
Decorative decoration of walls is a creative process in all respects. Depending on the type of material and the technique chosen, you will need the skills of an artist, designer, painter and builder. Of course you can hire a specialist who will develop a unique project and implement it, but it's much more fascinating to become a creator yourself. We will analyze in more detail the main types of decoration, materials for work, their advantages and disadvantages.
Before the direct painting, the wall is prepared. Since it is scraped off the remains of the previous coating and primed. Unevenness and groove shpatlyuyut, and after drying, grind. Then apply an additional layer of primer and only after complete drying begin to paint. When choosing a paint focus on its composition and characteristics, which allow it to be used in those or other premises. The assortment of the product is classified into:
Acrylic | They are eco-friendly, they lie on any surface, after drying they form a strong film that withstands strong temperature fluctuations. |
Water emulsion | They are referred to the "veterans" of the construction and repair market. Paints are cheap, they dry quickly, they pass moisture, but they require a special temperature regime during drying and are washed off with water in due course. |
Latex | This modern kind of paints is diluted even with plain water. They are suitable for rooms with high humidity, absolutely resistant to moisture, do not smell and quickly dry. Of the cons add only a fairly high cost. |
Paints on an oil and alkyd base | They well fall on the surface, but dry for a long time, exuding a sharp, unpleasant odor. They serve for a long time, they do not wash off water, but for the same reason they are expensive. |
There are a number of ways of applying paint. Usual paint rollers and brushes will lay it flat, dense layer on plasterboard, plaster or concrete. A pattern or pattern is applied to the surface with a stencil, but this is the simplest version. A lot of more original methods have been developed, for which only improvised means are required. To get the effect of a "crumpled" canvas, simply wrap the roller with a piece of unnecessary fabric, which is tied to the foam with a coarse thread. The more creases on it are formed, the more original and interesting the pattern will be. A more refined drawing will come if you decide to create the illusion of Venetian plaster. This type of finishes used to be used exclusively for facade cladding, but over time it fits into the interior walls design. For this method, you will have to perform a number of actions:
- Take a jar of latex paint and pour its contents into a wider container.
- Then a pigment is doused on one side, which darkens the original color.
- It is gently stirred so as not to touch the second part of the paint.
- With a simple spatula, it is applied to the surface like a plaster. At the same time spots of dark and light tones alternate to make a beautiful picture of two shades, chaotically changing into each other.
If it is difficult for you to work with one tank under two different shades, then pour the paint into two different cans and work with them already. These are only the simplest methods of the existing ones. With the help of small tricks and patience, a simple wall is transformed and decorated beyond recognition both outside the house and inside.
With the help of acrylic paint, the new surface can be artificially aged (stippling), which is perfect for rooms in retro or provence styles. In the office create a "business" effect of expensive skin, for which you only need a homemade suede brush. With the help of sponges, pieces of cloth, bags, sponges and sponges, designers form not only a texture, but also a relief.
Decorative plaster for interior works
The main purpose of the plaster is leveling the walls, smoothing the roughness and masking the defects. So it was until the designers paid close attention to this finishing material, which, as it turned out, can play a more important role in interior design. First, decorative plaster was used only for facing the outer walls, until this experience was transferred to the interior decoration of apartments and houses. The decoration of the premises ceased to be pompous and pompous, giving preference to coarser and more practical materials. The basis of the plaster is different variances, which determine its characteristics. Depending on the type of binding ingredients, the plaster is divided into:
- Acrylic;
- Silicone;
- Silicate;
- Mineral.
The basis of the mineral is lime and cement. It can boast a long period of operation and relative cheapness. Before work, this plaster is diluted with water. Acrylic mixture is tinted, resistant to mechanical damage. Of the disadvantages noted for its poor vapor permeability, so plaster is recommended to use only inside the house for walls and ceilings. Silicone material is characterized by high cost, which is due to excellent quality: the material is vapor permeable, withstands temperature fluctuations, is not washed off by water and will last for more than one year. Silicone plaster is used for facing works both outside and inside the house. But silicate is made on the basis of potash glass, which is toxic, so this option is better left for the facade works. Also, the mixtures differ in the size of the granules, on which the texture and the relief of the treated surface will depend. Before the finishing works, the base is treated with a primer, and in rooms with high humidity, antifungal solutions also. It should be remembered that in the preliminary stage it is impossible to apply mixtures based on glue, oil or alabaster, which will only prevent the absorption of plaster granules or the color of the wall.
If the finished plaster is not available to buy, then it can be prepared at home according to the original "recipe" from the putty. Pay attention to the composition of the latter, from some species you will get a mixture that will color the wall section only after applying several layers.
Wallpapers and wallpapers
The wholesale market offers a wide range of goods. Among the most popular are:
- Non-woven;
- Paper;
- Acrylic;
- Liquid;
- Textile;
- Metal;
- Vinyl;
- Wall-papers.
Бумажные и флизелиновые относят к самым простым и дешевым. Первыми вообще пользовались испокон веков, а вторые отличаются всего лишь добавлением тканевых волокон. Оба вида применяют в качестве основы под краску, они экологичны, имеют богатый ассортимент цветовых решений, но недолговечны (даже нельзя мыть). Поверхность таких обоев обычно гладкая, но есть варианты с рельефным рисунком. Acrylic и виниловые обои долговечны, не боятся влаги и ультрафиолета. Бумажная или флизелиновая основа покрывается специальной «пенкой», которая образует прочный верхний слой. Из минусов отмечают только воздухопроницаемость, соответственно таким материалом не стоит клеить стены в детской комнате. Текстильные обои делаются из бумажной основы и второго слоя натуральной ткани. Материал выглядит очень элегантно, но он дорогой, выгорает, легко повреждается влагой и быстро собирает пыль (их можно даже пылесосить). В металлических обоях верхний слой выполнен из тонкой алюминиевой фольги. Они эффектно смотрятся, не выгорают и не боятся воды, но за все эти достоинства придется дорого заплатить. И наконец последнее слово в мире обоев — жидкое покрытие. Продается оно в виде порошка и после нанесения отдаленно напоминает декоративную штукатурку. В составе жидких обоев присутствуют целлюлозные волокна и блестки, которые создают богатый, изящный вид.
Photobots are made from the same materials as conventional ones. They are a panorama from the floor to the ceiling. Images can be very diverse: from bright landscapes with "juicy" colors to neutral abstract paintings with calm shades. Before you paste wallpaper, you need to clearly distinguish the site for finishing, so that later your drawing does not go into a corner or slip. The pictures are purchased in special shops or made to order in the chosen pattern with the help of special printing materials.
In the children's room when choosing the type of wallpaper, be guided by their environmental friendliness, and in the kitchen and in the bathroom you have to stay on a moisture-resistant material that can also withstand temperature changes.
Drywall is used mainly to obtain the original wall relief. With this fairly inexpensive material, you can create decorative nets, shelves, arches, tiers and partitions. It is also often used in rooms where it is necessary to hide communications beautifully and accurately. Above this coating is decorated with wallpaper, paint, plaster, tile, artificial brick or wood. You can lick the room with your own hands without the help of professionals. There are several types of material to choose:
- Normal;
- Moisture-proof
- With increased fire resistance;
- Огнеупорный и влагостойкий.
For residential premises suitable drywall. The bathroom is moisture resistant, and for the kitchen it is possible to "go bankrupt" to a fireproof one in order to secure your family in case of a force majeure with an overheated stove.
The material easily bends. If you need a "figured" sheet, you can buy a special drywall for arches or gradually moisten with ordinary water. In this case, it is laid under the yoke in the form that you want to get as a result. Twelve hours are enough for the sheet to "grab" and keep the bends.
Отделка стен ламинатом, пожалуй, самый свежий и нетривиальный дизайнерский ход. Многие видели этот материал исключительно на полу, но никак не на стенах, а ведь такая обшивка выглядит богато и оригинально. Laminate отлично имитирует различные поверхности и текстуры: от натуральной древесины и до мраморного рисунка. Основу материала составляет ДВП, который легко гнется, а верхний слой защиты обеспечивает долговечность покрытия. Laminate выбирают не то типам, а по классам. Каждый из них имеет определенные характеристики по ГОСТу, исходя из которых материал подходит только для определенного типа помещений.
Читайте также: Laminate на стене в интерьере - креативное решение
Clinker tiles
Clinker tiles изготавливается из глины с добавлением флюсов и красителей. При производстве ее обжигают один раз. Материал пришел к нам из Западной Европы, где им облицовывали дома и укладывали дороги. Плитка отличается высокой прочностью, легко моется, пропускает воду, не восприимчива к перепадам температур и воздействию ультрафиолета. Из недостатков отмечают только сильную хрупкость материала и высокую цену, особенно если сравнивать с обычной керамикой. Именно по этой причине ее в оформлении убранства дома используют довольно редко. В разы проще поклеить обои или покрасить стену вместо того, чтобы возиться с материалом, который легко дает трещины. Но выглядит клинкерная плитка благородно и элегантно. Она неплохо сочетается с другими материалами и идеально подходит для оформления кухонных фартуков или участков стен в ванной комнате.
Fake diamond
Fake diamond активно применяется в производстве моек, столешниц и подоконников, но дизайнеры шагнули дальше и начали использовать этот материал в декорировании стен. Камень может быть разной текстуры и цвета. Его подразделяют на несколько видов:
- Acrylic;
- Quartz;
- Polyester;
- Lithuanian marble.
Acrylic is considered the most common. It is a good example of a good price-quality ratio. In polyester, the main binding substance is an ethereal resin, and not an acrylic, as in its close "relative". It has a sharp, unpleasant odor, which is weathered over time. Polyester stone does not bend, so it can not be used to create curly elements. Quartz material is more fragile, so this surface is quite sensitive to mechanical damage. The casting stone is also called liquid. Buying a material, they say, will fly into a pretty penny, but it is ideal for creating complex compositions with smooth lines and bends. It is durable, durable and does not crumble.
A natural stone
A natural stone имеет массу разновидностей. Среди наиболее часто применяемых в декорировании стен отмечают:
- Granite;
- Marble;
- Sandstone;
- But;
- slate;
- Zlatolith;
- Lemezit.
They also use stone crumb, river pebbles and specially hewn brusochki. About sandstone, we'll talk below, because it is perfectly combined with an artificial base. The result of such experiments became the material of the "new generation". The most solid and popular are granite and marble, but such coverage can "fade" and affect the health of the owners of the apartment. Before buying stone stocks for finishing, ask their field. In some quarries, granite or marble is more radioactive. This their property directly depends on the area of extraction. The fortress with such material is unlikely to be compared to other finishing coating. He is not afraid of anything: temperature, humidity, mechanical damage. To be convinced of this, it is enough to recall the marble and granite memorials, which for tens of years stand under the open sky and preserve their beauty. From a natural stone do baths, working surfaces, they spread a floor or paths in a garden. This material is refractory and is used even in the facing of fireplaces.
Flexible stone
Песчаник используют не только в «натуральном» виде. Он представляет собой пластичную осадочную горную породу. Ее «нарезают» тонкими ломтиками — пластами, которые прикрепляют к стеклохолсту. Такой камень отлично гнется, а в зависимости от его тонкости применяется для создания дизайнерских обоев или плитки. Материал считается наиболее удачной комбинацией натурального и искусственного. Он легкий, экологичный, огнеупорный, влагоустойчивый и выдерживает самые агрессивные условия. Flexible stone универсален, им можно облицовывать даже стены в детской и ванной. По заявлениям производителей в среднем срок службы материала составляет около 30-35 лет.
Natural wood
Wood is a unique material that combines beauty and excellent performance characteristics. The assortment of wood is wide and rich. The most affordable and cheapest are recognized:
- Pine;
- Birch;
- Cedar;
- Ale.
To the rarer and more expensive include:
- Oak:
- Cherry;
- Ash;
- Karelian birch
- Manchurian nut;
- Crimean mahogany;
- Maple.
And of course, the most "exclusive" kind of wood is the ebony tree, better known as "black". For finishing the walls use already prepared wooden materials. The most popular are:
- Cloth
- Panels;
- Blockhouse;
- Gusvarblock
The board is a processed narrow board. Block-house - this is the same material that has rounded ends that imitate the Russian frame. Panels are created both from solid wood and from its residues (with the help of a press and a special adhesive base), which greatly reduces the cost. Behind the name gusvarblok hiding wooden wallpaper, which are distinguished by filigree work in production and high price. These are not paper rolls, to which we all are accustomed, but rather thick wooden panels, fastening together through grooves. As a raw material for any of the abovementioned facing materials, coniferous, deciduous or rare tree species are taken.
Read also: Increase the space with photo wallpapers
Decorative painting
If you do not have the artistic talent to paint the walls in the apartment you will have to turn to a specialist. This is a delicate, laborious work, which directly depends on the complexity of the chosen drawing. The room with painted walls will acquire an impressive color. The furnishings and furniture will have to match it. For the artistic painting of walls three types of paints are used:
- Acrylic;
- Tempera;
- Butter.
Acrylic is durable and is not afraid of moisture, temperature drops. Tempera corrects the smallest details, as the paint falls more elegantly. To obtain a relief pattern, it is applied to Venetian plaster. The pictures become voluminous and abstract with blurred features. Oil painting the premises in the Middle Ages. Now the composition of oil colors has changed, and it is unlikely that your masterpiece will live as much as the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but we do not pretend to compete with the great masters of past painting. Aerography is considered to be a popular type of paint application. In the can is a compressed powder or liquid color, which is sprayed over the surface. But such work requires special preparation: it is rather difficult to adapt to non-standard "written" membership. You can practice on any smooth surface that you do not mind: a door from an unnecessary cabinet, an old mirror, a wall constructed for demolition.
Bung добывается из наружной части коры некоторых видов деревьев. Наиболее часто ее получают из одноименного пробкового дерева, которое и дало название материалу. Из-за сложной технологии обработки материал отличается довольно высокой стоимостью, компенсирующейся долговечностью и влагостойкостью покрытия. Bung выпускается в двух видах:
- Rolls;
- Sheets.
В зависимости от того, какую площадь стены, собираются ею покрывать, и выбирают тип материала. Bung приятна на ощупь: она одновременно и прочная, и податливая. К механическим повреждениям материал устойчив. При незначительном воздействии, он просто прогнется, а потом вернется в прежнее состояние, поэтому поцарапать пробковое покрытие довольно сложно. Из минусов отмечают только «бедную» цветовую гамму, которая ограничивается всеми оттенками коричневого.
Decorative panels
For the installation of decorative wall panels, a special construction will be required: a crate of metal or wood. On her "pose" the components. Panels are classified into three types:
- Sheet;
- Tiled;
- Rack.
The second is much smaller, and it is easier to lay out the original pattern from them. Usually, tiles of different sizes and colors are used within the same scale. Reechnye remotely resemble a lining: long, narrow plaques. Sheet panels are used to cover large areas. The material used is plastic, glass, gypsum, wood and its derivatives (MDF, chipboard, fiberboard).
Wooden panels
Panels from chipboard are made of chips, which is subjected to hot pressing. The material is less durable than wood, and is susceptible to high humidity, temperature fluctuations. It can not be used for a bathroom or kitchen, so you will have to confine yourself to the living room, hallway or bedroom. The fiberboard is produced using the same technology, but instead of chips, vegetable and wood fibers are used, which are more resistant to kitchen conditions, for example. However, this material should be protected from direct water hit on the surface, so the bath is still under taboo.
MDF is subjected to dry pressing, as a result of which chips produce lignin. It also forms a solid "film" that holds together and improves performance. MDF is not afraid of water, no ultraviolet, no elevated temperatures. Also, the material is able to withstand heavy loads, so it is often used to create shelves. Panels from MDF are suitable for absolutely any room in an apartment or house. From chips, resins and synthetic wax, OSB plates are made. They have a rather unpretentious appearance, which is compensated by pleasant in all respects price and strength. The material in the interior painting is mainly used for flooring, but this option is also suitable for walls.
Plastic panels
PVC has long established itself as a durable artificial material. Surprisingly, his formula was the result of an accident. The French scientist received it during the experiment and simply could not characterize his invention. PVC is made of polyvinyl chloride and a softener. The latter is added in minimal concentrations. PVC is actively used to create windows, windowsills, doors and other products vital for living quarters. Plastic is refractory, does not fear water, changes in temperature, it is easy to wash and difficult to scratch. PVC is relatively cheap and safe for health. The release of harmful substances is accompanied only by its production.
Repair is not always an unbearable burden, from which you want to get rid as soon as possible. This process can be enjoyable and bring a lot of pleasure. Do not forget that the walls are the background of your apartment: bright, defiant or calm. Furnishing and the "box" of the house must be "tied" into a complex composition of the design project, which preserves the inner harmony. That is why the walls are decorated in accordance with the rules of the overall interior concept.