Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in holland

The first tulips appeared in Holland in 1570. From Austria they were brought by the professor of botany. Since that time, the process of tulip mania began - "craze" with delicate flowers, when the demand for bulbs exceeded the supply hundreds and thousands of times. At the peak of the universal "tulip boom" (1634-37 gg.) For some rare varieties, the buyers were ready to lay out up to 5500 gold coins.

Dowry for a bride - 1 onion, a good house was worth 3 bulbs, and a rare bulb of the Tulip Brasserie variety was sold at the price of a prosperous brewery. There is demand, there is a proposal, respectively - the subject of speculation.

On the wave of excitement for three years, "tulip deals" for 10 million florins were carried out. Many entrepreneurs, dreaming of quick profits, abandoning their successful business and "grabbing" for floriculture, without having any skills in breeding tulips, flourished "corrupt tulip exchanges."

In the end, the supply exceeded demand, and there was ... a collapse in prices. Someone was on the crest of success, and someone in the debt hole.

Tulipomania lost its positions definitively with the advent of new varieties of ornamental and garden plants. British fashion gardens have become fashionable, and the passion for tulips has faded for a while.

By the end of the twentieth century, a new round of tulip mania began. The Netherlands has put the cultivation of tulips on an industrial basis, now it is the most developed country export direction.

The power of emotions arising from the survey of Holland's tulip fields, captures completely. Warm, gentle joy for the soul! Colorful, inexpressible delight for the eyes!

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Photogallery Total | 10 pictures Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland Tulipmania or colorful tulip fields in Holland