Epidermal electronic systems (EEC) are a discovery that can change the electronics world forever, blurring the boundaries between electronics and biology. A team of researchers led by John Rogers and Todd Coleman recently developed such a system.
Electronic the circuit is fixed on the skin, the special material perfectly adapts to the movements of your body. The circuit is installed on the thinnest, rubber substrate with elastic properties similar to the skin properties, as a result, the circuit can be bent and twisted, stretched and compressed, which does not affect performance.
So-called Patch (the combination of the circuit and the rubber substrate) is first installed on a thin sheet of water-soluble plastic, then applied to the skin with water, as a temporary tattoo. Researchers demonstrate functional concepts in a wide range of electronic components, including biometric sensors, LEDs, transistors, radio frequency capacitors, wireless antennas, conductive coils and solar panels. The most promising application of the new technology in the field of medicine.
According to Rogers, electronic skin has already been used to monitor changes in patient health. Technology показала себя эффективно, не уступая в точности лучшим существующим технологиям. Patchи EE уже едва заметны, но когда устанавливается непосредственно на временную татуировку, обнаружить её крайне сложно. Technology, может быть также использована в тайных военных операциях, в которых агент может общаться с командной станцией, не произнося ни слова.
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