Repair in the apartment is an open space for self-expression and creativity. First and foremost, it is the decoration that forms the general appearance of the room, being a kind of base for an integral image. The walls are not only a functional division of space, but also a full platform for expressing creativity. The design of the walls has always had a special significance, but at the moment it takes a much more aesthetic and nontrivial appearance, advancing in development. However, the formation of a cozy atmosphere and comfort, both visual and physical, remains paramount. For spectacular and unique decoration, special techniques and all kinds of materials are used that can transform a dwelling into an unsurpassed work of art!
Important! To avoid disappointment, before starting work, you should experiment on the computer screen in any graphics program.
Style Selection
Finishing is designed in accordance with style preferences: Baroque, high-tech, modern, country, classic, minimalism, etc. Each of them defines a decor, a color palette, a choice of furniture. For baroque painting is not suitable, it is more relevant for country, high-tech and minimalism. The latter implies monotony and neutrality. Country and Art Nouveau in this regard are more creative and multifaceted. Experiments are welcome here. The pattern is applied using a stencil and can be contrast. Folklore stylistics and country is characterized by imitation of stone or wood, which is important for the kitchen. The freedom-loving loft is characterized by plastering, facing with steel tiles and bare surfaces - by the presence of brick protrusions. A distinctive feature of the avant-garde can be called a large number of mirror surfaces, creating the illusion of incredible space and luxury. Antique stylistics stands out using the finishing of expensive natural materials.
You can only envy that young man or girl who without difficulty found a suitable option for the hall, children's room, bedroom, guest room of his home. The rest has to learn the pros and cons of a large list of materials. The answer to this often asked question is often hidden in the preferred interior style and financial situation. When the advantage is given to ethnic execution and ekostil, it is worth choosing natural finishing materials. If preferences are more modern and technological, it will be more rational to stop on fresh novelties of industrial design. Admirers of antiques can come to taste and peeling walls - there is nothing wrong with this if the interior brings positive emotions. An important aspect of choice is the practicality, since each room and its zones have separate functional purposes. Putty will help to level the surface or create an invoice, paint and varnish substances are used almost always for illustrations or backgrounds. Tiles can become an independent finish or a component of the mosaic, and falshkine from plaster - the central decoration.
See also: White wallpapers in the interior
Wallpaper or paint
Coating | Effect |
Paint | For artistic painting acrylics are chosen, for contrast - water-emulsion. In the first case, in the absence of artistic skills, stencils, vinyl stickers are used. With the help of paint tape, strips or cages are made. Multicolored slate options will allocate a stand for drawing and recording. |
Wallpaper | The most affordable solution. There are monophonic, with the texture "under the tree", wild stone, with patterns, different in density and water resistance. The way of vertical or horizontal combination will bring a zest. Paper - hygroscopic, non-woven and vinyl - strong, hide defects, fiberglass - resistant to damage, repainted. |
Photo Wall Mural | Used as an expressive accent, for example, at the head of the bed. On order are made on the provided photo or picture. Fabrics are manufactured and applied with a whole cloth, non-woven and paper - in pieces. |
Decorative plaster
At many at a word "plastering" its direct appointment - alignment of a surface or draft works emerges in memory. But such decoration of surfaces is distinguished by a wealth of advantages: small defects in the basement are masked, artless application, duration of operation, creation of all kinds of relief. Thanks to her, it will be possible to decorate the surface with patterns or geometric figures, and add a mother-of-pearl ebb. Even with two competent smears with the help of a spatula it will be possible to give the room a spectacular and unique look. You can experiment with the use of multi-colored plaster. There are many kinds of species, among them: silicate, acrylic, mineral, etc. Each of them has its own specific features, from appearance to technical characteristics. The invoice can be the following:
- under the stone;
- bark beetle - under slightly spiked tree bark;
- with marble chips;
- "Rain" - similar to drops on the glass;
- Flock - the effect of silk;
- the Venetian;
- "Rock".
Wooden lining
Wagon is characterized by a large-scale decorative potential. In addition to low cost, the material has a lot of aesthetic and functional advantages. Typical wood paneling is eco-friendly, and the natural structure and pattern fit well in Provence, Minimalism, Country, French, Mediterranean, English, Scandinavian and Far Eastern directions. The girl-like "dacha" effect can be avoided if one applies it selectively - as accent areas, rather than on the whole surface. The lining can be painted or shaded in any shade (pink, white, blue, violet, etc.) if the wood motifs are not liked. For plating inside the house, manufacturers begin to offer more advanced materials instead of the standard planks from pine or oak:
- lining - from expensive wood;
- lining-American - stylized for laying boards lapped;
- block house - has the appearance of log masonry.
MDF panels
MDF panels представляют собой листовой материал, выполненный посредством сухого горячего прессования древесной стружки. Волокна связываются экологическим лигнином, получаемым из древесины. Материал легко фрезеруется, шлифуется, склеивается, сверлится и монтируется. Поверх может выполняться декоративная вырезка и выпиливание всевозможных узоров. Наиболее популяны реечные панели МДФ благодаря бесхитростности монтажа: на одном боку находится гребень, на другом – паз. Плиточная разновидность напоминает кафельную плитку крупных размеров (монтаж аналогичен предыдущему). Листовые панели могут иметь неодинаковые габариты и декорирование. Лицевая поверхность может быть: шпонированной – текстура и цвет выполнены «под древесину»; ламинированной – с нанесением поливинилхлоридной пленки различных оттенков, картинок, текстуры. Также декорирование можно оформлять посредством модной фотопечати: изображение с фотографии покрывается водоотталкивающим лаком на акриловой базе. Не менее востребованы MDF panels с эффектом 3D, поверхность которых выполнена в виде волн, объемных фигур, рельефа. Материал также может быть обработан специальными красками с перламутром либо серебром.
Wall panels and laminate
Complex panels of plasterboard look stylish and are very popular with facing. The material is environmentally friendly and has high technical characteristics. With its help, partitions are built for zoning space. A non-standard idea is a laminate facing, carried out on the same principle as on the floor. Pre-selected type of lock connections - for this use, a specially designed system of fastening and railing, which allows you to mount the panels yourself. Mounted on the crate or by gluing. Applications of mass: as an auxiliary element, kitchen apron, the allocation of individual areas in the bathroom (laminated waterproof panels). The direction of laying can be horizontal, vertical and Christmas, diagonal. The first method is relevant for a small area: the panels are stacked whole, the joints are closed with skirting boards. Vertical stacking will help to increase the height of ceilings.
Important! Mounting of the lock type of panels requires a substrate, the glue is attached directly to the surface.
A rock
Facing with a decorative stone is expensive, requires the involvement of professional handlers in the process. The material is durable, strong and natural, able to emphasize the representativeness of the owner. To ensure that the finish does not look gloomy, you will need sufficient lighting from the side and from above or alternating masonry with light plastered areas. With the help of a stone decoration of aquariums, fountains, landscaping zones, doorways is performed. To simulate the whole boulders and blocks, a special frame with stone trim is executed. The variant is relevant for large premises, for narrow ones it is generally not recommended to finish with a stone (the exception is the corridor). To save money, you can resort to facing an artificial stone, most similar to the natural one. It is easier and easier to install, it differs in the presence of various colors and shapes. Expressive masonry will give a dark finish spraying. Another design move is the outlining of the outline with gold or bronze pigments that shimmer when light hits.
Керамическая влаго- и износоустойчивая плитка актуальна не только для санузлов и лоджий, она находит применение и в других жилых помещениях. Керамогранит в силу производственной специфики представляет собой прочное и практичное изделие, поэтому широко востребовано для отделки стеновых поверхностей. Ему свойственна имитация большинства природных отделочных материалов, в числе которых дикий камень и даже крокодиловая кожа. Tile «коттофорте», например, станет безупречным дополнением любой интерьерной задумки. Однако стоимость укладки при этом нельзя назвать бюджетной. Помимо керамической встречается и другое исполнение плитки: стеклянная, кафельная, поливинилхлоридная и др. Coating может быть глазурованным (со специальным стеклянным слоем) и неглазурованным. При помощи мозаичной и фигурной плитки получится создать акцентные зоны.
Читайте также: Photo Wall Mural в интерьере - 50 примеров
With a similar functional object it will be possible to organize a real home. The design is executed in all possible stylistic directions and acts as the central or background object of the living room. First of all, the result is influenced by the degree of creativity and the budget itself. The external arrangement of the hearth should not be knocked out of the style of the chosen room, especially if it is the main accent. The most common minimalist way of facing, because it will fit into any arrangement. Classics is characterized by even greater universality and will be appropriate almost always. Designers often offer country-style stylistics for private households, involving stone or brick cladding using wood in the form of panels or racks. A full-fledged TV-zone can be located above the hearth.
Important! If the fireplace works on natural fuel, it is worth taking care of the presence of air ducts.
Nishi and other scenery from plasterboard
Functional superstructures from GKL can look like arches, niches and ledges for an aquarium, a TV, a shelter for communications. In the latter case, the structures are equipped with hidden hatches. The false wall does not have to be rectilinear, various shapes, bends, swings, shelves, arched passages, auxiliary structures for attachment of hinged objects are allowed. Departure falshstena should have reasonable limits, because in case of insufficient space it may look ugly. Niches can be additionally equipped with closing doors or curtains - this will help to hide household appliances. The niche of a more saturated shade than the interior of all the walls in the living room, for example, is capable of visually dividing it into zones. To shred or complicate color fragments is not desirable. Alternating shades can increase the space or make it more compact in appearance.
Glass structures and mirrors
Glass panels can be different colors and texture - they are glued to a special color film or applied paint. The variety of choices allows you to choose the right model. Structures made of tempered glass can be fixed over the previously trimmed, which creates a 3D effect. Among the advantages are the absence of seams due to integrity, moisture resistance, simple cleaning and high strength. The original view, large illumination and room space will give the mirror. It is important that the frame corresponds to the chosen style, for example, for hi-tech metal is actual. You can lay the mirror tiles or make a solid mirror surface. Of several pieces of mirrors with pronounced geometry (oval, rectangular, etc.) it will be possible to collect a spectacular panel. The coldness of the large mirror is offset by the fastening on top of another smaller one enclosed in an interesting decorated frame.