The house is beautiful, clean, fresh renovation, all the necessary household appliances and furniture, but still something is missing. Comfort! So, it's time to buy some designer things for interior design, which are interesting to watch. They can be bought in an online store, kiosk, in the market, but it's easier to do each thing with your own hand - it's fashionable and not expensive. What and how to do for the creative design of your home, what materials, tools are better to use for this, about useful handicrafts more in the text below.
There is also one more original way: transfer of a photo on a wooden surface. How it is done: we need a picture printed on a laser printer, as smooth a plank, an acrylic gel. Gel is applied to the wood, the photo is put downside down and smoothed. Wait until it dries enough, the paper is soaked with water, washed to the very figure. Next, the plane should be covered with varnish, glue for decoupage - the picture is ready.
Chamomile on the blackboard is painted with brushes of different thickness and three colors - white, yellow, brown. Fluffy dandelions are depicted on the tree with a burner using thick and thin baits. To make a picture of yarns and nails, a necessary contour is drawn on the board or plywood, through which small carnations are hammered into a hammer, knitting or embroidering threads are stretched between them. The base can be pre-colored in contrast color.
Designer toys for the interior with their own hands
Homemade toys will be a wonderful gift for a child or woman, decorating the bedroom interior. For their manufacture, textiles, leather, wood, etc. are used.
The difference between interior toys and ordinary ones:
- they are made to decorate the room, and not to play;
- they are unique, authoring, unique in their kind;
- emphasize the style of the interior;
- reflect the mood of the room and the author of objects.
On the Internet, you can find a lot of photos and videos with instructions for making toys for the interior.
Interior dolls are:
- hinged,
- from jersey,
- realistic,
- fantasy,
- miniature,
- from plastic,
- in mixed technology.
For work you will need thread, needle, fabric, paint for the fabric, large beads, sintepon, doll clothes, shoes. At first the pattern is drawn on paper, after all the details are outlined on the fabric - head and body for two pieces, hands and feet four. All the details are sewn together, turned out, stuffed with a sintepon, joined together, ears, fingers are allocated. The joints of the doll will be big beads, and the face is drawn with the help of acrylic paints. Hair is bought special, puppet or sewn thread, they can be put in a fantasy hairstyle. Clothing and footwear are sewn on their own or put on purchase.
Some designers offer dolls made in the technique of dry felting out of wool. In the decorative "empty" doll from the old children's overalls can be folded empty cellophane bags.
But how to make a rag-bird magpie with elements of decoupage and acrylic painting. What you need: fabric, colored napkins for decoupage, brush, buttons, glue, iron stand, needle and thread. To begin with, a pattern is drawn on paper. Magpie will consist of two identical parts - a paper pattern is wrapped on fabric, folded in half. Then the details (body and wings) are traced on the typewriter, are turned out, packed. Wings are sewn or glued to the body. Next, the bird is primed with PVA glue, dried with a hair dryer, painted with acrylic or decorated with napkins. Eyes are made of beads or buttons, the stand is pasted with napkins.

Such a toy can serve as a stand for jewelry - beads, bracelets, rings, and having a rigid frame, even for some gadgets.
Decorative pillows
Decorative pillows, подушечки шьются из пестрых лоскутов, а набивкой для них может служить что угодно – синтепон, вата, разные мягкие тряпки. Также можно собственноручно связать крючком или спицами цветной, однотонный чехол на любую, уже имеющуюся подушку. Для подушечек из однородной ткани подойдет ручная вышивка – крестиком, гладью, аппликация. Оформление методом гобелен тоже смотрится хорошо. Еще можно просто обернуть любую подушку тканью, завязав концы ткани декоративным узлом.
По форме подушки бывают: квадратные, прямоугольные, круглые, валики, в форме различных животных, сердечек, печенек, бубликов и др. Они станут мягкими аксессуарами для спальни девочки-подростка. Decorative pillows-буквы часто изготавливаются для праздничного оформления помещений — на новый год, свадьбу, день рождения.
Pompon decoration
From pompoms you can do:
- bedside mats;
- decor of curtains, lamps, frames;
- decoration for flower pots, bottles, vases;
- covers for stools, door handles;
- flower "heads" on long legs-twigs;
- garlands for decoration of ceilings, walls;
- screens of stretched threads with pompons;
- numbers, letters for decoration of the festive ceremony;
- decorative curtains.
To make a pom-pon you will need threads and two cardboard "bagels", which are tightly wrapped in a string. After the outer edge is cut between "donuts", the middle is wound with a thread with a knot, and the rings are removed. Pom-poms are also made of colored paper.
The interior with pompoms looks very "home".
Variations of shelves from improvised materials
Wonderful homemade shelves are made from improvised materials. A light composition of octagonal boxes of sweets in the form of bee honeycombs, hanging from unnecessary notebooks, will cost absolutely nothing. From the pieces of the water pipe with the valves is made a bookshelf in the form of an arrow, of plastic trays - a shelf for the bathroom. From an old door, nailed in the corner of the room diagonally, you get an excellent rack-shelf, with shelves of plywood. Widespread skis, wrapped in foil and fixed on the walls horizontally, also have the right to become shelves. Shelves from the remains of MDF and various metal parts decorate the room in the style of loft or industrial. A round shelf of an old sieve, pieces of plywood will complement the ethnic interior. Shelves of rough boards, round, oblique cuts, varnished, will become wall supports for flowers, and a large piece of thick bark or round logs - a suspended ceiling structure for the design of a summer house, a garden.
Read also: Unusual ideas of the decor of the photo frame by own hands
Stylish decor of metalware
Nails, screws, bolts, nuts, gears with the help of welding produce various voluminous fantasy compositions, panels, interior toys and whole sculptures. The remains of a metal pipe, chains make the head of an iron horse, a pair of nuts and large bent nails - a figurine of a seal, from large screws and metal pieces - decorative wood in miniature. On several dozen decorative nails driven into the wall in a circle, a circular mirror holds, a panel of gears perfectly decorates the steampunk style interior. Also welded metal bolts and nuts are decorated with water taps, pipes, radiators.
Ideas for organizing storage
Racks of cardboard boxes will be an excellent interior design in the style of art-believe. Pantyhose, socks, underwear is conveniently stored twisted in rolls in boxes with cells. Ornaments are put in cups or bowls, perfumes and jars of creams are placed on a cake stand, rag organizers are hung for every detail on the door. Wicker baskets are conveniently placed under the bed or on the cupboard, many bags will be placed on the crossbar in the closet using wire hooks. Ties and belts are stored on a wallboard with hooks, shoes - on hangers with clothespins, pencils - in glass jars, and in old forms for cupcakes - office trivia, small sewing accessories. Toys are stored in nets under the ceiling or in the catwalks on the floor.
The decorative decoration of the room must correspond to its style.
Unusual mat of stones
For the hallway, the bathroom is useful original mat of flat or round pebbles, sea pebbles. Using a glue gun on a piece of carpet or linoleum, colored stones are stuck. They are preferable to the same size, and for the "therapeutic" mat mats of different sizes are selected. If there is a pebble of different colors, then out of it lay out patterns, figures of animals, inscriptions, geometric figures. Such a rug can be made even to a child-schoolboy. Similar carpets can be made from wine stoppers, multi-colored plastic caps from drinks.
Read also: Original ideas for handicrafts with their own hands
Lace shades
Lace shades are made in various ways:
- they are covered with ready-made plafonds;
- they are glued to balloons, which are then removed;
- stretched on wire or forged frames;
- lace tapes are glued to the plastic cover.
White lace with spots is easy to make vintage, holding a little in strong tea or infusion of onion husks. Knitted and guipure patterns on "Japanese" chandeliers-lanterns cast beautiful shadows on walls, ceilings.
Kitchen organizer
A wall organizer for storing spoons, knives, forks can be made from various fabrics, thick cellophane. Hooks for towels are easy to make from old forks, clothespins, nailed to the board. In the technique of paper making, shelves for spices, souvenirs in the kitchen, from old clothes hangers - original holders for dishes. Banks with cereals are screwed into lids, which are nailed to a wooden wall shelf, and plastic containers for loose products are attached to the sides of the refrigerator by magnets, above the countertop. Kitchen knives are attached to the magnetic board.
City plot on the wall of a black cable
After repair left a few meters of black electrical cable? It can be used in decorating walls. If you draw a panorama of the city on the wall, and then nail or glue the cable around the outline, you will get an original decoration for the light color of the wall. On the wall at the same time have spotlights - windows of city buildings. This composition is suitable for a dull office design.
The long cable may well be working - at one end is a plug inserted into the outlet, and on the other - a ceiling lamp, sconce. The wires in this case are fixed with special staples. From the black lace from the table lamp is laid out a curly frame for photos above the table. From a white cable on a wall of contrasting color, a machine is depicted - at the end of the cable, then two or four light bulbs will be placed. If the string is green, then against the background of a white wall lay a New Year's landscape - a Christmas tree with colored lights on the ends of branches. Also with the help of wires you can mask funny spy things.
Virtually any idea of decorating your apartment can be realized with your own hands. Most simple solutions do not require any special knowledge, skills, tools. For the manufacture of more sophisticated interior items in magazines and the Internet, there are many detailed master classes, in various directions, for any level of preparation. Homemade things look stylish, elegant, fashionable, funny, cute.