Bath allows you to equip a full-fledged health complex on your private plot. The constructions were erected in the times of Ancient Rus. Then, the baths were not particularly concerned about the interior decoration, where it was more important to steam well and wash after a week of labor. Although the traditions are following this building, now the attitude towards registration has changed a lot. With the independent construction of the building at its initial stages, the design of the rest room in the bath is receding into the background. Correct supply of communications, selection of a stove and arrangement of a steam room are much more important issues. After the main work is done, at the final stage start to think about the room for rest. The room acts as an "appendix" to the steam room. Their "duet" provides a full rest: in one it is necessary to sweat and revitalize the body, and in the other - gradually cool down and in parallel spend leisure time. The relaxation room should accommodate more people than the steam room. While one part of the company will take care of each other by brooms on the sides, the rest can wait their turn with comfort: having drunk a cup of tea under the crackling of firewood in the fireplace or watching TV. Let's talk in more detail about how exactly it is necessary to equip this important bath room and what mistakes should be avoided.
The room should also be well ventilated. Of course, the building itself can be built from bricks, but it is better to use natural materials. Optimum will be the cant. Wood is environmentally safe and will allow to realize traditional ideas of Russian style in the exterior and interior of the building. The dimensions of a bath rest room are determined depending on the dimensions of the building itself. The minimum area is 10 sq.m. To develop interior design professional designers are rarely attracted, as the arrangement usually takes their toll.
It is necessary to provide for:
- Hooks for drying towels and bathrobes;
- Places for storing personal belongings;
- Mirror, which will help the guests to put themselves in order.
Also, the rest room can not be cluttered with furniture or decor, the passage must remain free. The rule "in crowdedness, but not in insult" in this case does not work.
Zoning features
There are usually three zones in the room:
- Place for cooking;
- Dinner Zone. It occupies the largest area, as it is designed for full-fledged feasts, without which a wide "Russian soul" usually does not do;
- Area for a relaxing holiday.
If the bathhouse is designed to accommodate large companies, then one of the guests will be uncomfortable to lie down and sleep, while others celebrate or make noise. In such a case, a separate corner with a chaise longue or a couch is fenced off from the rest of the room with textiles. Curtains, if necessary, will create the illusion of protection. In other cases zoning is thought out in advance and at the construction stage a wall-partition is erected. The kitchen from the dining area is best separated by a bar counter or a wide table top. A fireplace with a central location will also do a good job.
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Variety of materials for decorative finishing
(decoration of walls, floor, ceiling)
Decorative decoration of the room is made of different materials:
- Tile. Ceramics is relevant in Roman baths (thermae). She is laid out floors or cladding walls. The tile is combined with thematic decor elements: amphoras, paintings in mosaic technique, statues in niches, columns or pilasters, arched vaults. They use mainly majolica, with various patterns, covered with glaze.
- Lining. Suitable for more unpretentious interiors. The material organically fits into the country, Provence, Russian style. • Wallpaper. Used not so often, as for a rest room only reliable, moisture-resistant options are suitable.
- Drywall. It is used even less often than wallpaper. It is necessary to create skeletons of complex reliefs on the ceiling, floor and walls.
- Natural brick or stone. The material will last more than one year. Absolutely impervious to high humidity. To balance the "cold" that comes from the coating, it is recommended to place a fireplace in the room.
- Porcelain tiles. A strong and reliable option, which seamlessly merges into the "noble" design.
The box of the room can be painted, plastered, covered with artificial PVC panels, stone or brick, but these options will accidentally come into contact with the aggressive microclimate of the steam room. Owners usually prefer not to take risks. From natural wood choose:
- Oak. Disinfects the air, protects the walls from mold;
- Alder. Similar in characteristics to the oak;
- Lipu. The material is characterized by a pleasant honey aroma, which will help create a relaxing atmosphere in the room;
- Cedar. It releases into the air microparticles of oils that smell delicious and have a calming effect;
- Aspen. A natural antiseptic, which in time will retain its form and will not be squashed;
- Ash. Known for a pleasant, delicate color and original pattern on the slices;
- Pine. Practical and inexpensive wood will spread in the room a coniferous aroma, but in time it can release resinous droplets on the surface.
On the floor is usually laid linoleum, tile or sheet pile boards. The latter are polished to a shine, so their surface does not hide troubles in the form of splinters for the bare feet of guests. In more expensive versions use the floor. The rest room with a similar finish corresponds to the canons of elite styles. The ceiling is plastered, painted or lined with a lining.
For a floor do not recommend to use a laminate or a parquet board. When in contact with moisture, they can swell and become unusable.
Color spectrum
Traditionally, all shades of brown are preferred. This color is typical for wood, which is the basis for finishing the village bathhouse under the antiquity and modern sauna. Morally, you can rest only in a room that is decorated in soothing colors. They do not force the eyes to strain again and psychologically relax. Subconsciously easily perceived:
- White. The color of purity is ideal for bath "symbolism";
- Gray. Neutral tone, which perfectly copes with the role of the background;
- Yellow. A hint of sun and optimism;
- Pink, peach. Delicate colors that will tune into a calm mood.
From cold tones recommend to use soft, light shades: lilac, blue, pale green. Also in the interior rest rooms in the bath use pastel colors and necessarily accent zones, as in any other room. Bright strokes will help to slightly revitalize and dilute the calmness of the background of the room.
Read also: Washing in the bath: examples of the interior
We select furniture
The standard furniture set includes armchairs, a sofa or a chaise longue, a table, a TV stand, a closet for clothes and a kitchen corner with a bar rack and the necessary equipment. In more expensive options in this room, arrange a barbecue or install an electric fireplace. The furnishing of the premises will depend on the features of the owners' rest. Perhaps someone likes to sing karaoke and dance after hovering, and someone likes to sleep under the quiet noise of the TV.
Lighting рекомендуют делать рассеянным. Оно не напрягает глаза и располагает к отдыху. Лучший вариант: грамотное комбинирование естественного и искусственного освещения. Окна в комнате отдыха присутствуют обязательно, поэтому днем их держат открытыми, чтобы мягкий солнечный свет беспрепятственно проникал в помещение. Ночью в ход идут точечные светильники, разбросанные по периметру, потолочная люстра и пару бра на стенах в районе акцентных зон. Не рекомендуют выбирать сверхмощные или неоновые лампы. Первые не способствуют расслаблению, а вторые дают холодный, неуютный свет.
Decor rest room is selected at the very end of the design. With its help, the interior picture is made complete. Particular attention is paid to textiles, which gives the atmosphere a cozy and soft. Curtains on the windows, bedspreads on the sofas, soft pads, kitchen towels - all these elements help to "domesticate" the rest room. Also in the room it is desirable to find a place for a couple of pots with indoor plants. If wood is used in decoration, then this move becomes mandatory, since the greens are organically looked on against a background of brown tones. The walls are decorated with paintings or series of photographs, and open shelves are attached to the corners. They place small "themed" souvenirs: statuettes, bowls, vases. In the Russian style in the center of the table usually flaunts a traditional samovar, which is complemented by a bunch of drying.
Separately, they select a chandelier, plafonds of sconces and special lamps that will look organically within the chosen style.
Ideas for the interior
Fresh design ideas for interior design can be found in specialized publications or the World Wide Web. If you are the owner of a rich imagination, then you can build a stylistic solution on a brick by yourself. The main thing, before the process, is to get acquainted with the basic rules of the direction, beyond which to go out do not recommend, otherwise the result will be of an experimental nature.
Tradition of Russian style
The Russian color is embodied in detail. In the decor necessarily use carving on wood, without which previously no cottage or bathhouse could do. The ceiling can be decorated in an original way with rows of suspended brooms. Furniture is chosen from natural wood. The presence of a samovar is required on the table. Textiles use fabrics with embroidered floral pattern. Kitchen utensils are chosen from wood, ceramics or clay with traditional Russian painting. The floor is covered with rugs of various sizes, which are sewed with their own hands from improvised materials (trimming fabrics, woolen threads).
Strict Scandinavian style
The Scandinavian style is dominated by light neutral shades and cool colors. Bright colors can only be used in accent decor. The decoration is simple, no frills with wooden elements. Furniture choose modern with non-standard forms and upholstery from natural materials. Burning heart in the winter interior will be a fireplace, decorated with white brick or stone. The floors are covered with soft carpets with a pile of medium length and unobtrusive geometric patterns. As a decor, vases with a composition of twigs, houseplants, lamps of original shapes, deer horns can perform. From the curtains refuse at all, and the windows shut the blinds. The dishes are chosen simple, white without painting and patterns. Textiles are natural, with coarse fibers. It can decorate geometric patterns.
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Unconventional Japanese style
Japanese style is laconic and simple. In the country of the rising sun and the bath is a little like the traditional options. The Japanese are hovering in a barrel of hot water. In the decoration of the rest rooms use ceramic tiles. The windows are covered with bamboo panels, and the doors have a sliding structure. Furniture choose a low, it is better to use mats and traditional chairs without legs. Decorate the room with a couple of paintings or open fans on the walls, traditional Japanese lanterns (andons, aunt), massive outdoor vases and pillows that lay directly on the carpets. It is important to know. In the oriental style, a special place is occupied by fragrances. In a separate corner, a censer with incense is installed, which gradually fills the room and will have a beneficial effect on the relaxed company.
Sophistication of classical style
Classics are difficult to implement in small rooms. This style requires room for scope, so it's better to give up a sleek interior in a close rest room. In the classics use a combination of stucco and carvings. Furniture choose solid and massive with a monochrome, natural upholstery. Fine textiles are used in textiles. Recommend the installation of decorative columns and arch vaults, which will give the room the necessary gloss. The main highlight of the room will be a fireplace, decorated with masonry.
Easy design in Art Nouveau style
In a room decorated in Art Nouveau style, it's easy to relax. The direction of soft shades and smooth lines helps to relax. For finishing use natural materials, but the use of imitation (ceramic granite, artificial stone) is allowed. Furniture choose a massive, but simple. Accent stains will be the green of houseplants. Textiles allow the use of unobtrusive patterns, but without excess. For decoration use collages of photographs, monophonic cushions, soft rugs, heavy curtains. The wood saws that decorate the walls and the floor will look original.
Simplicity of country style
Style with a rural flavor gives preference to natural materials with rough processing. In textiles, cotton is chosen, and wooden surfaces prevail in the finish. It is desirable to leave the ceiling beams in a pristine state to emphasize the uniqueness of the situation. Decorate the room with wicker baskets, indoor plants, antique furniture details. For example, a kitchen set can be represented by an old "grandmother's" cupboard, which is slightly ennobled with paint. The dishes are chosen simple, without drawings and patterns. The floors are covered with homemade rugs. On the sofas, plaid rugs and cushions, sewn from multicolored scraps, flaunt.
In our time, almost no dacha can do without a bathhouse. Let it be unpretentious, but the basic function of building this fact will not hurt. If the bath is tight and only the steam room and the dressing room can fit, then the rest room is "transferred" to the open air. It is simply arranged on the terrace. The option is not suitable for winter recreation, and over the interior does not have to pore for a long time. Monumental structures usually provide for a room where guests will spend time after the procedures. The main thing is that the premise could provide a comfortable stay and could boast of a home cosiness, in which it is easy to relax.