The interior design includes a multitude of cultures of different peoples, as well as ideas, layouts of contemporary design projects. To understand what kind of image appeals personally to your interests, you need to first get acquainted - what are the styles of the interior. To avoid mistakes when creating it, clearly follow the rules of selection of material, color, lighting and decorative attributes.
- Colors approximate to natural;
- Environmentally-friendly materials;
- Competently selected forms without excesses.
It contains a deep idea and a kind of protest against pollution of the environment.
In the eco dominated by a large number of lighting devices. Well, if there are large windows, then they can be decorated with light curtains, or completely left as is. Eco has a common feature with minimalism - to minimize objects - nothing superfluous. Of course, floral arrangements of indoor plants are a must.
Country – это течение, которое на первый взгляд дарит понимание непринужденности, легкости и традиционной простоты. Его творческий подход является проводником домашней атмосферы, уюта, семенной гармонии, которая может напоминать нам жизнь в деревнях. Он любит натуральное сырье из экологически чистых материалов. Часто мастера проектировщики применяют прием превращение старой мебели в новую оформленную под кантри. Это хороший способ показать с лучшей стороны сохранение традиций в усовершенствованном новом виде. Country можно применить в любой из комнат, главное употребить основные декоративные особенности, которые подчеркивали бы его: плетеные корзинки, скатерти, тяжелые шторы или занавески, вазы с цветами, часы, эмалированная посуда, кованные подсвечники и люстры.
Read also: Kitchen design in high-tech style - photo interior ideas The application of certain rules in the geometry of the location of the headset is not applicable here, the main thing to use it was convenient for yourself.
Perhaps the freest genre that took a hermit's direction. If there was a desire that the atmosphere was saturated with your ideas, fantasies, accessories, souvenirs - the boho is just for you.
The design loves hand made, collectibles and other objects that the owner of the house is passionate about. The furnishings should be comfortable, and the colors are colorful, bright.
It does not matter what walls or floors will be covered in the first place - it should be convenient for you, reflect the nature of your hobbies. Self-expression is the main horse of boho. Let the decorative figurines and figures be contradictory, but it is you who like it. Each subject must carry its own history, be a part of your life. Balance Boho - this chaotically arranged details, a reflection of yourself, so you can acquire different social markers: hippy, glamorous, ecological, classical. All these directions bear the charge of positive energy due to a combination of bright colors.
It is not necessary to use a global amount of decor, the design of an apartment or house will become cluttered.
At first glance, exclusive and unlike any other - grunge it is difficult not to define. A mandatory condition is a maximum of a large area.
The room should have large windows for good lighting, and be supplemented in the evening by the warm light of lamps, sconces, nightlights. Another important condition is the simplicity of decoration of walls and floor.
Данный жанр исключает всякие излишества. Grunge любит сдержанные натуральные тона и фактуру. Часто употребляют кирпичную кладку либо же вовсе не трогают стену, аккуратно укрепив ее для более практичного состояния.
Having equipped your house in grunge, use the main component - exquisite light shelves, sophisticated cabinets. Heavy, large volumes of the situation here is unacceptable. Any decorative attributes should be in the minimum quantity (pop art is good), or absent at all - the context with the original texture of the brickwork and so is the decorative execution.
This romantic style smells of fragrant buns, fresh floral scent. On the one hand, it brings with it simplicity with a different comfort, refinement in detail.
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A strongly illuminated room with the effect of "aged" furniture, surrounded by fresh flowers, various bright attributes - these are the main components of this genre.
Pastel colors and often white furniture are complemented by colorful small design details. It can be vases with flowers, pillows, ruffles, curtains decorated with a floral pattern, a variety of figurines, pottery from pottery and porcelain. The walls are covered with paint, almost never with wallpaper. The imitation of antiquity is the main component of the Provence. Textiles, embroidery - is actively used by designers. Many creative designers equip the furnishings with forged elements. Forging should look like refinement, practicality. The predominant white, black color.
Arrangement of objects along the perimeter of an apartment or house is erroneous. Try to experiment, create a cozy space.
The project in the creative design of the classics passed centuries-old trends and remained popular until now. Exquisite, luxurious - he requires a selective approach to himself - not a single extra detail. He can afford a prestigious, practical people. The entourage is filled with sculptures, paintings, elegant expensive utensils. The main canons are: an abundance of exquisite tables, armchairs, dressing table, carved ornaments, mirrors.
New trends in functional technology. The maximum comfortable accommodation in every corner or wall of the room, or be invisible for visual inspection. Wooden furniture with gilding, bronze, mother of pearl with upholstery.
Цветовая палитра в пастельных тонах с добавлением золота. Встречается вкрапления черного на контрасте сочетания светлых оттенков, золотого, как основных цветов. Дорогой текстиль: атлас, вискоза, хлопок. Объемная хрустальная люстра, торшеры, бра, точечное освещение — дополнят, насытят вид комнаты. Classic — отражение буржуазной роскошной жизни, далеко не всем он придется по карману, т.к. подразумевает под собой шик и роскошь.
Modern в переводе означает «современный», но свои корни он берет еще из конца 19 века. Так же как и классика модерн – это стиль дизайна интерьера требующий больших капиталовложений и сложности его создания.
The basis of the reconstruction is the tree. Predominantly used oak, beech, leaving a natural shade. In the general theme, love for everything natural can be traced, thanks to patterns and prints on textiles, flora and fauna ladders.
Stained glass is almost a must for modernity. Next to them are placed a stream of lighting, creating a special effect. He does not accept the rigor of symmetry and the geometric equality of figures in the overall visualization of the room. Usually the headset is made to order. Models come up specially for a unique project, consider this if you want to get a real unique modern in your home.
See also: Retro style in the interiorHigh tech
High tech переводится как «высокие технологии». Его трудно спутать с другими дизайнерскими жанрами в интерьере — основан только на удобстве, высокой эффективности утилизируемой техники.
Decor during the design is almost not found. The walls can be decorated with black and white photos of cultural attractions or a large metropolis. Often, to expand the space use mirrors, a large number of lighting devices. The advantage in these motives is an electric fireplace built into the wall and elementary equipment - a laptop, a plasma TV, a projector, etc.
Speaking about furniture and other attributes it is important to use the right, smooth lines. Chromed parts, a shiny surface of walls or a separate area, saturated lighting are the main factors that determine the motives of hi-tech. The windows are decorated with Roman curtains or curtains. Attributes that complement the interior, must be performed in one key with the main palette, have the correct geometric shape.
Buying or ordering objects in the arrangement of the room, make sure that they are in harmony with the overall visual design.
The main thing in creating a modern design
Summarizing, we can deduce a table of features of the differences of all the above interior design styles for a house and an apartment.
Genres | Color spectrum | Design Material | Idea |
Eco style | Brown, light shades, beige, pale green, pale blue | Wood, glass, stone, clay, fabric | The embodiment of nature at home |
Country | Beige, brown, gray, light colors | Stone, natural textiles, wood | Creation of coziness of out-of-town way of life |
Boho | Bright shades, lemon, carrot | Irrelevant
| Display the convenience and essence of your hobbies |
Grunge | Monochrome tones close to natural shades | Wood, tile, stone | Simplicity and ease along with respectability |
Provence | White, gray, pastel colors, blue, lavender, ocher, terracotta | Natural material, ceramics, stone | Romance, rustic simplicity, harmony |
Classic | White, gold, bronze, brown | Wood, tile | The atmosphere of luxury life |
Modern | Brown, beige, white, lemon, shades, available in nature | Wood, tile, стекло, кованный металл | Proximity to nature in exquisite design |
High tech | Black, white, gray, beige, metallic color | Tiles, mirrors, stone, stretch ceilings, plastic, metal | Ease of use of high technologies |