Old Mac Daddy is a luxury trailer park located in the Elgin Valley, Grabove, South Africa. It's amazing that each trailer has its own unique design - sometimes very cheerful, catchy, memorable and colorful.

The hotel has been created for carrying out of productive leisure in a valley for those who positively looks at life, appreciates comfort and good memoirs. The hotel was the winner of the Gold Loerie Award and, perhaps, is considered the most unusual hotel in the world, although they are far to five stars. And by the way, they can not be evaluated by any stars at all, since according to the classification council they can not evaluate it, since it does not fit into any pattern.

Old Mac Daddy — есть hotel for lovers of camping, gatherings around the campfire, lovers of jogging and walking, as well as those who like to ride bicycles on winding and dusty paths in the forest. It is surrounded by forests, ponds with croaking frogs, vineyards and gardens - completely buried in greenery.

The hotel was designed by a community of designers from Cape Town.
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