It is important for many parents to decorate the child's room with their own hands. They show imagination, trying to make the home of the child as attractive and comfortable as possible. There are different ideas for decorating walls, ceilings, floors, photo examples can always be found. Finding the most attractive decoration of the children's room is not difficult.
Choose a light decor for the walls of the children's room. Under them you can pick up any furniture, accessories. Be sure to save the information about the model paint. After a while you can purchase the corresponding color. Everything can happen - the child inadvertently spoil your work by making drawings there. The walls of the room serve as a backdrop to which other things are selected, different ideas are embodied.
Choose a general theme of the walls, helping you decide on all the other details. Consider the option - the starry sky, the room of the princess.
After painting the walls are decorated in various ways: posters, photos with pictures of your child's favorite heroes, stickers, stickers, photo wallpapers, paintings, various objects, a child's hobby. If the boy is engaged in football, use a variety of football attributes - stickers, photos, drawings of famous football players for the walls.
Decoration of floors and ceilings
Remember, the floors, the ceilings of the children's room must be qualitatively processed, reliably soundproofed. It is important to use eco-friendly materials for walls and floors. The cork, wooden floor covering does not cool the baby's legs. The most durable, shock-resistant is laminate. The disadvantage of a laminated coating is low thermal conductivity. Linoleum is more difficult to spoil.
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Parents avoid using laminate, the material is not environmentally friendly. Cork floor is the least problem, it is ideal for a small child's room. Being absolutely harmless material, the cork perfectly soundproofs, insulates the room. A kid can run, jump on the floor as much as he likes, he will not break, he will not make his parents worry, cork has damping properties.
Use a soft bright mat, it will protect the child from the cold. Put a soft coating, it will transform the space of the children's room, make the decor more attractive. A few mats will greatly enhance the space of the children's room.
To design the ceilings of the children's room, you need to come seriously. Beautifully decorated ceilings in a couple of years will not have to be remade. The grown up child will not be interested to look at the ceiling where there are children's drawings, stickers. Try to make the ceiling attractive. He should like the child in a few years.
Good ideas - the design of the ceiling on the theme of the galaxy, photo examples can always be found in the Internet space. Another option for parents - to make a real star map or other drawings, any child will be interested in learning about this or that star, his horizons will develop.
The child is most suitable for transforming furniture, he grows quickly, his needs are changing. In order not to buy each time a new bed, you need to buy a transformer to an adult size.
In addition, the furniture of the children's room should be comfortable, do not interfere with the child in his games and classes. Unusual cabinets, shelves, bedside tables will help to play and develop the imagination of the baby. Stairs, slides near the walls will contribute to the development of an excellent physical form of the child.
Particular attention should be paid to the naturalness of the material from which furniture is made, so that they do not cause allergies and do not pollute the air in the nursery. The best material for children's furniture is wood, although it is not very practical.

Today furniture from a plate of MDF or chipboard is very popular. It is covered with paint, enamel, laminate to preserve the decorative qualities for a long time. A coating of melamine is considered one of the most hygienic for a child.
To avoid injury, you must take care of safety. The child's cot should stand near the walls and be equipped with rails. It is advisable not to take furniture that contains metal elements to avoid injury, it is better to use plastic parts.
Interesting decor ideas
1. For a very small child, you can create a mobile with your hands from eco-friendly and soft to the touch materials. Find a photo that will show you how to do it. Such a mobile can be made from simple braid and pieces of felt. The kid will be pleased to watch and touch it. Unlike modern plastic, loud sounds of toys, your mobile phone will have a soul. After all, he is done with love and care, his good energy will necessarily be passed on to the baby.
From felt and fleece can create a lot of interesting things for the children's room-various applications that you can connect with each other in a garland. Even for a more adult child, this decoration will be relevant.
2. The decoration of the walls with letters looks great, this decor is suitable even for a very young child. Therefore, it is worthwhile to use stickers from letters, since this decoration will allow you to acquaint him with the alphabet from the most tender age. Parents will also always have an option than to take the baby. Letters can be voiced to a small child, and then displayed at the request of the child.
3. When small pencils fall into the hands of pencils, markers, its pens stretch to the walls. He tries to make drawings. This decoration does not contribute to the beauty of the walls. Toddlers do not like the simple album to make drawings. Provide protection for the walls, try to make a special table with a slate. You can calmly give the child crayons, give unlimited space to his imagination.
5. In the children's room of the child you can create a whole space for creativity, having allocated a part of the walls for this. This corner can be decorated in the form of a book with huge sheets of paper. In the Internet there are many photos of how to build such a corner. They hang on the wall and change as necessary. And that the decoration is not striking to strangers when they enter the room, the sheets can be covered with a beautiful cover or photo. All this can be done with our own hands.
6. In their fantasies, young children often imagine themselves to be different fairy-tale heroes. With the help of painting for the walls, you can create a real fairy-tale kingdom for children. Draw on the wall something from the environment of your favorite fairy-tale hero. It does not matter if you can not paint beautifully, special stencils or stickers for the decor of the children's room.
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7. Furniture для детской комнаты тоже может способствовать ощущению присутствия сказки. Ее тоже можно украсить различными интересными рисунками, фото, пестрыми рисунками и принтами. Для этого просто найдите в магазине безликую мебель и проявляйте свое творчество, либо попытайтесь вдохнуть душу в старую тумбочку или комод своими руками, перекрасив ее в другой цвет.
8. Unusual furniture for children will look beautiful in the children's room against the backdrop of beautiful walls. Place there a seat-bag in the form of a fairy-tale hero and the delight of the child will not be the limit. A chair-bag is an absolutely safe kind of furniture for a children's room, because there are no metal, solid parts.
9. Decoration of walls can be carried out by letters from the name of the newborn. It looks pretty attractive.
How to organize a space
The struggle with disorder in the children's room often exhausts the parents. Therefore, it is important to take care of the creation for storing things. Various bright baskets for which you can build special shelves can be used to store clothes.
For socks, you can use original multi-colored bags and place them on the bar of the hanger. Be sure that you do not have to spend much time to find the baby's socks in the room.
Toys can be stacked in plastic containers, which can then be placed under the bench. Each container can be painted in different colors and designed for one type of toys, for example, for designers, small toys.
Make original hooks for clothes. They will help to keep order in the children's room. Bright decoration can be beautifully beat. They will decorate the space of the walls. Try to make a hanger using plastic cups. It looks rather original, neizbito. To make such a hanger you will need a board that can be pasted with beautiful paper. Plastic cups are attached with glue, self-tapping screws.
Include creative thinking, be inspired by the photo, create an attractive decor of the children's room with your own hands!