The classic option for decorating the apartment was the use of light colors as the basic color scheme. The neutrality of the palette makes it easy to fit it into rooms of a wide variety of shapes and sizes. It is especially advantageous to use such a palette when developing design projects for small Khrushchev, studios, smart housing. White, cream, beige palette serves as a perfect background for brighter accent decor elements. In addition, a light range helps to easily realize any design stylistic idea.

Stylistic interior solutions in light colors
The use of light natural shades is characteristic of any direction of interior stylistics. Perhaps the most striking example - neoclassicism, where almost always the design of rooms is based on a muted color scheme. This style is characterized by the replacement of cumbersome classical furniture, made from materials of dark tones for light elegant, elegant light sets. Light shades of neoclassical interior successfully combine with more saturated colors of coffee, bitter chocolate.
Art deco does not do without the game of glare on the glossy surface of light furniture, the design of the apartment in light colors for this style allows you to strengthen the expression, emphasize the bright elements of the situation.
Two stylistic directions, which are based on the use of light shades of beige, pistachio, pale yellow, muted lavender - American country, Provence. Light colors create an atmosphere of carefree, lightness, a sense of escape from the city's fuss.
Pearl shades in the interior
The colors of the pearl scale add to the apartment atmosphere of refinement, unobtrusive luxury, sensuality.
The use of pearl shades requires attention to the organization of the lighting system.
You should avoid too bright colors, the situation will look too flashy. It is better to look muffled backlight.
The materials used for finishing are better to choose natural, because the pearl shades are natural. Pearl overflow has several advantages:
- Revitalizes the general atmosphere of the room, a combination with bright colors enhances efficiency, communication skills;
- The combination with white metal, mirrors enhances the sense of respectability;
- In the bedroom it contributes to a sense of comfort, a quiet sleep;
- The combination with warm colors promotes concentration, which is ideal for the working environment of the cabinet.
Cream and beige tones
A palette of cream, beige shades can be used in a wide variety of interior stylistics. Color can dominate when using a game of shades, can be diluted, distracting the eyes from darker decor elements. Beige for many years is considered the classic design of a bright interior apartments, many experts of the design area consider it boring, boring, take away the place of the background. Although with the correct application of cream, beige tones, the results can be quite spectacular:
- Beige finish of walls, floor, ceiling must be diluted with bright furniture, small decorative elements;
- Light furniture requires either the decoration of walls in bright colors, or a dark floor covering;
- Less saturated shades are combined with more saturated shades. In the covering of walls use a different pattern of wallpaper, texture.
Compliance with these simple rules allows you to get away from the usual dullness towards a bright, original interior.
White color in the interior
The base color - white in a pure white form is rarely used, because its unreasonable use causes a feeling of cold, hospital atmosphere. Snow-white finish rather dilutes other warmer shades of light - ivory, linseed, melted milk. Or it can serve as a background for coffee shades, wooden textures, terracotta. This adds to the home atmosphere of special comfort. One of the modern ideas of using white is a strict, but at the same time noble combination with shades of gray, blue, with bright accents in the form of turquoise details. Loft interiors abound in white, which is necessarily diluted with contrasting details: black, red, purple, blue, orange. White furniture looks very original, but many prefer to do without it - high march repels.
Coffee with milk
Do not confuse beige coffee with milk, it is somewhat more saturated. This is the color of coziness, harmony, warmth. By itself, it is somewhat boring, so it needs competent support for decor elements. Dominant coffee color is suitable for lovers of conservative trends in interior design. This decoration of the room implies that repairs will not lose relevance for another couple of decades, in addition, this color is unlikely to bother the owner of housing. The decision to make an apartment in the color of coffee with milk is suitable for undecided owners, the throwing between different decor options can be quickly stopped, making this shade the main one, it can become a base for any style changes in the future.
Sand Gamma
Specialists in the field of interior styling are deeply respectful of sand colors, as they allow you to design any room in the apartment. It does not cut eyes, it is perfectly combined with intense, neutral shades. Sand shades are one of the basic in the classic interior solutions. In minimalism, white is often replaced by this color in order to avoid excessive coldness. The combination of sand with gold, silver, snow-white surface is characteristic of glamor. The atmosphere of relaxation will be emphasized by a combination with shades of juicy grass, coffee, ink.
In general, sand, like other light colors, copes with the task of tying bright contrasting colors perfectly. For many design ideas, it is only a background, adding a cozy atmosphere, muffling the sharp outlines.
Gray in the interior
The variety of gray color is so great that it is not difficult to choose the right shade for any interior. We will not touch a somewhat grim asphalt grayness. A distinctive feature of the bright interior of the apartment is the mixture of basic gray with other colors: non-sweet, adding brown notes, a very feminine gray-pink color, the tendency of recent years is the inclusion of gray-blue colors. Light-gray walls will not be boring if properly inscribed in the general atmosphere of the room, well-chosen color combinations will make the interior refined, at the same time versatile, in keeping with the spirit of the day. Gray is combined with any other colors - both cold and warm. This shade in the interior of any stylistic orientation is appropriate.
Light colors with bright accents
The apartment, made in light colors, needs the inclusion of bright spots - accents. These are the decor elements that differ in color from the dominant color scheme. It can be overall furniture sets, textiles, small details of the situation. Thus, some boredom inherent in a monochroma is dispelled, when choosing accents one should observe a number of rules:
- The basic rule is the balance expressed in the following proportion: not more than ten percent of the accent, thirty percent belongs to the additional scale, sixty is the main background;
- If the main gamma is light - accents should stand out against their background due to brightness;
- The absence of additional color is compensated by an increase in the percentage of accents;
- Do not get carried away by an abundance of small details. Sometimes one large picture, sofa of contrasting upholstery, is enough.
Too light covering of walls allows inclusion as accents of objects different in color, the main thing is that they look harmoniously in combination with each other.
Entrance hall
Entrance hall – лицо квартиры, поскольку начинает знакомство гостей с общим убранством квартиры. Функциональная зона типовой квартиры лишена источников естественного освещения, довольно узкая, поэтому нуждается в дополнительном визуальном расширении, неправильный подбор цвета стен может сделать прихожую похожей на маленькую картонную коробку. Нахождение в таком замкнутом пространстве будет причинять дискомфорт, приносить чувство угнетенности, тревоги. С задачей осветления, добавления ей уюта прихожей справляется оформление ее стен светлым декоративным покрытием. Некоторые сомнения возникают по поводу излишней маркости зоны около дверного проема, она подвергается дополнительным нагрузкам. Поэтому для прихожей стоит выбирать обои на виниловой основе, легко поддающиеся очистке. Что касается мебели – светлая поверхность пачкается ничуть не больше чем темная, даже наоборот – на ней не так видна пыль.
Light kitchens have long become the basis for interior design of housing. A variety of shades allows you to give the kitchen room as home warmth, and modern briskosti. It is impossible to distinguish the basic shades, suitable kitchens - there are hundreds of them. The choice of optimal design depends on the preferences of the owners, but on the whole it can be safely stated - a light palette has a favorable effect on the state of the human nervous system, favorably affects appetite. Hostesses will appreciate the ability of such a gamma to tune in to productive work. There are drawbacks: too light surfaces of the working area are quickly dirty, improper selection of colors creates a feeling of coldness, choleric people, such an interior may seem boring.
White kitchens sometimes look so "sterile", that more closely resemble hospital manipulation. Add bright colors including contrasting kitchen utensils, home appliances, original dishes, floral arrangements.
Living room
In addition to its functionality in terms of size correction is not enough spacious room light shades have anti-stress effect, promote friendly communication, rest after a hard day. Advantages of the living room soaked in such tones are:
- The common room becomes much lighter, it seems more spacious;
- Neutral walls favorably emphasize the merits of both dark and bright furniture sets;
- The overall bright environment allows you to additionally use natural finishing materials: marble, stone, wood;
- Light color scheme helps calm, ordering of thought processes.
Separately it is necessary to say a word for light furniture: if in the kitchen it can quickly get dirty, then in the living room it is much easier to dust it off. This does not apply to sofas: fabric upholstery is more difficult to wash. Yes, and white soft furniture is worth more for mysterious reasons. However, if you are not afraid of difficulties - go for it! Light soft furniture looks very advantageous.
Bedroom оформляется таким образом, чтобы все ее мельчайшие детали создавали условия, способствующие расслаблению после интенсивной насыщенной дневной жизни. Светлые оттенки добавляют нежности, комфорта, делают яркие компоненты менее навязчивыми. Нейтральные цвета подходят камерным небольшим спаленкам, просторным помещениям с большими оконными проемами. Дневной свет попадая на осветленную декоративную отделку способствует легкому подъему, вечером такой интерьер выигрывает за счет ощущения интимности, покоя. Акцентирующими элементами спален могут быть яркие покрывала, оригинальные подушки, прикроватные коврики. Освещение таких комнат требует наличия нескольких источников подсветки, где к центральному светильнику добавляются бра, точечное освещение, небольшие лампы на тумбах у изголовья.
See also: Black wallpapers in the interior +75 photo ideas
Walls, cupboards of unobtrusive shades create conditions for psychological comfort for the baby, normalize too dynamic mental processes inherent in young age. Against the backdrop of a bright environment it is easier to recreate the atmosphere for fruitful developmental pursuits. A small child will not be distracted by too bright details. However, this advice is relevant only for the younger group of up to three years, becoming older the child will need a cheerfulness, saturated with colors environment, which is easy to implement, adding trifles to the already available neutral background. Since psychologists advise not to oversaturate the general stop of the child's intensive paints, a light interior will dilute the variety of colors of toys. The sleeping area should be restrained so that the child can easily fall asleep.
Cabinet расположенный в границах жилого помещения, как правило, оформляется в классическом стиле. Поскольку условия квартиры предполагают отведение под рабочую зону небольшой площади, то ее стены отделываются нейтральными цветами. В каком бы стиле не была оформлена рабочая зона светлые оттенки, вплоть до белого будут лишь выигрывать. Во-первых, так массивные книжные шкафы, стеллажи под бумаги будут казаться легче. Во-вторых, такая колористика не отвлекает на себя внимание, позволяет сосредоточится на решении важных задач, повышает работоспособность. Отдача от работы в светлом кабинете возрастает многократно. Рабочее место, предназначенное женщине, с помощью нежных оттенков превращается из скучного офиса в уголок уединения с присущей женской природе изящностью форм, шармом, стильной элегантностью.
The classic bathroom is played with the help of a game of beige shades. Combining with white tiles achieve the effect of additional lighting, expanding the limited space. Contrast with a dark floor covering, the ceiling adds a height too low ceiling. Absence of a partition in the combined bathrooms is compensated by zoning, combining different shades of tile on the walls. Cold shades create a sense of purity, warm - relax. In addition, some light shades are functional - they are almost invisible traces of water. With care it is necessary to approach the choice of blue, greenish scale, these colors under inattentive use emphasize skin imperfections, reflection in the mirror will not look good. Toilet, located separately from the bathroom, trim light colors rather to expand the space. The color scheme here is not so important, although often it coincides in style with the decor of the bathroom.
If you do not fully determine what you want to see the apartment in the end, do not believe in yourself as a designer, plan that the repair will last you for several decades - stop at the design of the home with light colors. As if the future has not changed your personal preferences, fashion trends, family composition - a light scale always allow you to change the style, the appointment of rooms without having to renovate again. It will be enough only to make a rearrangement, change the main accents, and your apartment will find a second wind. Having a universal base at your fingertips, you will get a wide scope for creativity, you can from time to time refresh the situation by implementing any creative impulses.