Mount Roraima - lost world of gods. Почему затерянный мир? Потому что в 18 веке предполагалось, что на вершинах подобных столовых гор могут сохраниться реликтовые формы жизни — в том числе и динозавры. Почему world of gods? Потому что Рорайма — на самом деле не просто гора. В общем, это несколько десятков гор, называемых тепуи Рорайма (Roraima). А на языке индейцев «тепуи» означает «дом богов».Гора Рорайма — это гора со своеобразными интересными вертикальными склонами и плоскими вершинами, — one of the most ancient in the world. The remains of a long-ruined plateau are composed of very hard sandstone. These inaccessible, distant from each other rocks rise above the surface, forming bizarre, unearthly forms. The highest tepui in Venezuela - Mount Roraima (2810 m), which is also called the "big blue-green mountain". At its top is a plateau with an area of about 30 km2. The legend of Mount Roraima has existed for a long time. It speaks of Roraima - the Mother of Great Waters, a fantastic mountain plateau in the woodlands to the north of Mat Gross and to the west of Guyana. Roraima, protected by thickets and marshes, a sea of greenery and extensive rain forests, is considered the source of all diamonds mined in the district. However, the Indians do not approach it, fearing evil spirits. To conquer it they tried more than once and in 1884 people finally managed to climb the unapproachable flat top of Roraima. And although there were no prehistoric lizards, it was worth it to climb it. Here really animals are found and plants that are nowhere else are beautiful. This is because on the tops of tepuy, which are similar to the heavenly islands, and the fauna and flora develop in complete isolation from the rest of the world for many centuries. A large cloud constantly hangs around Roraima: the fog here is a frequent visitor, and in its gloomy darkness unearthly forms Cliffs seem like a cosmic landscape. From living creatures here are found huge rats and black frogs in the third finger size. From the vegetation - outlandish insectivorous plants ... If it seems from the bottom that the plateau is at the top, absolutely level, then in reality there are chaotic piles of stone placers, canyons and steep hills. The sandstone layers, of which the mountain consists, are destroyed unevenly, forming bizarre rocks, some of which like giant chess pieces, others - on huge mushrooms, the third - on fairy-tale locks.