I want changes in the interior! Something of the sort, intriguing and enticing, dynamic and driving, refined and refined! The one that will make the study in the house even more restrained, the living room - even more friendly, the bedroom - more intimate. What will help? Rescue the decor of the walls, made in one of the options. He will give not only the pleasure of the process, the knowledge of the new, but will also become the "highlight" of the living quarters!
Wall decor, or denoting the ultimate goal
What can we expect from the decor of the walls with our own hands? Of course, the notes of originality, extraordinary beauty, uniqueness of the drawing, for example, of its color overflows. But this is far from the last and ultimate goal of the creative process.
The wall decor created by your own hands will help:
- recreate a special mood, express the individuality of the room;
- Unleash your own talent by combining in one process a lot of knowledge / skills / skills;
- give a powerful positive push to the whole house / apartment, and its owners for new achievements!
After all, what is the decoration of the walls, their design in a special way? This mini-repair, therefore, the desire for change. And let them be only for the better!
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The thing is - for a small, behind a choice of a variant of a decor of walls. They are a great variety, and you can choose according to your own taste. Maybe it will be the one that you have long wanted to try and the technique you wanted to learn. It can be fabric drapery and applique from wallpaper, flocking or painting, decoration with butterflies, decorative panels from stained glass or fragments of ceramic tiles, decoration with stencil- Choose yourself, studying photos and watching videos!
Decor of wall surfaces: paper variants
When you want changes and decorating the walls becomes that very panacea, and you are limited in financial means, it is worth using the available opportunities. It turns out that materials, tools for their implementation will be found in every home!
Wallpapers for help, or a classic version
Create a playful mood, add paints or, on the contrary, a little "calm" the riotous color palette, which seemed ideal during the repair in the hall, will help combine the wallpaper. The first thing to do is to check your own closet for the remains of the wallpaper rolls. They are in every house after numerous repairs, that's for sure! It is worth considering, to connect some in a single harmonious whole. If this option is not suitable - you can buy rolls of companions, ideal in their combination. And decorating the walls!
Fun is almost childish: applique
Yarn, fabric / paper drawings - everything is suitable for making an applique. You need to choose a place, decide whether this territory of the wall will be a powerful decorative element or the applique will only emphasize the sophistication of the already existing decoration. And proceed to the process.
To do this you need:
- pick up a drawing and create a computer with its layout, print;
- carefully cut, arrange the elements on the wall, fastened with tape or needles;
- stick, respecting the general concept of the idea.
And it's bold, original and simple! The application will become an element that will easily emphasize the design of the room. Make a pattern, a picture from newspaper clippings pasted onto cardboard, get a fusion or loft style, for example, use cloth patterns for the embodiment of historical and ethno-styles, and for natural ones - paper in natural shades. It is lilac, pink, blue, champagne, birch.
The advantage of these decorating options is that it is possible to carry out the process with their own hands, minimum costs. And get a fresh, individual room that fully meets your desires.
Interior decoration items
It turns out that for wall decoration it is not necessary to create something absolutely new, conceptually bold. It is enough to pay attention to your hobby or decor items that you collect long ago, paying attention to everyone. Make them an organic room, finding a place for each element, creating a mood with your own hands.
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Interesting and unique for wall decoration will be:
- photo frames with photos, beautiful fabric elements, paper drawings or dried flowers. The room, decorated with photo frames, is a symbol of the family, a certain authenticity, coziness. In this case, you can use photos of different times (sepia, color or black and white), frames of various shades and sizes;
- paintings from the fabric / their collection. Women are fond of embroidery threads or beads, creating masterpieces. It remains to insert the pictures in the frame (or pull on a strong cardboard), decorate the room with them. At the same time, the picture should become part of the overall design of the room, completing it and making it organic;
- mirrors within and without, canvases made of glass. They not only help to make the room special, but will serve a practical purpose: they will help visually adjust the space. This option is especially good where there is not enough natural light. But in this case it implies the presence of competent artificial lighting;
- butterflies! They leave no one indifferent, made in different shapes, sizes, colors. By purchasing a ready-made set, with their help it's easy to do the decor of the walls, creating a real miracle. In this case, it can be both a composition in dynamics, and a monumental one;
- sets of vinyl stickers. Today they are a real miracle, with the help of which the decoration of the wall will become an exciting process, bringing joy to every member of the family. Choosing a set from the catalog, pay attention to the overall dimensions of the label, correlate them with the existing style of the room, select carefully. And always remember: they can be changed at any time without damaging the surface of the wall.
Simple ways of decorating will bring pleasure not only from the process, but will please the result. The room will get a complete, laconic look.
Art painting and drapery: enjoying the views
Making walls with your own hands using painting, as well as creating a "fabric" mood through drapery - more complex ways of decorating the wall than the previous ones. They are old as the world, which is why they are most in demand in interior design in historical, natural, national styles.
Painting, or something that can not be cut with a pen
Original and unique looks on the wall drawing, especially - the landscape. Performed by colors, it captivates the plot, natural shades. In honor - natural colors that seamlessly complement the style of Provence, rustic or ethno.
See also: Crafts from wine corks own handsThe peculiarity of this method of decoration is the need for a sufficient surface area. On a small piece of the wall (as a panel), the landscape will not look complete, it will be as if snatched out of nowhere. Give under the drawing a longer wall in the room. It will become the main decorative decoration of the room, under which it will be necessary to choose furniture, accessories, create lighting. Slightly glamorous and most refined!
Hide from eyes or open vision: drape with a cloth
Drapery with the fabrics of the wall will bring additional peace and comfort to the room, making them as pleasant as possible to the touch and soft. A bright advantage - in the absence of the need for leveling the walls. Surfaces do not need to be processed, rid of cracks, chips or dents, the fabric will lie flat.
Will help to fix the cloth on the wall:
- Velcro. Innovative method of attaching cloth to the wall is good opportunity to change it if desired to another, as well as simple care. Half of the Velcro fastens to the fabric, the second - to the wall. Join together;
- glue. It is applied to significant areas that help the mechanical attachment of the fabric to the wall. This is a strip under the ceiling, near the baseboard, as well as corners, door / window openings;
- rail. Serves as a substitute for glue. Mounting - using special staples.
Competent decoration of walls with fabrics is the only stitch. It can be closed with a crease or ceiling skirting.
Creative fantasy, or decor with a stencil
Silhouettes of people, birds, stars, ships, flowers - yes anything you can create on the wall with a stencil. It can be made independently, and its use will allow to decorate the wall even for those who do not have an artistic gift.
Here the main thing is the correspondence to the style of the interior, the forms and colors present in it. Important role is also in the functional purpose of the room. For example, for a living room or hallway, abstraction, city "landscapes", musical instruments, if it's a minimalism, functional or hi-tech style, will be relevant. For children's rooms, the themes of favorite cartoons, heroes, for the bedroom - clouds, flowers, trees, other natural "tunes" will be interesting.
It becomes clear that decorating the walls with your own hands is a creative process that requires not only patience and perseverance, but a good mood. You can not do without desire! Choose an option that is more attractive, learn new techniques, refer to the modeling of gypsum, and create, create, create, creating a home that can not be confused with anything!