Such a plant as a montbretion, planting and care in the open ground beyond which is not difficult, has the second name - the Japanese gladiolus. So he is called for an unusual similarity with gladioli, although the lily of the flower is also something like a plant. In the room, the montbretions take root very rarely, but growing them in the suburban areas and in the front gardens is a great idea. After all, from the beginning of July until September, the plant will delight with its beautiful orange flowers.

This flower has many names: Crocosmia, Japanese gladiolus or montbretia. A plant with elegant and beautiful velvet flowers belongs to the family of iris.
In this article, read:
- 1 Soil and fertilizer
- 2 Lighting and watering
- 3 Care of the plant in winter
- 4 How to prepare for the winter Japanese gladiolus. Video
- 5 Crocosmia from the family of iris
Soil and fertilizer
It is very simple to take care of the montbret. The main thing here is to provide a good nutrient substrate. It is best to start harvesting the soil for these plants in the fall. You just need to prepare a compost pile, because during the flowering period, the Japanese gladiolus will need organic fertilizers. In autumn, you need to take a little substrate from the place where it is supposed to plant the bulbs in the spring, and mix the soil with nutrients.
Experts recommend adding approximately equal parts slaked lime, superphosphate, calcium chloride and humus. Of course, this will be a very nutritious composition. But in the spring, just before planting the plants in the ground, all this must be poured onto the soil, then dig it up.
It is also important to carry out fertilizing in time. During the active development of thin leaves it is recommended to water the earth with Energena solution. But it is better to do this only in those cases when the plant clearly does not have enough nutrients. This will be indicated by very slow growth, pale leaves, a slight development of the root system.

Japanese gladiolus requires watering once a week during the period of vegetation and neat loosening of the soil.

Crocosmia paniculate. Attracts gardeners in this southern plant and dense green stripes of leaves.
As soon as the Japanese gladiolus blooms, it is recommended to start feeding it with organic fertilizers. Poultry manure works very well, which can be simply sprayed dry on the soil and then watered. But you can use ready-made complex organic mixtures. And of course, do not forget about humus.
Lighting and watering
Montbretzia is very fond of the sun. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it in open areas of the garden or garden. This plant is very hardy, so it will perfectly transfer even a strong heat and direct sunlight, while other tender plants will need a shadow.
If there is no way to plant flowers in the sun, you can use a semi-shadowed area. But here in the shade is not worth planting this plant. Otherwise, it will not be so abundantly blossom, and the petals with leaves will look pale and completely lifeless.
As for the humidity, it likes it very much. Experienced gardeners recommend as often as possible to water the plant from the hose with rain. After all, this way it will be possible to moisten the soil simultaneously, and give the leaves and flowers necessary moisture.
But if in the region the summer is rainy, then it is not recommended to get carried away with watering. After all, like any other plant, the Japanese gladiolus does not tolerate a strong overmoistening of the soil, which can lead to decay of the root system.

Crocosmia in the garden plot is planted in large groups in prefabricated flower gardens among lower plants.
This bright beautiful plant needs frequent loosening of the soil and pruning. It is recommended at least once a week to slightly dig over the land around the lush bushes. But you should do this carefully, so as not to damage the root system. And as for pruning, it is necessary to remove tall peduncles as soon as the flowers on them lose their original decorative appearance. This will promote the active development and growth of the following healthy peduncles.
Care of the plant in winter
Montbretzia, the storage of which in winter, although it should be thought out in advance, is considered to be a hardy plant.
But despite this, it may also need additional shelter from the cold. And the most important thing is to provide comfortable conditions for Japanese gladioli in the first year of life.
You can store your motions in the cold season in two ways: either dig up and put the bulbs in a warm room, or leave the winter in the open ground. Everything depends entirely on the climatic conditions in the region. So, if the winters are very severe, then it is best for the winter to dig out all the bulbs from the ground. But a good gardener should know how to act in either case.
So, if the decision is made to arrange a wintering in the room, then in the end of October, carefully remove the bulbs from the ground, and then dig the soil. It is recommended to place Japanese gladioli in a small wooden box, the bottom of which must first be covered with fresh sawdust. Only check in advance that they are not hit by bugs and other insects.
It is best to put the box up to spring in a dark room, the air temperature in which is kept at about 5-7 °. Some people prefer to store a box in the pantry, which is also a good solution. You only need to periodically moisten the sawdust from the spray gun, and then put them on them again. After all, it is extremely important that the latter do not dry up.

In the middle zone of Russia. a species, a relatively small-colored crocosmia hibernates under shelter of shavings or dry leaves 20-30 cm high.
But if the climate is not so severe, then you can leave bulbs to winter in the ground. But all the same, you should take care of a safe hiding place. Again, at the end of October, the ground should be slightly loosened and sprinkled with dry large sawdust. If there are no last ones, you can use leaves from any trees.
From above on leaves (sawdust) it is necessary to put a piece of roofing material. This will ensure maximum protection against cold. Shelter can be cleaned only after the frost runs out. The slight negative air temperature of the Japanese gladiolus is not terrible.
For storage, storage in winter plays a very important role. After all, it depends completely on how well the bulbs will develop, how often the plant will be able to produce peduncles and whether they will be covered with flowers abundantly. If correctly and competently to care for bulbs in the rest period, you can avoid all problems during growth and flowering.
How to prepare for the winter Japanese gladiolus. Video
Crocosmia from the family of iris