Feast Valentine's Day is created specifically to confess your feelings to a loved one, to open in secret love. On this day, everyone is eager to say thank you to their second half for a strong relationship. Many thanks can be said this day to your parents and colleagues at work. Ordinary valentines carved from colored cardboard are already bored and bored. Here are some master classes that will help create unique gifts for Valentine's Day.
For work you will need:
- favorite sweets in foil;
- wire;
- fabric (chintz, tulle);
- scissors;
- glue gun or super glue;
- corrugated paper;
- colored scotch;
- multicolored thin braid;
- basket or vase;
- Styrofoam.
Making a flower begins with the selection of candy of the right size. It will look good if the sweets are wrapped in foil of different colors. Sweets are worn on a wire or a long wooden skewer. Then the product turns into a tissue that forms in the form of a knot. At the bottom, the edges of the fabric are tied with a ribbon. The flower leg can be decorated with colored tape or foil.
When using tulle to decorate the composition, the fabric is folded into two or three layers, and wraps around the candy. The material is decorated with beads, colored ribbons. You can also use corrugated paper, from which the petals or leaves of the future flower are cut.

Ideas for the bouquet design
You can present a bouquet of chocolates simply by bandaging the flower's legs with ribbon.
"Tip: for the composition to look harmonious, you need to choose a ribbon that will repeat the color of the buds."
If there is inspiration, then a bouquet of sweets can be made in a basket, vase or flower pot. Choosing a box from which the flowers will grow, the bottom should be sealed with a block of foam. In order that the foam does not accidentally fall out of the basket, it is attached to the bottom with glue. The top of the foam can be sealed, pasted it with colored paper or green tape, and you can also buy in the flower shop artificial moss. You need to insert candy flowers into the foam plastic.
Read also: Selected decor ideas from tree branches with their own handsIn order to decorate the composition, a wire can be inserted between the buds, on which colored beads or rhinestones are strung. You can also cut out corrugated paper several hearts, which also set on a wire or skewer.
Creating a bouquet of soft toys
This suite design of the gift, suitable for young girls who appreciate the tenderness and refinement of the presentation. For the production of such materials:
- an odd number of soft toys, 10-15 cm long;
- wire;
- corrugated paper of two colors;
- satin ribbons;
- Scotch;
- packing tape;
- decor (satin roses, beads, patches, colored feathers - all that is needed for inspiration);
- instruments.
To create a bouquet you can use several different soft toys or exactly the same. Each soft toy needs to be wrapped in wire. The free edge of the wire bends down. Having done this operation with all the toys, the lower free edges of the wire must be interwoven with each other, this will be the bouquet's leg. The length of the wire should be equal in height to the future bouquets. To ensure that the lucky possessor of the gift is not injured, the leg of the bouquet is wrapped in a wrapping film, and then wrapped with scotch tape. At the top of the bouquet, toys can be placed at a distance from each other or closely.
Next, the packaging for the bouquet is made. This requires a two-color corrugated paper.
"Advice: To design the suite design, it is better to choose a corrugation that extends well."
The paper cloth must be folded in the shape of a bell and in the bottom part, bandaged with a satin ribbon. In the package is inserted a blank from soft toys. In order to decorate the bouquet, flowers are added among the toys from cloth or paper, hearts.
Compositions of fresh flowers
A solemn bouquet of scarlet roses or delicate daisies is an effective way to tell about your feelings. But the compositions of flowers are in stores quite expensive, and on the eve of the holidays they generally need to be ordered in a month. In fact, it is not difficult to make a composition of flowers yourself. Here is one of the master classes that will help you learn how to create floral compositions. You will need:
- live flowers that the second half loves;
- floristic sponge;
- pins with colored heads;
- water;
- scissors.
The basis of the composition is a sponge, which gives shape to the finished product. In order for the composition to rejoice the eye as long as possible, the sponge should be soaked in water for 2-3 hours. Then from the paper you need to cut out the outline of the future composition, for example, the heart. Applying a paper path to the sponge, the base of the future composition is cut out.
For the preparation of flowers, it is necessary to cut off the stem at a distance of 2-3 cm from the bud. Trimming the stem should be obliquely, as this will allow the flowers not to fade longer. Next, the buds are carefully inserted into the sponge. We need to ensure that the flowers are fairly tightly fitting to each other, so that the sponge is not visible. You can use different types of flowers to decorate, or the same buds, but different shades.
After placing all the buds on the surface of the sponge, its edges are decorated with leaves that have remained on the stems of the flower. Leaflets are fastened with pins. Such a gift for the day of lovers will not leave any girl indifferent.
Presents for men
Despite the fact that it is not customary for a strong sex to give cute gifts on February 14, this day, for them, too, you can prepare an original surprise. For example, you can make an original piece of candy.
The easiest and fun version of a gift for a man made by own hands is pineapple from sweets. The basis of the gift is a plastic bottle from under the water. The lower part of the container is cut with a knife in order to make a cone. The surface of the bottle in a circle is pasted with rows of sweets in golden foil. The top of the pineapple should be decorated with strips of corrugated paper of green color. For such a cheerful gift, a beloved man will clearly thank you.
A more sophisticated version of the presentation - ships made of cloth and sweets. As the base, a block of foam is used, the edges of which are cut to form a shape similar to the base of the ship. The sides are covered with foil and fathin on the sides. If you choose a decor of the same color, but different shades, the ship will turn out to be very bright.
See also: Decor chairs with their own hands - ways and examplesTo make a "mast", you need to take long wooden skewers, which are painted with paint or wrapped with foil. These skewers are sewn on a fabric that mimics sails. Sweets on the ship are placed on the deck along the perimeter, and are attached to the masts.
Sweet room design
In order to celebrate the holiday in an atmosphere of romance and coziness, you can decorate the whole room, in which then organize a festive dinner. Sweet design allows you to use not only banal rose petals and candles, but also original handmade items that are made by yourself. For example, a festive table can be decorated with a bouquet of sweets or toys, for champagne glasses prepare frozen cherry juice, in the form of hearts.
In the room it is desirable to put a lot of miniature items, which are made in the form of hearts and flowers. At design it is necessary to use weight of soft toys, miniature fixtures. On the walls are collages with family photos, which can be made in the form of hearts. It is not superfluous to use in decorating rooms of satin ribbons, which are tied to furniture, ceiling. Complement the atmosphere of romance garlands around the perimeter of the room and helium balls under the ceiling.
Thus, the creation of a suite design is available at home and even for children. In order to design your house for the holiday in an original way, you just need to wait for inspiration and you can start creating masterpieces.