1. Moray (Moray), Peru.Ancient city Moray can be called the Inca Agricultural Laboratory. Here it is worth noting several circular terraces, which were probably used to study the effect of different climatic conditions on agricultural crops. The depth of some artificial craters reaches 30 meters, they have a special orientation in relation to the sun and wind, which creates a temperature difference of up to 15 ° C between the upper and lower terraces.
2. Wiñay Wayna, Peru. The Inca town of Winjay-Wine is built on a hillside overlooking the Urubamba River. It is located on the Inca trail, and possibly served as a place where tired travelers traveled to the famous city of Machu Picchu. The ruins of Winjay-Wine consist of the upper and lower complex of buildings, connected by a structure of stairs and fountains.
3. Coricancha (Coricancha), Peru. The Coricancha temple is located in the city of Cusco. Originally it was called Inti Kancha, which literally means "Temple of the Sun", It was the most important temple of the Inca Empire. Its walls and floors were covered once with sheets of pure gold, and the courtyard was filled with golden statues. Like many other monuments of the Incas, the temple was badly damaged by the conquistadors, who later built on its ruins a Christian Cathedral of Santo Domingo.
4. Llactapata (Llactapata), Peru.Ruiny are located along the Inca trail at an altitude of 2840 meters above sea level. In Quechua, the name can be interpreted as "High City". Probably, it was used for the production and storage of the crop.
5. Isla del Sol (Isla del Sol), Bolivia.Isla del Sol (island of the sun) - located on the territory of modern Bolivia, a rocky hilly island, located in the southern part of Lake Titicaca. According to the Inca religion, this was the first land that appeared after the flood waters began to recede and the sun appeared over the island to illuminate the sky again. In honor of the birth of the Sun God, the Incas built several sacred places on the island. In particular, the sacred labyrinth called Chicana (Chicana), the complexes of Casa Pata and Pilko Kaima (Kasa Pata and Pilco Kaima).
6. Sacsayhuaman (Sacsayhuaman), Peru. Saksayuuaman is a ceremonial complex, built in the form of a stone wall high above the city of Cusco. The imperial city of Cusco was laid in the form of a puma, an animal that symbolizes the Inca dynasty.
7. Pisac (Pisac), Peru. Pisak is a word in the Quechua language meaning "ptarmigan". Tradition of the Incas dictated the construction of cities in the form of animals and birds, so Pisak - town built in the form of partridge. The Inca ruins include military fortresses, religious temples and individual apartment buildings overlooking the Sacred Valley, located between the mountains of Salkantai.
8. Чокекирао (Choquequirao), Перу.Руины Чокекирао расположены на высоте 3085 метров над уровнем моря на границе регионов Куско и Апуримак. Ancient city представляет собой несколько административных зданий, городскую площадь, кварталы простолюдинов и большое количество террас. По своей архитектуре и планировке Чокекирао очень напоминает Мачу-Пикчу.
9. Ollantaytambo, Peru. In the times of the Inca Empire, Ollantaytambo was the royal residence of Emperor Pachacuti, who conquered the region and built a city and a ceremonial center. During the Spanish conquest, the city served as a fortress for the resistance of the Incas.
10. Machu Picchu, Peru. The most beautiful and impressive ancient Inca ruins were rediscovered in 1911 by a Hawaiian historian Heamom Bingham. Ancient city был скрыт на протяжении веков высоко в горах над долиной реки Урубамбы.
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