Lupines, planting and care for which are not difficult, are considered one of the most unpretentious garden plants. To date, the family of lupines has more than 200 species. Many of them grow in the wild nature of the Mediterranean and North America. Lupine perennial, annual, angustifolia, mulberry and other species are widely used in landscape design for the design of mixed crabs, mixborders and lawns.

Powerful ears of lupine from small flowers will become an ornament of any garden.

Decorative carved leaves complete with bright inflorescences of cornflower blue color will perfectly fit into the landscape design of any country yard.

In one landscape composition, the inflorescences of lupine of different colors are organically combined.
In this article, read:
- 1 Lupine as a Cultural Plant
- 2 Growing plants from seeds and cuttings
- 3 Care of flowers
- 4 Popular species of lupines
- 5 How to grow lupins. Video
- 6 Lupine - unpretentious decoration for any garden
Lupine as a Cultural Plant
A feature of lupines are peduncles, which are long apical brushes, dotted with many flowers. When ripe, the flowers form fruit in the form of swollen beans. After reaching maturity, the beans burst and scatter the seeds. These are very small and light grains. Because of this, the lupine flower has another popular name - wolf beans. In the national economy, fodder species are grown, the value of which is in the presence of nutrient beans and a large amount of green mass.
This same green mass is the reason that many gardeners grow lupine as a siderate. The humus of leaves and stems of the plant becomes an excellent fertilizer for vegetable and fruit crops.

Flower beds made of lupine will become an attractive ornament of any garden or courtyard.

Lupine is rich in crimson color, planted near a garden fence.
The most common species in the suburban areas is wild long-lupine, whose flowers have a blue color. But at the moment there is a huge number of cultural species with a different coloring, for example lupine white, yellow, cream, violet, lilac or bright red. The combination of plants with flowers of different colors can create an aesthetically attractive composition that beautifies the site. For example, the yellow lupine is ideally combined with the cousins of lilac shades.
Lupine, one-year-old and his many brothers in the family, will blossom from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn. Any of them will decorate your garden.

Inflorescences of lupine soft-beige can participate in complex landscape compositions or act as an independent decoration.

The unpretentious lupine looks creatively on the garden. High ears of purple hues - a delicate, exquisite decoration.
Cultivation of plants from seeds and cuttings
Lupine has been successfully propagated by propagation for many years, but most often a method of growing a crop with the help of seeds is used. Seeds of lupine are harvested as the beans mature and leave until spring. Then there are 2 ways to plant:
- sowing in the soil;
- reception of seedlings.
Lupines should be sown in the spring, immediately after the snow falls (in the temperate latitudes, this occurs by the beginning of April) and warming the soil. You can plant in the fall. The place for spring planting should be prepared from autumn. As a rule, plants do not require soil fertilization with manure and nitrogen. But that the lupine seeds are better adopted and actively went into growth, it is necessary to cultivate the soil with the help of a cultivator or a plane cutter.
Seeds are laid out in pre-prepared pits with a step from 5 to 15 cm, depending on the size of the adult plants and are buried to a depth of 3 cm. The distance between the rows should be from 15 to 30 cm. Before sowing, lupine seeds need to be scarified, that is, to break their integrity shell.

The rich crimson color of lupine makes it a contrasting, bright element of any landscape composition.

Correctly groomed lupine in the courtyard of a country house.
For this, two basic methods can be used:
- Wipe the seed material between sheets of sandpaper.
- The effect of the temperature difference. The planting material is placed in a pouch of gauze, momentarily dropped into boiling water, then quickly - into a cold one. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times.
Correctly prepared seeds do not crumble for a long time, but they arise quite amicably.
When cultivating varietal plants, it is necessary to take into account that if it is required to preserve a unique lupine, cultivation from seeds can not be applied. With this method of reproduction, varietal traits are lost.
Here it will be necessary to use cultivation by propagation.
No matter what kind of lupine the planting of cuttings is made only after their rooting. To preserve varietal features, cuttings are cut from adult bushes immediately after the first flowering. They are basal rosettes with 5-6 leaves, developed on the root neck or stem.
The resulting cuttings are planted on a specially prepared bed for rooting. After 30 days (this period is enough for the appearance of rootlets), plants are transferred to a permanent place.

Wild lupine in a sprawling field grows dense, bright carpet.

A gentle pink lupine is the most fashionable shade of a flower among modern summer residents.
Care of flowers
Undemanding and unpretentious lupine for many years needs minimal care. The optimal period of preservation of culture in one place is 4 years. After this, the plant reduces the intensity of flowering, then it is better to replace it with a young specimen. In order for cultures to retain their decorative qualities completely during the vegetation period, they should be periodically seasoned, sprinkling the bare roots. Especially in this need taller species: lupine multilayer, reaching a height of 120 cm, lupine tree, growing to 150 cm.
Lupine is a one-year-old plant that includes several species. This lupine hybrid, dwarfish, changeable, etc. Most often this culture is grown as a siderata, does not need hilling. Flowers of annual lupins are not distinguished by a variety of colors, most often have a blue color or its combination with white, lilac, etc.
Lupine, one-year-old and many years old, grows perfectly both in the open for the sun and in a shaded place. Successfully tolerates nocturnal frosts down to -8 ° С. A particular danger for plants is the sharp temperature changes in the spring and autumn periods, when the soil warms up during the day and cools at night. In the rest, landing and leaving do not require serious attention.

The color scheme of lupine is wide enough. Many shades are harmoniously combined.

Lupine grows well, both in the wild and in the yard.

The blooming lupine is dark blue in the garden.
Popular species of lupines
In the Russian Federation, there are 3 types of annuals of the family:
- white lupine;
- lupines narrow-leaved (blue);
- yellow lupine.
These plants are grown in all regions of the country and have agricultural value. For gardeners of greater interest are perennial plants (lupine multi-leafed and tree-like). Representatives of multifaceted varieties have large rosettes, consisting of 9-10 lanceolate leaves, pubescent downwards. They differ in the variety of colors of flowers and long flowering.
In the books about Harry Potter, the name of the plant is associated with some of the characters. Lupine and Tonks became participants in the romantic line, directly related to the main events of the narrative. Plant an unpretentious plant in your garden, it will necessarily become an object of grateful and mutual love.

White lupine flowers are attractive and versatile. With its help you can create a landscape composition in any style.

Blue lupine is of a variety of shades.

Yellow lupine is combined with almost every other color.