Every person besides everyday and routine life has a small, and sometimes even quite a big hobby - a hobby. It can be collecting stamps, playing football on Saturdays with friends, collecting coins or something else. And as a rule, in total, it takes quite a noticeable time in life. However, all these are trifles in comparison with our today's topic.
Scott Viver - the usual average American, born in 1960 in San Francisco. However, he has one special, distinctive feature. He has an astounding assiduity. His first sculpture was made by Scott when he was eight years old, and after that he got excited with this hobby, in 1974 he started his grandiose creation under the name Rolling Through The Bay, dedicated to his native city.
He always dreamed of building the world's largest sculpture of toothpicks. And only 32 years later, in 2008, Scott finally finished his amazing work of art, the creation of which went about three thousand hours и примерно сто тысяч зубочисток. Scott Viver для создания своей скульптуры использовал не только зубочистки из местных лавок, но так же зная увлечение американца многие его друзья и знакомые привозили ему зубочистки из своих путешествий в Кению, Марокко, Испанию, Германию и Италию, и другие страны. Он утверждает, что аналогов его творению в мире не существует.
One of the notable features of the already outstanding creation is the existing roads, you can see it on the video, just below. Enjoy watching.
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