The manager's office, stylishly and tastefully decorated, is a kind of business card of the company. Naturally, the design of the manager's office should fully correspond to the high status of the top manager. Even if the boss is not too demanding for comfort and is not used to sitting in the armchair for a long time, he should take care not only about buying premium furniture, but also about its competent arrangement.
For a man
If a woman, even the head of the firm, is sentimental in her heart, then most men do not sin. For this reason, the office of the top manager should reflect the strong-willed, purposeful, somewhat brutal nature of a person, a stubborn desire to achieve the desired goal in a variety of ways. Interior items should indicate, if not the rapid prosperity of the enterprise, then its stable financial position. Solid expensive furniture, good and expensive floor covering, textured materials for wall decoration - these are the attributes of the "male" director's office.
Adherents of classical style will approach a set of expensive wood, finished with gilded elements and (or) carving. Heavy wooden wardrobes, a large table, upholstered furniture with leather upholstery - all this gives away luxury, wealth, the desire for comfort and conservatism (in the best possible sense).
Young and energetic directors working in the IT or high technology field are more fond of high-tech or, as an option, minimalism. The ascetic situation, almost completely devoid of decor, is mitigated by the bright plastic of furniture, the radiance of the chrome-plated metal and the noble shine of the glass. To create a complete picture of the interior fit abstract posters in a modern style.
For woman
The main thing that distinguishes the "female" interior of the office is lightness and elegance. That's why women most often prefer not the conservative classics with its heavy-weight and slightly ostentatious luxury, but modern design. Women, unlike the stronger sex, are able to select accents. For example, bright curtains and (or) leather furniture of juicy colors look great against the background of a neutral color scheme. Plastic, glass and other "high-tech" materials successfully replace the traditional wood, chipboard and MDF.
Naturally, the office of the woman-boss should be not only cozy and beautiful, but also extremely functional. Racks for placing business papers, comfortable upholstered furniture and, of course, the executive desk - all these are necessary attributes of the premises. Let's consider the basic requirements to various subjects of an interior.
- Naturally, the main subject in the office is the desktop. Furniture with a glass table top fits perfectly into a modern high-tech interior, techno or minimalist. The wooden product, decorated with carvings, is suitable for interiors of baroque, "classic" or modern. Recently, the style of "loft" - deliberately careless and luxuriously bourgeois at the same time - has gained popularity. A coarse piece of wood from the most expensive varieties can not be better suited in this case.
- Briefing-prefix gives an opportunity to hold express meetings in the office.
- The conference table is necessary for meetings with business partners. It can be round, square or oval.
- Armchair. In it, the female leader spends much of the day. Therefore, it should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable.
Whatever style for decoration has been chosen, the furniture should be of the highest quality. If this is neglected, the impression of the company will develop, to put it mildly, not the best. Unfortunately, the working day for the bosses is not standardized, so the recreation area is necessary. Here you can place a coffee table and a set of comfortable upholstered furniture. Beautiful figurines, decorative pillows, paintings, children's photos on the table and plants in exquisite flowerpots give the cabinet an originality and uniqueness. An aquarium with exotic fish is not just a beautiful, but also a useful element of the interior. Observation of the game of fish calms and tones to a positive.
Color Solutions
The office of the top manager is a very special room, where decisions are made for the enterprise. Therefore, it is important to think over the color palette so that to concentrate attention on solving the most important issues.
Designers recommend the maximum use of natural shades: greenish, gray, brown and beige. This not only gives the room a stylish feel, but also adjusts visitors to the business wave.
The dominance of only pastel tones is undesirable, because they set a romantic mood, far from fulfilling the working moments. It is much more correct to play on contrasts. For example, light beige walls are perfectly combined with dark furniture. The same can be said about the subjects of upholstered furniture. Comfortable armchairs and sofas, upholstered in dark brown or black leather, create an atmosphere of respectability and nicely contrast with the light finish.
Separation of the cabinet into zones is an excellent design solution, a guarantee of order in the work. Even a small room, skillfully zoned, will be convenient and multifunctional. The nuances of the design are as follows.
- A negotiating zone must be equipped with a long table and a corresponding number of chairs. As a rule, the meeting room is located next to the manager's desk, but this is not necessary. You can place it in another place.
- The working area is the place of the director of the enterprise. The main attribute is a comfortable and not expensive armchair with a good upholstery. Shelves or filing cabinets are located near the table. Very well, if the manager's desk is located near the window. From the natural light, the eyes are not so tired.
- Rest zone. Ideal if it is located in a separate room or, at least, visually separated. A low coffee table and comfortable upholstered furniture are the necessary minimum for this site.
If the cabinet is very tiny, then due to the lack of "squares", it is expedient to single out one zone: the director's workplace. The use of a corner table will be a good solution. This will help solve two problems: the reception of visitors and the organization of a place to work.
An important point is interior lighting. As a rule, the main chandelier happens a little. The problem of lighting and selection of zones can be solved with the help of rotating spotlights. Spots are great for a small office. Despite their compact size, they can cope with the role of devices for basic lighting. In the recreation area, a beautiful floor lamp is appropriate, the style of which meets the general design principles. The muted and pleasantly scattered light from it helps to relax and briefly distract from working problems.
Finishing materials are chosen in such a way as to ensure, along with the beauty, a healthy microclimate in the office room.
The best option is to use a natural parquet board or laminate. It is important that the coating was laid qualitatively, without any distortion. A good solution is the use of flooring. They muffle extraneous sounds, and at the same time look very respectable. If the carpet covers the floor completely, it is better to choose a shorthaired product made of synthetics, since it is much easier to look after it. For the chief doctor's office, a good floor tile is suitable in the clinic.
At the stage of rough finishing, the walls are carefully leveled. An important point is the use of modern soundproofing. The choice of a particular finishing material depends on the style of the cabinet as a whole. For a classic interior, you can use wallpaper with soft patterns or decorative natural panels. Modern styles, ethno and many modern interiors are associated with textured monophonic roll materials.
It can be used when dividing the space into zones. For an open room, the design of single-level ceilings is optimal. A clear division into zones provides for a two-level design.
When you design a director's office, the designer has to solve a difficult task. First, the furniture should meet the stylistics of the office as a whole. Secondly, it should be luxurious and status, more expensive than in the offices of the chiefs of departments or the chief accountant.
According to the interior situation, you can judge about the company. Wooden cabinets and tables made of ash, walnut or oak, solid leather furniture indicate a commitment to the traditions and stability of the financial condition of the company. On the contrary, the metal parts, the abundance of plastic and glass or, on the contrary, a minimalistic, strict to asceticism, the interior says that the director is able to make quick and sometimes non-standard solutions. But in any case, no matter what option you choose, remember: there are no places in the director's office for cheap sets.
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The choice of decorative elements, creating a stylish and complete picture of the interior, depends on the style of decoration of the room.
- For the traditional classical version - it's paintings, figurines and a mini garden of beautiful plants.
- The minimalism style provides for a complete rejection of the decor. Here the role of decoration is played by aesthetic, non-standard and expensive materials.
- Interiors of high-tech, techno. The role of the interior decor is played by color accents (bright furniture or carpet), unusual shapes of lamps, as well as paintings written in a modern manner.
Home office
Outsourcing work is becoming more popular. It has many advantages.
- Arrangement of a working cabinet will be cheaper than renting coworking or an apartment for office.
- Do not waste time on the road.
- Do not worry about the nuances of the dress code.
- The opportunity to equip the workplace, guided only by their own taste.
- The presence of a nearby pet inspires ...
Before deciding on how to arrange a home office, you need to think through a number of issues. How many people will use it? Why do you need your own workplace? Are you going to work all day or will you only periodically watch the news line on the Internet? The situation in the room largely depends on this.
Here are some tips for the interior from professional professionals, how to design a home office.
- Combine elements of traditional and ultramodern designs: for example, a classic carpet and curtains with minimalist furniture. Is it arguable? Undoubtedly! At the same time, the original interior is guaranteed to you.
- Wall-mounted spotlight or lamp, equipped with a vertical mount, will help to rationally beat the place on the desktop.
- Do you need roomy cabinets? If you need to keep copies of documents on paper, you can not do without tables. If - no, it's better not to clutter the room with shelves and shelves, which will not be in demand anyway.
- The compact shelving in the home office looks better than the closet. It will take up less space and provide reliable storage of business papers.
- Use non-standard solutions. A cup as a pencil or an elegant vase for office supplies - why not?
- Do not be afraid to experiment with bright colors. Something that is unlikely to be appropriate in a typical director's office (upholstery of acid tones, unusual prints, skins on the floor) - for the home office is more than a suitable option.
- Get a magnetic board for records. It is convenient, stylish and, whatever you say, it disciplines.
Managers are different people, so the styles of their cabinets are different. Between the noble classics and ultramodern "high-tech" design there are many intermediate options that allow creating unique and diverse interiors.