Coniferous in the landscape design of the villa site +75

Coniferous in the landscape design of the suburban area

Beautiful and various conifers in the landscape design of the country plot are used very often. In addition to high decorative, these plants have a significant advantage over other crops. They remain attractive throughout the year. A well-groomed and beautifully trimmed tree will become pride and adornment of the country plot for several decades. The field of application of conifers is very extensive. Live hedges, flower beds, rock gardens - this is not a complete list of compositions where these plants are used. Even in southern regions with lush vegetation, conifers are invariably in demand. Exotic flowering plants and deciduous trees look even more beautiful against the background of strict greenery of pine, spruce and junipers.


Yew – это вечнозеленые растения, высота которых в природе достигает 5-20 м. Кора имеет красноватый оттенок, крона плотная, круглой формы. Хвоя густая, сочно-зеленого оттенка. Длина иголок составляет 1-3 см. тисовые отличаются от других хвойников отсутствием смоляных каналов в листьях. Это актуально для тех, кому не нравится запах хвои. Растение хорошо переносит обрезку, длительное время сохраняет форму. Применяется для топиарных композиций и альпинариев. Отлично сочетается с такими растениями:

  • Juniper;
  • Thuja is western;
  • Quince.

Yew растения на участке

All kinds of yew are poisonous, so care must be taken. This is especially true for families where children grow up.

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Currently, the most popular and popular variety of cypress is its evergreen variety. It is possible to use this plant in single plantings. The pyramidal crown of this tree is admired. Cypress trees tolerate pruning well, for a long time the crown retains the formed look. With the help of trimming, it is possible to regulate the growth of a tree. Grades with reduced cold resistance are exposed in pots for a warm period. Less capricious varieties are used in hedges. Coniferous scent repels mosquitoes and flies, so that rest at the cottage will turn into a complete pleasure.

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Pine is a universal tree, especially for northern latitudes. She is not afraid of dryness, nor cold winter. There are many species of this plant. In particular, for use in garden areas, compact varieties are valued that allow the use of culture in rockeries and rock gardens. Especially popular is mountain pine, which has such advantages:

  • Small size.
  • Beautiful view. Even without cutting, the tree looks charming.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Uncomplicated care and quality of the soil.
  • Pleasant coniferous aroma with healing effect.
  • Dense enough crown, which allows you to combine pine with shade-loving plants.
  • A great variety of varieties.

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Tall хвойники подходят для участков с разной площадью. Особенности композиции в том, что они играют роль доминанты, а вокруг хвойника высаживают более низкие культуры. Многих дачников беспокоит, что такие деревья очень быстро растут. Обрезка и прищепление побегов позволяет замедлить рост. Формировать крону надо ежегодно, иначе растение будет смотреться неухоженным. Вот несколько примеров:

  • Cedar. The first two or three years of life, the growth rate is very slow. The peculiarity of this variety of conifers is that the cedar has very special cones. The Siberian cedars are the most popular, but other species of this plant are used in gardens: European, Korean. It is a sun-loving species. It is important to choose a site: open and well lit;
  • Juniper, fir, thuja. These handsome men look good at the entrance or for the "hedges";
  • El, pine.
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Not all summer residents decide to plant on a traditional "six hundred" high tree. Then you should choose a medium-sized culture. These plants are planted in the form of hedges, at the entrance or in the composition of the compositions. Examples of medium-sized conifers:

  • Golden yew. Needles in this plant are unusual: in young shrubs golden, in adults - green with a yellowish tinge. Tees perfectly tolerates shading;

Golden yew

  • Berry yew. Due to the bright scarlet berries it looks very decorative;

Berry yew

  • Panderosa. A plant with a fluffy crown and long needles. This so-called "yellow pine", which initially grew only in warm climates. However, the efforts of breeders of panderozes have been successfully adapted to severe winters, without even requiring shelter;


  • Nawaki. This is one of the types of bonsai. The native land of this plant is Japan. The main distinguishing feature is plasticity. At a hairstyle the crown can take different forms;


  • "Nana." It is a fluffy pine with a dark green crown, as beautiful as it is unpretentious to care.


If the site is small, it is advisable to use on it stunted plants:

  • Spruce "Conic". This miniature Christmas tree grows very slowly, so it is suitable for planting even in the tiniest area. However, there is a disadvantage: poor tolerance of winter temperatures. To prevent frost, two options are possible: to grow a plant in a pot or to cover it safely for the winter;

El Konica

  • Mountain pine. This species of conifers loves penumbra, unpretentious in care. Well tolerates the haircut, but in the ordinary form it looks wonderful. If a few pine skeletons are removed from the mountain pine, the others will go up, forming a luxurious "cap". In style, the tree will resemble Japanese bonsai;

Mountain pine

  • "Negishi". This is an unusually beautiful stunted pine, which distinguishes lumps of a lilac shade. From a distance the tree seems covered with a lot of flowers;


  • The Balkan pine. In the wild, the plant reaches a height of three meters. Form a tiny tree of a quaint configuration can be done by pinching;

Balkan pine

  • Velda. A growing plant with horizontally oriented shoots. This species grows rapidly and, if it is not cut, it spreads to a distance of three meters;


  • Pygmy. Pine (pine flexlex) with a very dense, eye-pleasing crown. The needles are thick, arranged in the form of bundles.


The role of coniferous crops in landscape design

The popularity of conifers in landscape design is determined by a number of advantages:

  • Good sun tolerance;
  • Many varieties of conifers have an excellent shape and do not need regular pruning;
  • A powerful root system that allows you to do without irrigation for a long time;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Versatility, the ability to use for solo plantings and as part of compositions.

Landscaping with coniferous plants

When choosing a plant, it is necessary to consider:

  • Planned location on the site;
  • Composition of soils;
  • Features of climate in the region;
  • Type of landing: solo or composite.

The combination of different species of conifers on the flowerbed

How to make compositions

There is no unified opinion on this score. Some designers are supporters of natural landscapes, most reminiscent of natural landscapes. Others enjoy the creative process, experimenting with the shape of the crowns. Everyone is right in his own way. Interesting solutions are available to representatives of both directions. Let's try to find a compromise option.

Composition of juniper and yew

Ideally, if the conifer looks like it grew in the wild. In doing so, it should be trimmed and well-groomed. Restraint and sense of proportion are invariable components of good taste. But you should not be too cautious. It is hardly possible to disfigure a plot of land with a living plant.

Landscape with decorative reeds

No strict canons and rules in the design of the suburban area there. For example, two separately standing coniferous trees can create an impression of restlessness. However, the same two Christmas trees, planted at the gate, will be more than a place. Naturally, provided that they are well groomed. When planting crops, we must not forget that the northern side of the plant looks worse than the southern side, since the needles are shorter and sparse. To the result did not disappoint, it requires not only good taste and professionalism of the designer, but also the patience of the owner. Many dwarf breeds grow slowly enough. Sometimes people approach the question simply. Without superfluous zatey plant the plant you like and gladly take care of it, receiving a charge of positive and excellent mood.

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Variants of application of conifers in the landscape

Coniferous crops can be beautifully combined with other plants, including shrubs and deciduous trees. Consider the rules for composing different compositions.

Consistency in the landscape


The term "rockery" means "stony garden". With the help of man-made rock art on the site, the most daring of various design ideas can be implemented. With the right approach, it will become a real highlight of your site, emphasizing the exquisite taste of the owners and their understanding of the beautiful. There are 3 style variants of rockeries: English, Japanese and European. If the emphasis on plants is typical for the European and English variants, then the Japanese style is a garden of stones in which conifers and other cultures play a supporting role.

Rockary на участке

Наряду с хвойниками, в рокарии используют растения, цветущие в разные периоды. Для ранней весны – это крокусы с подснежниками. На смену им приходят низкорослые сорта тюльпанов и примулы. С наступлением теплых дней вступают в свои права летники: кошачьи лапки, флоксы, солнцесвет. Настоящими хозяевами в каменном царстве рокария чувствуют себя камнеломки с почвопокровниками. Rockary с хвойными культурами не просто необыкновенно красив, но и полезен. Деревья насыщают воздух лечебным хвойным благоуханием.

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Alpine hill

The conifers give the alpine hill a natural appearance. After all the plants are selected and planted, a magnificent mountain landscape turns out, which remains attractive in any season of the year. Coniferous plants with a different shade and crown shape help create wonderful compositions on the site. The maximum height of the rock garden is 1.5 m. If the site is small and the hill is miniature, it is advisable to choose plants up to 0.8 m. More than 1.5 m long beetles are advisable to use if the entire structure occupies an area larger than 50 m2. The assortment of crops is as follows:

  • Sosna (Winter Gold, Pumilio, Mops);
  • Western Thuja (Joseeri, Danica, Elvangra golden);
  • Spruce (Picea abies) (Nidiformis, Ehiniformis, Vils Zverg);
  • El Kanadskaya (Konica, Alberta);
  • Mozhavelynik (Blu Carpet, Green Carpet);
  • Fir (Oberon, the diamond).

Alpine hill с хвойниками на участке

Composing the conifers for the rock garden can be experimented with the configuration of the crown and with a touch of needles. Swarming varieties have in the foreground of the composition. The taller trees make up the dominant in the alpine hill. For the transition between one-and-a-half meter and dwarf plants, the conifers are planted to 0.8 m. They are well combined with such plants:

  • Edelweiss;
  • Pinschenik;
  • Yarrow;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Heather;
  • Geheira (serves as a bright purple color accent in the composition);
  • Of annuals use lobelia, diasia.

Of course, creating a rock garden yourself is not an easy, but interesting and exciting thing. It is worth making efforts once, and the corner of the alpine landscape from the Alps, the Carpathians, Alatau or Altai will delight you for a long time.

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Coniferous plants are often used in hedges. The composition is incredible beauty, which is difficult to describe. More often than not, it is a monolithic wall, impossible to overcome. To obtain such a composition, the cultures are planted in staggered order, with a number of rows from 2 to 3. Naturally, there is no immediate effect expected. Before you see the result, you will have to wait a long time. For a solid wall, plants with the same shade of needles are used. The use of alternating silvery, green and bluish forms makes it possible to obtain a surprising aesthetic composition. With regard to the use of specific plants, there are possible such options:

  • High hedge: pine, fir, spruce;
  • Average height: juniper, cypress, araucaria, thuja, yew;
  • For dwarf hedges suitable dwarfish thuja, pine (mountain variant), junipers, cypress trees.

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mixborders из хвойников прекрасно смотрится на фоне дома, забора или живой изгороди. Для составления композиции используют самые разные культуры, любых конфигураций и размеров. Однако, есть и вполне четкие правила составления композиции:

  • The tallest plants are placed in the background or on the edge. With the approach to the foot of the composition, the height of the plants gradually decreases;
  • The geometric symmetry of landings is not necessary. The only thing that must be observed is the transition from a higher height to a smaller one. Crowns of tall trees entering the composition should not form a single, even line;
  • An obligatory condition is observance of natural harmony. For taller crops, the planting area should be larger than for stunted;
  • The presence of recurring plants will set the rhythm of the composition, it will look more natural and interesting.
See also: Landscape design for the country plot - 60 photos of ideas

mixborders на участке

Coniferous composition in forest style

This is a realistic reproduction of a piece of wildlife. First, in the direction of "from left to right" plant lilac, mountain pine and tall Canadian spruce. Plots between plants are planted with barberry and juniper bushes. It turns out a charming "wild corner", which looks as natural as possible.

Coniferous composition in forest style на участке

Design with color compositions

Naturally, the dominant color for conifers is green, but it has many different shades. This must be taken into account when composing a composition from plants. In addition to the conifers, other plants with different shades may also be involved in the design. However, the riotous variety of colors is unlikely to be appropriate in composition with conifers. This is not a corner of tropical nature. Recommendations from experts will help you to avoid unnecessary variegation:

  • If the composition has 3 elements, the number of colors involved is only 2;
  • The maximum number of colors for a 5-element composition is 3;
  • When composing a 25-element composition, it is necessary to combine its parts into separate groups of 3 units. In this case, to arrange the plants for each of the groups follows a single tinting feature

Design of the plot with color compositions

Only by following these tips, you will be able to compose thoughtful, harmonious compositions, without violating the integrity of the picture. The use of conifers in landscape design requires experience, skills and knowledge. It is not enough just to choose healthy and beautiful cultures, to plant and take care of them. To make the site produce a harmonious impression, you need to sort the plants according to color, height and compatibility. Sometimes, with a complete similarity of nuances, cultures oppress one another.

Stone path between flower gardens

What neighbors to pick up the coniferous

Choose plants that are well compatible with the conifers best, taking a closer look at the wildlife. First of all, they successfully coexist with gymnosperm cereals. By the way, here you can break the stereotype by planting a dwarf fir or pine near a tall perennial. With a mountain pine, the sand, miscanthus or anafalis are perfectly coexisting. And next to the tiny young seedlings, the fescue looks harmonious. The ideal neighbor for conifers is heather. These plants prefer the same type of soil. Therefore, in nature, pines and chaffs are often near. If it is a mixed flower garden, you can choose the right summer. For example, the medium-sized lava and the squat mountain pine form a charming composition. The low herringbone Glauca Globosa looks charming, surrounded by cineraria, hydrangea or begonias.

Slide with blue spruce

Now consider more specific examples of compatibility for the most popular conifers: fir, spruce, larch and pine:

  • Pine. Excellent coexists next to the lime tree, oak, cedar, mountain ash, Tatar maple or larch. Negative neighborhood - aspen or birch;
  • Fir. The most desirable option is the "solo" landing, as this tree suppresses the development and growth of other crops;
  • Spruce. Good neighbors with hazel, rowan or raspberry. Poorly get along with rose, kalina, dog rose, barberry, lilac, horse chestnut, white acacia and thuja;
  • Larch - "jealous", which does not tolerate the whole area of ​​presence of other varieties of conifers.

Cypresses on the site

We must not forget that sometimes conifers have an adverse effect on other plants. For example, the flowers of roses look great against the background of juicy-green needles. But such neighborhood is undesirable especially for rose bushes, since pine needles oxidize the soil.