If you own a spacious 25-meter living room, then it will not be superfluous to think about its interior decoration. Organize the interior of the living room 25 square meters. m. You can do it differently, but the common thing is that with such an area there with a high probability there will come all that is necessary.
Also, the room can be subjected to zoning, for example, to make an area for dinner with a large table, which can be very important with a clear disparity between the size of the kitchen and the number of family members.
In addition, in the kitchen, during cooking, often there is a high temperature and humidity, which clearly reduces the comfort when eating food there.
Along with the area for dinner, there is also an entertainment zone with soft furniture, a bookcase and a TV set, although in principle, with the current content of the TV programs, it can be replaced without any damage by a radio receiver.
In general, the independent design of such a room does not represent a task of particular complexity.
When choosing a living room design 25 sq.m. m. It is not necessary to drive yourself into the framework of everyday life with sideboards full of unserviceable services, and hastily nailed to the walls with carpet-dust collectors.
Experimentation is possible and necessary, but with one caveat that follows from the definition of the word design: it is necessary to choose a golden mean between functionality and aesthetics.
Fans of curvature and oval outlines will have to taste the combination of a multi-level gypsum cardboard ceiling with a corresponding central zone in its form. Finish the image of the round furniture. Such premises are literally filled with grace and ease, coming against the background of the obsessive sense of the cyclical nature of being.
If greater preference is given to functionality, then it is better to choose rectangular contours. Turning the living room into a variation of the designer "Lego", you will get the maximum return in terms of comfort per unit of space expended, not for nothing that this design is very popular in Japan, where there is a pronounced problem of excessively high population density.
Characteristics of the color gamut can be arbitrary, without any restrictions. The combination of light tones contributes to the illusion of increasing the volume, and green and brown colors create an atmosphere of coziness. If you want to show your guests a refined perception of the world, then a good choice will be dark and bright shades.
Table of contents of the article:
- Tips for independent interior design
- What else to keep in mind when setting up a living room of 25 m²
- Photo design living room 25 square. m.
Tips for independent interior design
Than to establish huge cases with thousand shelves, it is better to sell all superfluous stuff on a site of free declarations and to make a choice in favor of more compact cases, having increased useful volume of a premise. Clothes during storage can be compressed with a vacuum pump and special bags. On the other hand, when buying sofas you need to make sure that you are completely at it fit in a lying position. Otherwise, in the case of an emergency night in the living room, you will not have to talk about comfort.
For sitting around, corner sofas are especially comfortable.
Once buying a coffee table you begin to understand how life was spent without him in vain. How many pleasant little things find their shelter there.
It is better to abandon furniture, the amount of which is used ineffectively, even at the stage of purchase. It should be understood that sometimes getting rid of unsuccessful furniture is much more difficult than buying it.
Dilute the fresh color scheme, based on light colors, is easy enough if you supplement the furniture with a variety of accessories, whether pillows or vases. Preference should be given to gentle shades, avoiding poisonous-bright colors.
At registration it is not necessary to take a great interest in a variety of colors. After all, it's still a living room, not an enclosure for parrots. The same applies to an excessive number of different accessories. They should be in harmony with each other and they can not be bought mindlessly, haphazardly, unless, of course, you are going to sell them for a quarter of the price on the Internet.
Living room in Art Nouveau style - photo ideas of stylishly designed design
Living room in classic style - 100 photos of design ideas
Living room in Provence style - 80 photos of unusual design ideas
What else to keep in mind when setting up a living room of 25 m²
Regarding the design of windows you need to decide what is more important for you: practicality or appearance. If practicality is in the foreground, then it is preferable to use blinds, especially horizontal ones, which allow placing flowers on the windowsills, and, in general, actively using them. In addition, the blinds are safer in terms of fires. If the emphasis is on aesthetics, consider the option with curtains. They are appropriate to combine with the curtains.
The floor is best finished with patterned Italian tiles. It is more durable than laminate flooring and is not afraid of chemicals for washing the floor. If you want to decorate the living room in an industrial style, then instead of tile will fit sheets of corrugated stainless steel.
As accessories, in this case, you can choose a clock on the gas-discharge indicators such as "in", neon lamps with cold cathode, an analog spring thermometer, reminiscent of an arrow, and an aneroid barometer.
As you can see, there are no special problems with the independent interior decoration of the 25-meter drawing room, there are only tedious but pleasant tortures of creative choice, limited only by your budget and imagination.
Photo design living room 25 square. m.
Living room in Italian style - 75 photos of design ideas
Living room in high-tech style - 105 photos of modern interior ideas in the living room
Brown living room- photo examples of beautiful interior and design in the living room
Living room in English style - photo of the best design ideas in the living room
Living room in chalet style - 70 photos of original design
Stretch ceilings in the living room - 120 photos of interesting ceiling design options in the living room