Panel on the wall - 50 ideas for creating beautiful scenery

Wanting to make your home not only stylish, but also cozy, everyone, for sure, thinks about what decorative details it is worth to add to it, so that everything looks harmonious. Panel on the wall - one of these options. This is a beautiful work of decorative art that will help fill the house with bright accents, using a wide variety of materials. With our review, we will demonstrate various ideas of the panel on the wall, as well as features of their stylistic design.

Mirror panel on the wall

Современные дизайнеры достаточно часто используют зеркальные поверхности. Причем, иногда это самые неожиданные решения. Mirror panel on the wall изготавливают не только из натурального зеркала, которое довольно тяжело обрабатывать. Сейчас существует масса заменителей, например, зеркальные обои, пленка, настенная плитка, «псевдозеркала» из поликарбоната. Своей эффектностью они ни чуть не уступают, но дают возможность сконструировать зеркальное панно на стену (фото смотрите ниже) самой необычайной формы.

panel on the wall, photo 1mirror panel on the wall, photo 2mirror panel on the wall photo, photo 3

Panel from a tree on a wall

На протяжении веков древесина выступала сырьем для изготовления множества бытовых предметов, украшений. Это легкодоступный материал, при этом легкообрабатываемый, прочный. Декоративное панно из дерева на стену можно сделать, используя любую его часть. Фото демонстрируют нам оригинальные работы из сухих веток, оформление большой стены «пятаками» распиленного поперек ствола, а также присутствие, в качестве настенной декорации, практически, целого массива. Panel from a tree on a wall нужно обязательно подвергнуть обработке, чтобы не заводились различные жучки, а также не влияла на материал сырость, перепады температур.

decorative panel from a tree on a wall, photo 4decorative panel of wood on the wall, photo 5a panel of wood on a wall, photo 6

Glass panel on the wall

Fill the interior with wonderful highlights, bright accent points will help various elements of glass decor. If the house is a fumbling photo frame - it will create a glass panel on the wall. You can apply a drawing to the outside of the surface, then open it with a varnish, or paste a pattern from the wrong side, setting it in a frame. It is very good to decorate the working surface of the kitchen. By the way, such processing of an apron in a glass is called "skinned". Frequent drawings on them - vegetables, fruits, landscapes, photos of megacities.

glass panel on the wall, photo 7glass panel on the wall, photo 8glass panel on the wall, photo 9стеклянное panel on the wall, photo 10

Light panel on the wall

Создать эффектное световое панно на стену поможет светодиодная гирлянда. Основными материалами полотна могут выступить картон или холст. Нанесите любой, понравившийся Вам рисунок (в продаже есть специальные трафареты). Аккуратно, с помощью канцелярского ножа, вырежьте. Затем полотно крепится к рамке, а с тыльной части закладывается гирлянда, которую также закрывают фанерой или плотным картоном, выводя наружу сетевой шнур. Light panel on the wall послужит оригинальным ночником вечером, а днем — не менее красивым арт-декором.

световое panel on the wall, photo 11световое panel on the wall, photo 12варианты panel on the wall, photo 13стильное panel on the wall, photo 14стильное panel on the wall, photo 15

3d panel on the wall

Новым веянием наших дней стали трехмерные изображения, которые часто присутствуют при оформлении отделки: 3d обои, плитка, шторы. Цена их, конечно, на порядок выше привычных нам материалов. Более бюджетным вариантом будет самостоятельное оформление 3d panel on the wall. На фото ниже можно увидеть примеры такого оформления: объёмные часы, парящие бабочки и пейзажная картина, выполненная штукатуркой. Красиво смотрятся «мягкие» 3d panel on the wall и объемные бумажные аппликации.

3d panel on the wall, фото 163d panel on the wall, фото 173d panel on the wall, фото 18

Mosaic panel on the wall

The first mention of the creation of mosaic paintings are known since ancient times. Now this art is no less relevant. If you are interested in it, try, to begin with, to create a small mosaic panel on the wall yourself, and then you can proceed to more complex works, decorating the interior with large sumptuous drawings. The work is quite painstaking. Mosaic-panel on the wall is laid on the skimmed cleaned surface with the help of a binding primer. It is impossible to make small mosaic elements - they are sold by special sets, where everything is necessary. On your part, you need a painstaking, correct sequence of work.

мозаика panel on the wall, photo 19mosaic panel on the wall, photo 20mosaic panel on the wall, photo 21

New Year's panel on the wall from improvised materials

Оформляя интерьер квартиры к Новому Году, помимо пышной елки, стоит приукрасить пустующие стены. При этом, берутся самые простые бытовые вещицы, создавая объемные композиции. New Year's panel on the wall from improvised materials нередко оформляется голубыми тонами, а чтобы подчеркнуть «зимность» праздника, используют искусственный снег, вату или шарики пенопласта.

New Year's picture on the wall, photo 22New Year's picture on the wall, photo 23ideas of a panel on a wall, photo 24

Children's panel on the wall of paper

To the child's room does not look uncomfortable, it is deserted, it is possible to decorate a child's picture on a paper wall. Involve your child in this work - together you will create the most interesting compositions. Perhaps it will be appliqués depicting various cute animals, fairy-tale creatures. It is not necessary to use stencils, invent characters yourself. Perfectly complement the room with a branchy paper tree with three-dimensional flowers, foliage, as the photo shows.

child's picture on the wall, photo 25children's picture on the wall, photo 26child's picture on the wall, photo 27

How to make a panel on the wall, observing the style of the interior

When an apartment is decorated with strict observance of a certain style, the decor, by all means, must correspond to it. To create a stylish panel on the wall, we offer you to familiarize yourself with the main criteria inherent in this or that direction.

Panel on the wall in a classic style

The classical direction presupposes a reflection of luxury in any element of the interior. At the same time, there is aristocratic restraint. For example, a mirror on the wall. Modern technologies allow creating many effects on mirrors, including artificial "age-old" scrapes, which will give the canvas a particularly valuable look. Frames of paintings, compositions are well designed from figured baguettes, with relief drawings.

ideas of a panel on a wall, photo 28a panel on the wall photo, photo 29

Panel on the wall in the style of Provence

Originality, elegance, the cosiness of the ancient French country life can supplement the panel on the wall in the style of Provence. Dishware becomes a successful material. Look at the photo, where with the use of painted plates, created a luxurious composition. It is appropriate here, like faded in the sun, paints landscapes, combined with the ease of the French character, plant motifs, rough wood elements.

panel on the wall in the style of Provence, photo 30a panel on the wall in the style of Provence, photo 31

Wooden panel on the wall in eco style

Декорирование помещения в эко-направлении предполагает использование натуральных природных материалов. Конечно, древесина занимает здесь первую позицию. Wooden panel on the wall in eco style можно «сплести» из веток, сохранив их первозданный вид, используя лаковые составы или же окрасить под цвет интерьера. Один из вариантов демонстрирует панно вертикальное на стену в виде ветвистого дерева, полученное распиливанием массива.

wooden panel on the wall in eco-style, photo 32wooden panel on the wall in eco-style, photo 33

Art panel on the wall

The modern direction of art deco is refinement, flexibility of lines, alternation of contrasting colors, geometric figures, multifaceted lighting. Art panels on the wall can be decorated with glass, mirror surfaces, elegant compositions with additional illumination, as well as abstract canvases.

art panno on the wall, photo 34art panno on the wall, photo 35art panno on the wall, photo 36

Variants of the panel on the wall in modern directions

Modernity dictates its own rules. Popular trends of minimalism, high-tech offer us, in practice, completely refuse to decorate, but, in the conditions of an apartment, you still want to somehow diversify the vacant space. Modern panels on the wall have a laconic appearance, but, nevertheless, are not devoid of originality. Look at least for the "high-tech" chessboard decorating the cabinet or an unusual mirror composition of minimalism.

modern pictures on the wall, photo 37modern picture on the wall, photo 38modern picture on the wall, photo 39modern panels on the wall, photo 40panel vertical on the wall, photo 41decoration of a panel on a wall, photo 42

Panel on the wall of the loft interior

A stylish loft stands out sharply against the background of other directions - it's simply impossible not to recognize it. Brick walls, bare concrete interior require additional details of the decor, which will give the appearance of "obzhitosti." To make a panel on the wall of the loft, often use large meters of cloth (often wooden) with various images: social posters, symbols, works of contemporary artists, black and white photographs. The picture shows the successful design of the panel on the wall of a wooden pallet.

panel on the wall loft, photo 43panel on the wall loft, photo 44panel on the wall loft, photo 45

Read also: Panel on the wall with our own hands - we make masterpieces from improvised means

Chinese panel on the wall: Asian notes in the European interior

The culture of China, formed by centuries with intertwining of different traditions, does not support oversaturation of the interior with different decor. Here one or two decorations are welcomed, but, by all means, bearing any meaning. The Chinese panel on the wall can be made from a canvas, on which images of animals, birds, hieroglyphs are applied. Here it is important to understand that each figure is endowed with a philosophical meaning, symbolizing something. Therefore, before placing such a canvas at home, it is worth consulting with knowledgeable experts.

Chinese panel on the wall, photo 46Chinese panel on the wall, photo 47

Italian panel on the wall: Mediterranean motifs

Picturesque Mediterranean landscapes, ancient harbors, spacious valleys of luxurious vineyards, the historical architecture of Ancient Rome - all this will help to create an Italian panel on the wall. Here are appropriate mosaic paintings, which colorfully fill the exquisite interior in pastel colors.

Italian panel on the wall, photo 48italian panel on the wall, photo 49Italian panel on the wall, photo 50

Considering different types of panels on the wall, you can choose for yourself the most suitable solutions, supplement them with your ideas. This art has passed the centuries-old path of evolution, and in your hands continue it, using modern materials.