Ancient Greek culture left a priceless heritage to man. And it's not just about philosophy, myths or fragments of ancient amphorae. Its recognizable symbolism is now successfully used in many areas of human life. In particular, thanks to the specialists in the world of design, the Greek style in the interior once again began to enjoy tremendous popularity. Colonnades, sculptures, paintings on the walls - all this served as a help to create a modern design of the premises in an antique manner. Also, the source of inspiration for the embodiment of original ideas was the color scale of the seas washing the Greece. And the symbiosis of white and blue now serves as a business card of style.
- Classical laid the foundations of public urban planning and instilled in the Greeks a taste for noble materials. The use of natural stone, for example, marble has become one of the sources of the further success of national design. The heirs of Pythagoras began to build not only stable, stone houses, but lay the foundations for truly beautiful buildings. Architects sought from the wild stone of the ideal form to emphasize the belonging of the rich owners of houses to a high genus, their respected status. The golden mean was also observed when decorating the interiors, finishing the facades;
- The Hellenic period became a symbol of idealistic ideas about a man: when the demigods with perfect athletic build and feminine faces were popular. At the same time pompous theaters for performances, temples under the influence of culture from the East were built and philosophical schools were opened. Perhaps no other culture has given the world as many minds as Greece did at that time;
- Greco-Roman, of course, enriched both countries, as the pathos of Roman grandeur harmoniously reunited with a restrained design of Greek buildings. The show magnificence acquired the features of practicality, and what previously could be classified as decorative excesses became just a bright accent in the general ensemble of structures. Style adequately withstood the test of luxury.
Main features
All these periods of history invariably united the subjects of the struggle between man and fate, the ancient Greek heroes and gods. What is reflected in the sculptural sculpture of temples, arrangement of spectator amphitheaters and other elements of high architecture. When modern researchers took up the study of features inherent in the interior of the Greek style, they revealed the following features.
The predominance of white color, framed by natural shades of the area
The original Hellenic interior is inconceivable without the presence of white. Moreover, sometimes all surfaces are made in its range and only decor elements can stand out with a different color palette. Also, marine motifs are often used in the interior of the kitchen, since the glory of this people is firmly connected with shipbuilding, heroic campaigns. It can be straight blue lines, as on the national flag of Greece, or the smooth lines of blue-black waves. Nevertheless, preference is given to faded in bright sun paints: beige-sandy, sky-blue, olive-green. These colors harmoniously coexist side by side.
Rough wall decoration
Narochito rough whitewashed decorated with stucco or mythical murals. Also, use an uneven masonry to emphasize the contrast with the ideal columns or arches. If the room allows, it provides a place for fountains with antique statues. The Greek style in the interior involves the use of exclusively pastel colors to emphasize the architectural elements. For example, such as carved columns or arches of milky shades with the effect of antiquity. Also, wallpaper on the walls can decorate with a natural stone or decorate with a natural material fireplace.
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High ceilings
The high vaults were intended for the gods of Olympus and were designed accordingly. A rich ornament depicted the patrons of the titans, emphasizing their power with a pronounced relief. An indispensable condition was the height of the ceilings, the uniformity of its white color, harmoniously combined with the same walls. Absolute perfection of style consists in simple whitewashing of a surface without any obsessions. Visually increasing the space, it is only occasionally covered with hand-painted or patterned stucco. Also, if space allows, it can be decorated with wooden partitions in the manner of shipbuilding.
Exceptional texture of the floor
There are no excesses, the material for the floor must match the finish of the walls. If the partition or beam is made in a tree, then as a floor covering use parquet. And if the walls are covered with coarse plaster, then it is recommended to use a light tile with a textured surface. Often with a mosaic pattern, as it is also a recognizable image of the Greek style. Paul does not have to radically differ from the facing of the same walls. However, preference is given to natural materials - rough shipboards, sea pebbles. Ceramic tiles in the kitchen or wooden parquet are quite suitable for these tasks.
Use of natural textiles
Uniform cloths made of cotton or linen are practical for decorating spacious rooms of buildings. The restraint of the material is explained by simple cuts, as well as by the absence of unnecessary draping. Often decorated with a blue pattern of abstract waves. Bedspreads for sofas or armchairs, dairy curtains on the windows, paths of rough fabric on the floor - everything should emphasize the naturalness, the authenticity of the design. The design in the Greek style in the interior of the kitchen also provides a white tablecloth with a sea pattern.
Lighting rooms without accent lighting
Whether it's a chandelier or an ordinary lamp - it should not attract attention. As a rule, its geometric shape is simple, without pretentious details. The use of natural materials is encouraged. But, despite the fact that lighting was not an important component of the overall design for the ancient Hellenes, modern designers to their taste enrich the interior of the premises with low-key fixtures or bronze / brass candlesticks in the kitchen. It is important that the simplicity of the forms should not contrast with the rest of the design.
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Decor with antique elements
This is where designers can "tear themselves away", so this is when decorating with decor: here you can use everything that we know about the ancient culture of the famous Greeks. Amphoras, sculptures, ships, mythical artifacts. The list can be continued indefinitely. It is an opportunity for the people of art to show their imagination, to appreciate the beauty that the ancient Greeks had. There will be appropriate large outdoor vases with flowers, fountains with plaster deities and other various architectural elements - columns, pilasters, arched vaults.
For decorating surfaces, they are painted with typical patterns:
- Zigzag waves - often depicted on curtains, curtains, snow-white tablecloths;
- Ornament used for local plants, shrubs, palm branches;
- The circle is inscribed in a square, as a sign of the ideal achieved by the great thinkers of that time.
The basic rule: perfection can be achieved only by observing the balance of modest simplicity and recognizable design elements. Without achieving asceticism of forms, a balanced minimalism in decorating with decor - it's impossible to achieve all recognized style. Because, it is an indicator of the right taste, the sense of proportion of the owner.