Reading will never go out of fashion, many have a certain number of literary publications purchased or inherited. The home library allows you to place a collection of books and serves as a place to relax. Gently placed bookshelves on the shelves adorn the room and allow you to immerse yourself in fascinating stories at any time, which were created by talented writers, while distracting from city fuss. Of course, today most people read books in electronic format. But it never compares with the smell of new paper, pleasant rustle, tactile sensations during turning pages, which creates a special atmosphere in the reading process.
Choosing furniture for your home library
Choosing furniture you need to focus not only on the number of books, but also on the size of the premises. For the organization of the reading space, bookcases of a closed type are purchased, shelves, shelves, upholstered furniture, desks, in the classical version. Ultraviolet and dust are detrimental to paper, so it is desirable to store the publication in cabinets with glass translucent doors. Of course, you can use open shelves, niches or shelves, but then you will often have to put them on order to neutralize the accumulation of dust, which is very inconvenient and takes a lot of extra time. Therefore, this option is more suitable for storing a small number of books.
Modular furniture is very convenient, it gives an opportunity to choose the necessary equipment. A built-in furniture design, a good solution to save space. A large variety of different furniture is offered by modern manufacturers, which makes it possible to create an original and stylish home library environment. The main thing is that the shelves are suitable for storing books in the optimal vertical position. The process of reading should be comfortable, for this soft comfortable chairs and sofas are purchased. Equally important is proper lighting.
Lighting in the home library
Arrangement must be arranged so as to avoid direct sunlight on the book editions, this prevents from yellowing of the pages, which leads to their fragility. In the work area, a local light of sufficient intensity is created. To do this, use floor lamps, lamps, sconces. Near the armchair, you can hang a wall lamp or put a floor lamp on a high leg. For a desk, buy a table lamp. During reading, the light should fall from the left side, so there will be no shadow that creates inconvenience. Also located on the shelves of the book can be highlighted with spotlights or diode tapes. This will create a stylish environment, but there is no need to overdo it because the impact of too much light on paper publications can be detrimental.
Classic interior
Home library in classical style is furnished with wooden furniture with artistic carvings or selected strict laconic models with correct, clear forms in a traditional format. You can also add a soft chair with a quilted textile upholstery, but it's better from leather or high-quality artificial leather. The classic direction is complemented by parquet flooring or carpet. The final touches will be paintings in carved frames, bas-reliefs, outdoor antique watches with a pendulum, beautiful vases and refined figurines.
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Modern interior
The modern design of the library uses shelves, shelves, cabinets of non-traditional shapes and colors. It can be a wave structure made of gypsum board or a rack with diamond-shaped sections. You can create an original and compact cabinet-library, consisting of an armchair combined with bookshelves and a glass table. In the modern version it is possible to arrange a place for books that harmonizes with any stylistic trend, be it modern, high-tech, loft, Scandinavian, English or maritime style. In this case, it is not necessary to buy newfangled furniture, you can restore the old one and complement it with a decor corresponding to a certain style.
Restoration of old cabinets
Furniture that was made in the Soviet times is very high quality. In many houses there are cupboards that are used for decades and remain in storage. True, their appearance does not always fit into modern interiors. But this is not an excuse to replace them with new furniture, it is enough to restore, to change the external design, as a result, an exclusive and stylish thing turns out. Doing this is not so difficult, and similar work is often done at home.
You can change the color of the cabinet in three stages:
- cleaning;
- primer;
- painting.
First, a layer of old varnish and paint is erased with sandpaper. Further, if this is required, the existing defects are ground with the putty on the wood. After that, the surface of the cabinet is primed with a special compound. In the end, the furniture is painted in any chosen shades. After painting, the restored cabinet can be left and so, or add decorative elements. For example, if you cut out patterns or other details from paper, glue them on the surface with PVA glue and cover with transparent varnish, you will get designer furniture made in decoupage technique. For the country style, you can decorate the surface of the cabinet with Craquelure technology, painting it with special paints, varnishes, to get the effect of antiquity. Sometimes on the furniture are glued textile lace or wallpaper, which looks very unusual and refined. On sale, you can find many stylistic decorative details that you can use to create a stylish modern design for obsolete cabinets.
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Rules for storing books
To ensure that paper editions stay in a safe state for a long time, several recommendations should be followed:
- do not allow books to be stored in rooms with high humidity;
- avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
- regularly clean dust from bookshelves, vacuum cleaner or slightly damp rag;
- Do not put books too tightly together;
- wash hands before reading.
Оптимальный температурный режим для хранения книг + 18 градусов при влажности 60%. Слишком низкая температура может привести к образованию плесени или грибка, а чрезмерно высокая к деформации книг. От воздействия солнечных лучей страницы желтеют и становятся ломкими. Пыль содержит вредные микроорганизмы, которые пагубно влияют на бумажные издания. Когда вы достаете книгу с полки, она должна легко поддаваться, от слишком плотного размещения деформируются переплеты. Чтобы обеспечить достаточную вентиляцию, книги должны находиться от верхнего края полки на расстоянии не менее 3 см. Даже, если руки кажутся чистыми, на них все равно могут находиться микрочастицы жира, грязи, которые вредны для книжных страниц. Поэтому обязательно нужно wash hands before reading.
Now home libraries are gaining popularity and today it is a fashion trend in interior design. Reading books will never go out of fashion, because it allows you to dive into fascinating subjects of fiction and is an excellent ground for self-development. The presence of a library house highlights the high cultural status and impeccable taste of the hosts. It is not necessary to allocate a separate room for this, besides this housing conditions do not always allow. Therefore, it is possible to place books beautifully and correctly in almost any room. The main thing is to provide literary publications with favorable conditions for storage. In the age of high technology, the availability of a home library, in a modern interior, seems to connect the time epochs and give the premises noble, aristocratic notes.