Virtual reality again in the spotlight, it's hard not to think about 4th dimension, which is tangible. The ability to perceive our life path through the environment is one of the most important aspects of human existence. Without feelings of perception, the world would not be what it is today. Now that we've included ZD to a large extent in every aspect of our lives, we could take the next step. The discovery of tactile sensations can be one of the most important discoveries of the century.
The development is based on the technology of the cross-perception model and was developed by the professor's laboratory Takashi of Kavai in the school of the University of Fundamental Science and Technology Waseda. As a result of research, it became possible to touch an object that does not actually exist. The essence of technology is to evoke a sense of tactile perception of sensations through viewing the perfect stereoscopic видеоизображения, без какого-либо физического контакта. На данный момент Takashi of Kavai удалось получить стереоскопическое изображение, которое воспринимается человеком как реально существующий объект в окружающем space.
At this stage of the study, the technology allows you to see the image of the object at a distance of about 30 cm from the eyes. At the moment, there are available displays of visible and simultaneously tangible objects in two versions: a fireball and an ice ball. During the course of experiment the subject places his or her hands in such a way that the ball of fire or ice is on the palms of your hand, then gently turning your head to the right and left can feel the heat or cold (depending on the type of image: fire or ice) or light movement of air from the observed object.
This breakthrough may well change the world of gaming and entertainment the industry. All this seems a bit weird, but in time, discovery can create completely new fields of science. It is safe to say that in the future, the entertainment world will be completely different from what we are used to.
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