E2a project - tower in london

Tower in London from E2A

Tower in London: apartment building with a glazed facade

This time our attention was attracted by the tower in London, but this is not one of those pretentious structures, which are many in this metropolis. No, this is not a Shard and not even a ridiculed by all media mirror walker talkie skyscraper. And without that much has been said about the crisis in the housing market of the British capital, where the towers are built regularly, but only for very wealthy people who do not even bother to live in them.

But about that high-rise building, which was designed and built by the architects of the Zurich firm E2A, it was impossible not to tell, it is so amazing - in the best sense of the word.

The layout of the tower in London

Each floor is a separate block, the construction is supported by four vertical sections-rods, as if permeating the building through and through. The architects explain:

"As the supporting sections adjoin the facades and, accordingly, communicate with the environment, the cost of arranging some functional areas has been significantly reduced. In particular, the bathrooms are naturally ventilated, and daylight freely penetrates both inside the prisoners into the "rods" of the rooms, and into the interiors of the open plan.

Four vertical sections, by the way, contain the main entrance to the apartments, two separate bathrooms and a kitchen with an adjacent terrace, and so on each floor. The rest of the space is arranged and arranged in accordance with the wishes of the owners. "

Interior of the tower in London

As you can see, there are no partitions outside the support sections.

The developers continue:

"The configuration of the tower provides flexibility to its interior. We proposed a new model for the development of urban real estate, which has a number of environmental and economic advantages over standard options. "

Interior of an apartment in the London Tower

Before us is an original embodiment of a modern loft, a space that is almost completely open. The model can work at any scale: a building with vertical sections intended for the placement of bathrooms and kitchens is being built, and the tenants use the rest of the space at their own discretion. Let everything be as simple as possible!

Tower Exterior in London

And what do you think about this concept?