Many people for various reasons and life circumstances have to exist in small apartments. Some move to a confined space quite consciously, to separate from the family or deceived by a smaller rent.
It will be interesting for our readers to see how, with the help of our recommendations, it is possible to make new housing more comfortable, without significant financial injections and making hard adjustments to the way of life. Of all the tips and many ideas it is enough to choose those that suit you.
1. If you plan to use curtains, then choose them in the tone of the walls, it is better that they "merge".

2. If there are large windows with a beautiful view of nature, it is advisable to bring shades of fresh greens to the apartment. This visually combines both spaces and will expand the size of the room.

3. It is desirable that the room from the side of the street is illuminated as best as possible, a minimum of fabrics and objects cluttering the window.

4. Selecting options for upholstered furniture, it is better to give preference to low sofas and armchairs. If the room is very small, then you have to choose one or the other.

5. Try to equip the hidden storage systems and racks. Do not buy extra accessories and furniture, just because you liked. Approach the issues of decoration with a maximally cold head.

6. For a better effect for adjacent rooms, a uniform color palette and floor coverings for the same texture are selected. If for some reason it does not work out, then it is advisable to do everything possible to make their color shades similar.