More and more people are interested in how to care for an orchid at home. This amazing indoor flower has already conquered many hearts. But, despite the lack of special difficulties in care, some people still can not give the plant everything necessary for normal growth and constant flowering.
In this article, read:
- 1 Orchid transplantation
- 1.1 Substrate for young orchids
- 1.2 Substrate for an adult plant
- 1.3 What do you need to consider?
- 1.4 How do I land?
- 2 Features of reproduction
- 3 Orchids. Basic principles of proper care. Video
- 4 Amazing orchid flower
Orchid transplantation
The most common form is the phalaenopsis orchid, home care is quite possible even for a beginner floriculturist. With what to begin? First you should properly plant an orchid. It is the selection of the substrate - the key point in providing the conditions necessary for the growth of this flower.

Orchid is the queen of the flower world. The birthplace of the orchid is the Atlantic coast of Brazil.

The external decorativeness, fragility and tenderness of the orchid flower gives the impression of a capricious plant, requiring especially competent care

Here are such whimsical and ugly flowers of one of the species of orchids you can meet on the banks of the Amazon. Orchid Dracula is a monkey.
Substrate for young orchids
As a rule, the phalaenopsis orchid possesses the property of absorbing nutrients both from the ground and from the air. It is for this that the roots on their surface contain special stomata. But all the same it is important that a favorable nutrient medium is created for the flower, otherwise it will not be able to grow normally and especially blossom.
So, if you need to transplant a young orchid, which has never bloomed in life, a mixture of pine bark and sphagnum moss is perfect as a substrate. The bark is best taken from pine pine. Such a land will be enough for the development of the flower. But it is necessary to ensure good drainage from pieces of foam or pebbles of expanded clay so that the water does not stagnate in the tank.
Many are interested: what is the nutritional value of such a simple substrate? The whole point is that the tree bark is gradually decomposed, and as a result, many useful components for orchids are formed. With a favorable microclimate, they are perfectly absorbed by the roots. But if the air is dry and polluted, it will not be possible to grow an adult flowering orchid from a young flower. Therefore it is desirable to put air purifiers.

A surprisingly unusual flower resembling a white stork. The orchid is Japanese.

If you decide to have a whimsical beauty of an orchid at home, thoroughly study the recommendations for the care of this delicate flower.
Substrate for an adult plant
How to transplant an adult plant? Here the composition of the soil is needed a little different. Particular care should be taken when choosing a substratum, if there is no air purifier in the room where the orchid will grow, and the water for irrigation will not be used soft enough.
It is best to purchase a special land for orchids in a flower shop. It contains everything you need, and in the near future you will not have to add anything to the pot. Typically, the ideal substrate consists of approximately 50-55% of the pine bark, 20-25% of sphagnum moss and about 10% of charcoal. It is advisable to add vermiculite or polystyrene to the soil. This will ensure a good drainage of the roots, will store moisture and will not allow the soil to sour.
If you know in advance that you have to water the Phalaenopsis orchid in the room with hard water with a sufficient amount of impurities of various salts, care should be taken to ensure that the soil always maintains the optimum level of acidity. Ideally, the pH level in the ground should be about 6 for the orchids. And that it always was such, it is necessary to periodically add fresh peat to the substrate. It will equalize this important indicator, further saturating the earth with useful components.
A prerequisite for transplantation is the provision of good drainage. For this, it is best to purchase expanded clay. The larger the capacity, the larger the fractions should be pebbles of expanded clay. But they should not fall into the drainage holes. It is best to make a drainage of about 2 cm in thickness.
What do you need to consider?
But experts advise when choosing a substrate for indoor orchids, consider also the light regime. So, if it is supposed to grow an orchid on a relatively dark window, where the direct sunlight rarely gets, it is best to give preference to more air mixtures. So the risk of decaying the root system will decrease several times.
If the decision is made to put a flower pot on the south or south-east window, where the sun constantly gets, you should choose a more moisture-consuming soil. This will ensure that the plant has an optimal level of moisture, does not allow the roots to dry out. Thus the soil will not turn sour in the tank.

Amazing flowers of an orchid, gently pink in color. Experts recommend replanting the flower in early spring, at this time flowering ends and the period of vegitation begins.

Recommendations for trimming an orchid bush.
Adjust the looseness of the soil very easily. To land more airy, it is enough to add to it large pieces of bark, foam and a bit of moss sphagnum. But in order to make the soil more water-intensive, more peat and vermiculite, storing moisture well, and, of course, the same moss that will interfere with the development of diseases of the root system, must be mixed with the substrate.
How to make a landing?
How correctly to transplant an orchid? First you need to pick up a pot. It should not be large, but the entire root system should be free to fit in it. It is better to give preference to a translucent container, through the walls of which it will be possible to observe the state of the roots. The pot must necessarily be treated with hot water with the addition of potassium permanganate to kill possible pathogenic bacteria.
Now the bottom is filled with drainage, on top everything is covered with a small amount of soil. Next, you need to plant the plant so that the uppermost roots remain on the surface of the earth, slightly sprinkled with soil. This is very important, since lack of air to the roots can ruin the plant. Try to compact the plant in the ground so that it does not turn over. It is best to immediately support the orchid with a special stick, since the leaves are very heavy.
During the transplantation of orchids, a moist soil should be used, which must be thoroughly mixed and sprinkled with warm water from the spray gun. This will enable the plant to gain a good foothold in the substrate, and the roots will have time to be saturated with moisture. After planting, watering the orchid is recommended after about 2-3 days, but sprinkle the leaves immediately.
Features of reproduction
And now we turn to the question of how to propagate an orchid at home. You can reproduce both sexually and sexually. In this case, seeds are used in the first case, and in the second case - separate parts of the parent plant.
As for the sexual mode, the reproduction of orchids in the home is so difficult to produce. The fact is that unlike other plants, orchid seeds have absolutely no nutrient shell. This forces them to form an artificial nutrient medium. But this is a very laborious process, and it is almost impossible to carry it out at home.

Reproduction of orchids by division method
Much easier things are with the asexual method of reproduction. In this case, you can use different parts of the plant: rhizome, cuttings, as well as side shoots. What to choose depends on the state of the flower. But it is preferable to choose those parts that are best developed.
If this is already sufficiently developed, a large plant, then it is possible to multiply it with apical shoots. To do this, with a sharp knife or a blade, it is necessary to cut off the apical stem about 15 cm long, and cut the place of the cut with charcoal or powdered tablets of activated charcoal. Let it so lie for about an hour, so that the cut is a little delayed and dried up.
At this time, it is necessary to prepare a nutrient medium, in which quality moss sphagnum is used. It is necessary to pour it on a flat saucer and well
Orchids. Basic principles of proper care. Video
Amazing orchid flower