First of all, the American style in the interior will impress the sociable active people with democratic views, who are not attached to a rigid stylistic program and appreciate the comfort of home. It is also ideal for experimenters, because it is easy to change under the influence of mood, and also allows you to combine incompatible in one area.
The feeling of spaciousness, in addition to the quadrature, is achieved by light tones, the presence of large windows and the absence of walls between the zones kitchen-dining room-living room-hallway. The conditions of our more robust and demarcated buildings do not always allow us to unite all the components of the so-called public zone, so a pairwise fusion is more common: a kitchen with a dining room, a living room with an entrance hall.
Main Features of Style
Style always determines the totality of individual characteristics, the American is no exception. His concept is manifested by the choice of decoration, furnishings, decoration, many other small things. As a result, you should get a harmonious combination of functionality and comfort.
- The lack of walls is compensated by a sufficiently strict division of the room into zones, thanks to a change in the level of the floor, the floor covering, different wall finishes, decorative partitions;
- In the American interior should be present niches, arches, partitions, columns;
- The color range is light, pastel shades prevail;
- Good natural lighting is achieved by large windows, perhaps panoramic, and artificial should be exceptionally combined, multi-level. It is customary for us to install chandeliers only in the living room or dining room, but even there they should not remain the only source of light. Ceiling fixtures are complemented by sconces, floor lamps, table lamps with textile lampshades;
- Furniture is mostly soft, massive. Have separate elements at a considerable distance from each other. An obligatory addition to the sofas, soft armchairs is a small coffee table. The situation can relate to different time periods, artificially aged items are highly valued;
- Decor is used a lot, select it individually, focusing on the type of premises. In the kitchen there are jugs, plates, various utensils. For rooms: statuettes, paintings, photographs of different sizes, pots, vases with plants, ikebans, many sofa cushions are laid on the upholstered furniture;
The role of textiles
Textiles are an important part of the situation. This upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains on the windows, but also used for sewing covers on chairs, the furnishings complement tablecloths and napkins.
If we talk about the composition of the material, then preference is given to natural light fabrics: cotton, linen, cotton (the main supplier of which has always been the American South), fewer use velor with short nap and skin.
Color spectrum
The colors in the style concept are exceptionally warm, light and maximally natural: different shades of brown, beige, green.
A more bold decision is considered burgundy. For children's bedrooms have traditionally used light pink or blue.
Color accents are not at all characteristic of the style. Finishing is mostly monophonic. It can be supplemented by a discreet vegetable ornament, but only locally.
Selection of finishing materials
Deceptive high cost is one of the features of this direction. Despite the external similarity with the classics, it is rarely used expensive natural materials, such as wood, marble and even tiles.
By arranging American interiors one should not forget about such an important detail as various types of cornices, baguettes, moldings. They must be massive enough and not necessarily white. All joints, transitions, corners, window frames, portals of apertures are allocated.
Preference is given to the laminate of light colors, less often the parquet board is laid. Only the kitchen and bathrooms are occasionally tiled. Special affection for carpets beyond the ocean is not experienced.
See also: Empire style in the interior - history and modernity in design
Nevertheless, this is an obligatory attribute of the host and guest recreation areas. More often the floor is covered with a monophonic carpet, less often lay palaces with floral or geometric patterns.
Ceiling гладкий окрашенный, реже кессонный. Иногда его оклеивают обоями. Если позволяет бюджет потолок украшают массивными деревянными балками.
Wall decoration
American style can not boast of an abundance of materials, in addition, they are very simple: staining and gluing wallpaper.
Patterns do not play a big role, walls are usually monochrome. Various types of false panels have become widespread. Usually they pasted the room around the perimeter, raising to a height of 1.5 meters or a separate wall.
Living room
Living room должна оставаться просторной, светлой, уютной. Основой обстановки служит мягкая массивная мебель, расположенная по центру комнаты перед камином или большим телевизором. Между креслами и диваном устанавливают небольшой журнальный столик. Все предметы располагают на достаточно большом, непривычном для нас, расстоянии. Диваны нередко комбинируют с плетеными креслами. Технику, книги, предметы декора, как правило, ставят не на мебели, а в специально обустроенных нишах. Никаких громоздких шкафов и стеллажей быть не должно.
Bedroom сочетает кантри с простой классикой: массивная мебель, светлые оттенки, текстиль. Кровать выбирают объемную с высоким изголовьем и прикроватной лавкой, расположенной у ног.
Required the presence of bedside tables with drawers and lighting, for example, sconces, table lamps. It is desirable that a massive chest of drawers should be installed, and if space permits, a volumetric cupboard.
In modern eclectic design, furniture like shaker looks harmonious: practical simple wicker chairs with straight legs, beds made of metal tubes.
It should be noted right away that the American style is an excellent solution for the kitchen, but it can only be realized in a fairly spacious room. If we are talking about an apartment, it should be rebuilt to a studio where the kitchen is combined with a room.
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The rational use of space along with zoning implies that the cooking process will be separated from the dining area, but not by a wall. Use light low partitions, accessories, pieces of furniture, decoration materials. Lighting should be diverse. Each individual zone is lighted individually. A large chandelier is often hung over the dining table.
Kitchen set should be wooden or from materials that imitate wood. Facades are matte, light shades with a minimum of decorative elements.
An optional but desirable condition is the availability of an island set equipped with a hob, sink or simply a work surface. Bar counters are welcome. The most popular location of the headset is U-shaped. All appliances in the kitchen are built-in. Above the stove is equipped with a massive hood.
The bathroom, as a rule, combined, the room itself is light, spacious with a window opening. In the States, homes are often equipped with several bathrooms. One is located at the entrance to the hall, it is considered a guest room, the other - for the master bedroom or opposite it. If there is a place, equip a third closer to the children's room.
Furniture should be a minimum: a bedside table under the sink, a hanging cabinet, a mirror, a bathtub, a toilet bowl. Shower cabins are installed in guest bathrooms or in master rooms, if the area permits, but do not sacrifice a comfortable bathroom in their favor.
Bath often installed under the window or in the middle of the room. The toilet is stripped from the other devices by a partition.
The floor is usually covered with moisture-resistant laminate, rarely tiles. The walls are painted or paneled, the tile is again not respected. The windows are curtained with light curtains.
American style is the golden mean between classics and modernity. At the same time, it is so flexible and democratic that it will be possible to realize the main features in any more or less spacious dwelling.