Some 10 - 15 years ago, everyone only dreamed of pocket computers, and portable gadgets. During this time, modern technologies have made significant progress in this area, but there is still no connection between digital devices and our interaction with the physical world. SixthSense It is a portable gesture interface that extends the boundaries of the physical world around us, supplementing it with digital information, and allows the use of gestures for interactions with this information.
SixthSense includes:pocket projector, mirrors and cameras. The projector and cameras are connected wirelessly to mobile computing devices. The projector projects visual images with information on the surface of walls, and other physical objects around us. The camera recognizes and tracks the user's hands, as well as gestures, and surrounding objects using a specially designed program, based on the methods of neural networks. SixthSense also recognizes the user's hand position and supports multitouch, multi-user interaction.
System SixthSense can increase physical objects, while the user interacts with the projection, and all additional information about the object projected on its surface. A vivid example is a newspaper that can show live news, video or any other dynamic information. The cost of creating one model of the prototype SixthSense is about $ 350.
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