choosing the right one, you are guaranteed to see a flower, abundantly covered with bright inflorescences.
Cultivation of petunia from seeds is a common way of planting flowers. Usually they are sown from the second half of March. Germination of seeds, especially large-flowered, does not always please flower growers, so they should be planted with a reserve. Since the seeds of petunia are tiny, choose a loose and light ground for planting. The best option - peat.
On the eve of sowing, water the soil so that it is wet, and gently spill the seeds on its surface. If these are not professional seeds with gelatin coating, then do not fall asleep. Purchased seeds of granules are conveniently planted with a toothpick. We cover the container with sowing glass or film and put it in a warm place for germination. Do not forget to regularly spray with water.
How long will it take before the emergence? Up to 10 days. As soon as the sprouts appeared, they are recommended to be illuminated with a lamp, then they do not stretch.
Considering the way we planted petunia flowers, it will be thinning when it grows. Leave the strongest samples, the rest cut.
Sprouts are planted after they have 3-4 leaves. For picks, small plastic cups are suitable. We carry out the transplant carefully and carefully, because flowers have a very fragile root system. Make sure that the soil after the picking has not been waterlogged, otherwise it's a straight path to the "black leg". Transplanting is recommended in the evening.
To petunia bush turned out magnificent and sprawling, pinch the seedlings. To do this, we clip the top at the level of the fifth leaflet.
Transplantation to flower beds is best planned for the end of May or early June. A little earlier, you can plant in hanging flowerpots. And as a result - the long-awaited petunia, the growing of the seeds of which, as you can see, is a long process, time consuming and powerful.

Original multicolored ball of petunias suspended in a flower pot.

Ampelian petunia looks great in beautiful pots and pots on balconies, terraces, arbours on homestead plots.

Petunia ampel with a compact bush of the Carillons White group.
We propagate by cuttings
Cutting petunias is not the most popular way to reproduce it. Most do not even assume that such a flower easily takes root. Plus it is that some varieties are unlikely to give seeds because of the particular structure of the flower. This, for example, petunia ampel or terry. If, nevertheless, a miracle happens, they will grow out of them absolutely not those gorgeous flowers that you are so fond of.
Reproduction of petunia by cuttings allows:
- keep an expensive variety that you liked;
- save on buying seeds;
- Do not waste energy and energy on landing, as when growing out of seeds.
Cuttings of petunia can be carried out at the end of summer. Cut off from the plant stalks with a height of 8-10 cm with 2 interstices, cut flowers, leaves from below and plant in a flower pot. Petunia will quickly take root and grow. For greater confidence in the seedlings, allow the cuttings to stand in a jar with water or powder the cutting site with a rootstock.
You can cut a petunia in the winter. The procedure is the same as in the summer. But keep in mind: for this method of reproduction, it is better to take the strongest plants.
Can I save petunia in winter? Wintering plants better in a light cool room. The ideal temperature is 14-16 degrees. It should be systematically watered and fertilized.

Petunia is terry.

Petunia hybrid moonlit Erfut Dwaft Light Roze.

Petunia Zhabo.
Is it possible to collect petunia seeds?
If the decision to grow petunia is taken definitively, then save on buying seeds. Collect them yourself. Do you know how the seeds of petunia are collected?
Flowers have a fruit box, which first ripen, and then stored seeds. In one box, about 100 future seedlings "live".
Observe the following procedure when preparing seeds at home:
- Decide on what colors you want to take off the seeds, what colorings you liked most. More mature - the lower inflorescence. Note that from budding to maturing is about 2-3 months. Seeds can be harvested if the flower has wilted, and the seed box has darkened. Remember that immature samples will not ascend.
- We collect the seeds. Favorable time for collection is August-September. At this time, the boxes with seeds are usually ripe. The cut boxes are cut and placed on a flat, dry surface. Further we wait, when will dry up up to the end.
- Distribute the seeds in grades. Do not confuse, otherwise all the preliminary work will be wasted.
- We open the dried boxes and put the seeds in a dark place until it dries completely. We warn: 2-3 more months will pass. Seeds of petunia are very small, they will have to tinker with, because it is difficult to separate from each other. The size they are only 0.5-0.6 mm, black or dark brown, if "ripe".
- We lay out the seed fund for sachets, and preferably fabric bags, sign the varieties and store until the next season.
Why is this method not suitable for petunia terry? Collection of seeds of the cultivar "petunia terry" is a complex process that will end for sure without result. Why? Because the swelling of the flower is born artificially through the change of the ovaries into the petals. Reproduction of petunia by cuttings is a more suitable method for this variety.
How to keep the seeds until spring?
A long process of collecting seed stocks should not go to waste. How to keep the petunia until spring? We create suitable conditions:
- The storage area for seeds should be dry. Due to humidity, they can bend, especially not dried.
- The storage place for seeds should be dark. Grow petunia is unlikely to succeed if the seeds are stored under the open sunlight. They spoil their quality.
- The room temperature is suitable for storage.
- The container for storing seeds must be clean, so that diseases do not develop and pests appear.
- It is necessary to ensure air circulation, therefore it is not recommended to store seeds in plastic bags. Sew seeds for seeds from inexpensive natural fabrics.
Wishes for lovers of an unforgettable flower
As a generalization, we remind the fans of the flower some rules of cultivation. To make petunia flowers lush, choose quality seeds, but rather collect and dry ourselves. Landing in a sunny place and proper watering with potassium fertilizers, petunia will accept with gratitude and reward abundant flowering. Do not be lazy: remove the faded inflorescences. They not only spoil the appearance of the flower, but also prevent the formation of new buds. Pinch the flower, then the bush will branch more strongly. Watch for the diseases of the flower, spray it in time and remove pests.
Growing petunias and lobelia. planting and care seedlings 2016 year. Video