Traditionally, the facades of buildings were decorated with bricks. For interior finishing used other, more aesthetically beautiful materials, the simplest of which remains plaster. But with the advent of new trends in the design of brick in the interior began to pay more attention. His carelessness and original texture organically flow into a number of stylistic directions. Cladding the walls with a real brick is costly, and a full brick "eats" a lot of excess space. A number of quality imitations were created, which are visually difficult to distinguish from the original. Decorative tiles for brick used to decorate houses both inside and outside. Depending on the type of material that was used to make it, it can withstand the strength of even the original. Let's talk about how to properly perform the installation of tiles and consider the fashionable options for decorating the walls.
To create decorative bricks not only these materials are used. In the course are various solidifying mixtures that can be made from natural, synthetic components.
Flexible tiles
Flexible tiles действительно отлично гнется и ее название вовсе не рекламный ход для завлечения покупателей. По степени пластичности она напоминает поролон. Изготавливают материал из песка и акрила с добавлением пигментов. Главное достоинство гибкой плитки кроется в возможности осуществлять укладку по углам без нарушения целостности фрагментов, то есть их просто сгибают и фиксируют на стене. Когда необходимо отрезать какую-то часть для обработки краев, материал легко поддается резке. Flexible tiles достоверно имитирует кирпич, и надежно защищает поверхность стены. Ее можно использовать в качестве отделочного материала и для декорирования фасада дома, но сложность при удалении загрязнений с поверхности становится серьезным препятствием для такого украшения. Flexible tiles экологически чиста и не воспламеняется, но ее нельзя обрабатывать моющими средствами с щелочами в составе.
Despite its external "unreliability" the material will last for many years, and its installation will seem easy even for beginners.
From gypsum
The variant is popular because of its cheapness, but its quality is much inferior to ceramics and clinker. Gypsum tiles can be made by hand, pre-buying molds for pouring. The surface of each fragment will have to be treated with a special composition. Unfortunately, the protective layer will not be able to save the material from the harmful effects of moisture for a long time. In addition, any mechanical action (up to and including a fist blow) will cause splitting of the fragments. Gypsum is beautiful, but completely impractical. It can be used only as a decor for interior decoration in those rooms where there is always dry air. Due to the brittleness of the material, its surface after the manufacturing can be decorated with scrapes and roughnesses, which are typical for real brickwork.
Read also: Decorative corners on the corners of the walls
Клинкер относят к кирпичам. В его основе лежит смесь из тугоплавких сланцевых глин и полевого шпата, которые после обжига при сверхвысоких температурах становятся невероятно твердыми. Оригинальное название материалу дали немцы из-за особого звука, который издают элементы при столкновении друг с другом. Clinker плитка универсальна и применяется как для внешних, так и для внутренних отделочных работ. Для материала характерны все преимущества керамики, но он прочнее и долговечнее.
Ceramic плитка ничем не отличается от обычного кафеля, которым отделывают кухни и ванные комнаты, кроме прямоугольной кирпичной формы, а не стандартной квадратной. Изготавливают материал из особого сорта глины, который смешивают с частицами кварца, пигментами и карбонатами. Ceramic плитка имеет сравнительно небольшой вес, сохраняет цвет даже при постоянном контакте с солнечными лучами, не реагирует на изменения влажности в помещении. Материал долговечен и прочен. Керамика может иметь различную фактуру, но наиболее популярными вариантами остаются матовые и глянцевые поверхности. Цветовой диапазон позволяет подобрать плитку под конкретную гамму интерьера.
Styles with brickwork
The brickwork does not fit all the directions. It became a kind of visiting card loft. "Brushed" industrial style due to this decor emphasizes the laconic interior and the close "relationship" of the room with the shop. The tile usually has a rough surface and imitates a rough brown brick. In minimalism, this cladding will become an ornament of a practical situation without excesses. For this direction, materials of calm tones (gray, white) with a smooth surface are chosen. Neutral shades are also used in hi-tech. A stylish solution will be a brick tile with a glossy surface, imitating metal. With the country and the provence the variant is combined "with a squeak". In the style of the French outback use bricks only gentle tones, and the country accepts a rough texture, as in a loft. In the Gothic direction, tiles are used with the effect of Venetian plaster, that is, with a surface that is chaotic with divorce resembles marble.
Ideas for the use of brick tiles
Brick tiles decorate only certain sections of walls in the rooms. If you cover the entire surface with this material, the design will put pressure on the household and cause psychological discomfort. In rare cases, decorative tiles are used to decorate the entire room, when it is necessary to realistically recreate the medieval interior. This decor will be appropriate to look only in specific rooms, for example, in a fireplace.
In the hallway and corridor
In the hallway or corridor with the help of decorative bricks focus on individual elements. Most often this is a doorway or a large mirror. Also, the material is decorated with open corners. The technique of "torn edge" is very popular, in which the edges of the masonry have an inaccurate appearance. Such "negligence" is perfectly combined with strict interiors, diluting the situation. If the hallway or corridor is close, then it is recommended to use a material of light colors.
In the living room
A stylish and cozy element in the living room is a fireplace. To this part of the room looked more colorful, it is decorated with brickwork. In this case, only ceramic or clinker can be used, since the material must be refractory. If the fireplace is located in the corner, the tiles are decorated with partially adjacent walls. The original solution will be the decoration of two surfaces located opposite each other. To even a dark brick did not create a gloomy atmosphere, behind the sofa hang a large, bulky mirror, and opposite install a wide TV. With such a finish, a snow-white sofa, a coffee table from glass and a soft carpet completely covering the floor will harmonize. Also, the tiles are decorated with an accent wall, on which a TV and a group of pictures, photographs, posters are placed. In rare cases, the bricks pass a narrow vertical strip from the ceiling to the floor. Effectively this solution in combination with simple plaster. Non-standard looks a combination of real brick with its imitation. At that, the rough texture of the first contrasts with the smooth surface and the well-groomed appearance of the second one. The original brick is adorned with the top of the wall, and starting with the line at the eye level it is lined with decorative tiles.
See also: Decorative putty: types and methods of application
In the kitchen
Decorative tiles most often decorate the wall, which has a kitchen set. If such design is too much "to put pressure" on a person, they are limited only to an apron, which is traditionally made of ceramics. The original option is to create a "niche" for the hood, which will simulate a similar element above the stove. Its surface is trimmed with aged brick tiles. If the kitchen is combined with the dining area, then the room can be zoned using a false wall. In order not to spoil the visual perception of space, it is recommended to erect this partition not to the ceiling, but to the height of a person's growth. To decorate the kitchen, you can not use gypsum, since the material will quickly become completely worthless. In spacious rooms with an island layout, it is recommended to use black brick with light seams in the masonry, which will contrast with the gloss of the white bar counter and combine with the dark suite. With the help of decorative tiles, it is possible to emphasize the peculiarities of the kitchen of non-standard form. To decorate small rooms resort to a cunning move: they use mirror bricks that visually enlarge the space, expanding its boundaries. Suitable for loft and hi-tech. If the interior is supplemented with elements made of metal (chrome surfaces), then this effect can be doubled.
In the bedroom
In the bedroom не советуют использовать кирпичики броских оттенков. В помещении, которое рассчитано на отдых и сон, лучше применять пастельные тона и белый. Кладкой отделывают акцентную стену у изголовья кровати или напротив нее. Дополняют оформление парой картин, стильными бра или каменными буквами. Белый кирпич гармонирует со штукатуркой или нежными обоями, украшенными растительным орнаментом. Если используется материал с рельефной поверхностью, на которой имеются шероховатости, ее подчеркивают дополнительной системой декоративного освещения. Для современной спальни с подвесной кроватью применяют белую плитку под кирпич, которой отделывают стену у изголовья постели. Дополняют декор длинной полкой открытого типа под книги и панельными шторами в тон. В минималистичных спальнях на стену вешают абстрактную картину, а оштукатуренные поверхности украшают плетущимися растениями в подвешенных кашпо. В редких случаях, когда в комнате планируется установка камина, его размещают между окнами. Этот участок стены декорируют темным кирпичом, который контрастирует со светлыми шторами, но комбинируется с потолочными балками из дерева. Такое дизайнерское решение близко к стилю шале. Чтобы подчеркнуть небрежность оформления, можно не покупать картины, а изобразить граффити прямо на стене.
The brick surface can take a direct part in the zoning of the combined room. At the same time, a stylish addition will be a partition made of frosted glass or plastic.
In the bathroom
Традиционно для отделки ванной используют кафель. Ceramic плитка под кирпич ничем не уступает этому материалу по своим характеристикам. In the bathroom обычно отделывают только одну стену, которая станет акцентной. В маленьких комнатах нельзя применять материал темных оттенков. Органично дополнит плитку кафель, имитирующий фактурой штукатурку. В этом помещении не советуют использовать укладку «рваной кромки». Стильно будет смотреться комбинация из двух видов плитки:
- Simulating a simple brick.
- With a mirror surface.
Reflective fragments are "weaved" into the laying of ordinary tiles over the sink, thereby creating an asymmetric mirror, and in part add some fragments in the area where the shower room is located.
Stacking technology
The styling procedure includes four stages:
- Preparatory work and surface treatment.
- Application of the composition.
- Fastening the tiles.
- Final grouting of seams.
With the installation of any type of tile even the beginner will cope. Preliminary it is necessary to measure the room and calculate the required amount of material. When laying individual bricks, you need to focus on a straight line, which is applied to the wall so that the rows are even.
Substrate preparation
The wall must be cleaned of dirt or a layer of old paint, dismantle the previous finishing material. In the presence of large defects, they must be sealed with putty and carefully level the surface. After the formulation is dried, a primer coat is applied. It will ensure a good coupling between the adhesive and the wall. After the primer has dried (it is advisable to wait a day from the application), it is covered with a fastener. In its role may be a construction adhesive or cement mortar. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 0.5 cm. The composition can be applied only to the wall, to the back of the tile or to apply both versions at once. In this case, the processed piece of the surface to be decorated should not exceed 0.5 m in area. Please note that the composition can quickly solidify, so you will have to glue quickly. For the lining of fireplaces, cement mortar is used, since other substances can not withstand heating.
If the back of the fragment is smooth, then a spatula with serrated edges is used to apply glue or cement mortar. In cases where the "inside" of the tile has a relief, then a tool with a straight working part is used.
Laying tiles
For any type of laying, it is recommended to move from corner to center. Each fragment is pressed against the surface with a force and, if necessary, corrects its location until the tile brick is fixed. Surplus glue or cement mortar should be immediately cleaned with a rubber spatula. To ensure that the joints are the same, it is recommended to use rubber spacers. The options for laying decorative tiles are the same as for conventional bricks. Among the most aesthetically beautiful mark:
- Spoon laying with a displacement of 1/2 and 1/4. This is a traditional option, which is found in typical houses.
- Chain masonry. It is characterized by the alternation in each row of long bricks with square fragments, which are equal to their half.
- Cross-laying. In the first row of plates stack whole fragments, and in the second - their halves. The main thing is that small pieces are located directly above the center of large ones. Thus, brick "crosses" are obtained.
- Patchwork. All the rows consist of halves, which have an offset, as in the spoon version.
Silesian, Gothic, Flemish and chaotic masonry are also in demand. In the latter case, each brick is positioned as desired by the designer. As a result, you can get a very original composition. After the tile is fixed, it is necessary to grout the joints so that they have a neat appearance. For these purposes, special compositions based on cement or epoxy resins are used. After the solution dries, the excess is removed from the surface of the tile with a damp cloth.
It is not necessary to trim the room with only one type of tile. Bricks can be combined in color and texture. Using the masonry of excellent fragments, zoning the room or emphasizing individual elements of the design. The combination of shades is usually performed on the principle of analogy, since the contrast composition can add "gravity" to the space. The color of the brick must necessarily find continuation in the furnishings or flooring.