Photographs are a repository of various moments. They keep the very life. That's why, always, even in the era of digital technologies, people put on the table, place on the walls photos associated with this or that event, or a person. I do not want to conclude memories dear to my heart in template frames. Therefore, the decor of the photo frames has always been, is and will be in demand. Decorating the frames with their own hands is feasible to almost everyone, it is fascinating, makes you feel like a real creator.
- The frame can be sewn from soft materials;
- tighten with knitted cloth;
- To decorate with a cloth;
- beautifully wrapped with string, various threads, braid, lace;
- make of wood twigs;
- it can even be baked (from a salted dough).
The list can be continued indefinitely, limited only by the limit of the fantasy given to you.
Pasted decor
Stick on the frame you can very much, everything is determined by the taste and imagination of the master.
Original frames for photos, decorated with buttons, will look especially, if you choose them in the same color. However, this is not an obligatory condition. The necessary color consistency can be obtained with acrylic paint. For example, the buttons covered with gold paint, will transform unrecognizably by a lucky chance that did not have time to get into the bin old photo frame.
Beads, crystals
Over time, such things are abundantly accumulated in every woman. All this can become a unique collection of materials to decorate your hands with an elegant frame with your favorite photo, it's worth attaching them to a pre-planned drawing, ornament.
Advice: you can use whole brooches, beads, beads, pearls, interesting glass, fragments of broken dishes, mosaic elements.
Natural materials
The tastefully executed decor of the frame in a natural style always attracts attention. After all, we are all children of nature.
Coffee beans, lentils, acorns
Everything can go into action and create unique compositions. Coffee beans will be useful to you not only to make an invigorating drink, they are, it turns out, an excellent material for decorating with your own hands photo frames: they have a wonderful smell, original texture, noble color, they do not deteriorate. Much time will not work either: it's not so difficult with a glue gun or PVA glue to densely coat the coffee beans with a standard photo frame, which in a new guise is guaranteed to become the leading accessory of the interior.
Read also: Decor of wood with their own hands - 50 photos of ideas This can be done by replacing the grains of coffee with lentils, pumpkin seeds, acorns, stoppers and just chopsticks. Creative craftsmen do not ignore the usual pine cones: they separate each scale with a pliers and glue the frame. Labor-intensive, of course, the case, but the worth it - it turns out very nicely. The work can be varnished.
Tip: to make a frame made with your own hands fragrant, buy an asterisks and badyan stars and find their place in the general decor.
This is one of the grateful materials for decorating your own hands with a photographic framework. For registration, shells of various shapes and sizes are needed. In addition to shells, inlay it is appropriate to use interesting glass, sea pebbles and other finds made on the sea or river bank.
In the course of creating an exclusive framework with your own hands, you can go to paper, which in the usual scenario is threatened by the sad fate of trash. Very original frames for photographs, decorated with tubes of paper that have served their business newspapers and magazines.
They can be as short (glued end), and oblong - we use in a horizontal position. Another idea of decor: birch bark - a very spectacular view of natural materials. Cut the birch bark into five strips. Four will become the actual frame, the fifth can be made a stand.
Salty dough
You can turn a conventional photo frame into a design frame using a salted dough. Everyone has his own ideas: someone will decorate her with flowers, and someone's name of the child depicted in the picture is blind. But first you need to make this very dough: mix it from a glass of salt, two glasses of flour and water. Having achieved the consistency of plasticine, begin to sculpt the designed decor elements right on the corner of the photo frame - so the dough will take the desired shape at the base, and it can be glued to the right place without problems. For 20 minutes, put it in the oven. Cool, glue to the frame and begin to paint with any colors. You can even limit one of the aerosol cans. The final stage is to varnish (it is better to make two layers) and drying.
Read also: Decor mugs polymer clay - master class with step-by-step photosEntourage of childhood
If the family has daughters, the number of ornamental hairpins and rubber bands grows exponentially. Lovely trinkets, decorated, for example, with flowers, with the embodiment of this idea can get a second life. Cut off the flowers from the boring gum. The ones that are larger, paste on the upper corner of the frame, below place smaller copies.
As a result, a real floral cascade will appear. You can glue flowers only on the top, leaving the bottom of the frame untouched. After completing this process, place the work for several hours under the load. When the flowers are white, the part of the frame that is free from the decor should be covered with silver paint, and you can also green if they cause associations with the spring clearing.
For boys, of course, you need a different style of design. How do you like the idea of decorating a photo frame in a boy's room with toy cars, preferably one series? A small owner will certainly appreciate such refinement.
Before starting work, prepare:
- frame (not necessarily new, you can just be bored);
- a sheet of sandpaper;
- Glue (if there is no decoupage, dilute the PVA glue with an equal amount of water);
- brush;
- decontamination napkins, cards.
After this, proceed to the very process of decoupage:
- The old photo frame is pre-sanded. A new one, if it is not lacquered, does not need to be processed.
- First you need to cut out the necessary area from the napkin or card, having previously measured the frame itself, without forgetting the margin necessary for processing the edges.
- Brush (you can sponge) carefully apply glue on the front side of the frame. Then place the prepared image in the right place and smooth it, making sure that all the air bubbles come out from underneath the glued fragment. Do this, starting from the center, gradually moving to the edges.
- Then literally for two minutes you need to put a frame under something heavy, for example, under a massive book.
- To remove excess pieces of tissue paper, use a nail file on the edge of the photo frame (the pressure angle should be 45). In the same way remove the leftovers from the central part.
- Finally, apply another layer of glue and place the frame to dry.
A rich assortment of decoupage napkins will necessarily allow you to choose the means of implementing the idea and create a unique work.
Another option for decoupage photo frames
Add paint and varnish to the previous set of materials.
- All the wooden surface of the frame is primed in several layers, with each drying, white acrylic paint.
- From the decoupage napkin you need to cut out the contours of the image you like. Do this carefully - unstable material is easily damaged.
- Separate the layers of paper from which the napkin is made, leaving the top, with a pattern, needed for further work.
- Apply glue on the frame, put the prepared drawing. Brush with glue smoothing movements, walk through the image. So do with all the other fragments of napkins, which decided to decorate the frame.
- Mix the colors to the desired shades and enhance the color of the composition. Do not forget that so you need to correct all the sides.
- To fix the result, apply several layers of clear varnish.
Courageous and non-trivial
- As a frame for photos, people who value originality can become even a bicycle wheel that has served its age: select images of a common theme, think through the plot, insert a photo between the spokes or fix the clothespins - the original decor is ready.
- It is not necessary to guess how the fan of hunting for a portrait presented to him in the frame of shooting cartridges will react. Of course, with sincere gratitude.
- Option for anglers: attach hooks or brackets to the fishing rod, use a string or a thick rope with original marine knots to hang frames with photos on them, add a couple of floats.
- Even an ordinary glass jar can become a creative frame for photography: fit the appropriate photo size into the chosen container, empty the space in it with sand, shells, starfish, LED garlands or any other entourage, close to the plot of the picture.
It is impossible to describe all the ways of decorating with your own hands. A photo frame is impossible: every day the rows of lovers of this democratic kind of needlework are replenished, new ideas are born, which, in turn, become an incentive for further zadumok. The process of creativity never stops.