The bedroom, first of all, is the territory of tranquility and coziness. Therefore, the design of such an individual room should be in harmony with your inner self. Considering that, as a rule, a room for sleeping is of a small size, when decorating an interior, you have to balance and reconcile two directions: general rules for the design of small rooms and a number of personal preferences. You should carefully consider photos of interesting ideas for the design of the bedroom, presented in the gallery.
So, the general rules for interior design of small rooms: three whales - shape, color and light
- Form - better a few large objects than a lot of small ones.
- Color - light shades of natural natural colors. A small nuance in the color solution of the bedroom from psychologists: the most calming and adjusting nervous system shades are pastel variants of green, peach, blue and yellow colors. A selection of photos of several color options clearly demonstrates this.
- The light should be bright enough, but not directed. It is better if it is a diffuse glow from the floor lamp with a linen lampshade or a dome glass. This kind of lighting gives space a dimension and adds a touch of intimacy. Directional light is allowed only from the lamp (sconce) for reading. Many people like to read a few pages before going to bed for better sleep.
Now about the individual features of the design of the bedroom
- Cupboard. It's no secret that it is in the bedroom that most of the worn things are stored. Therefore, to choose the closet you need to approach with all responsibility. You can buy ready-made furniture by matching it to the size and color. But the best option will be the device closet, made to order. In this case, you can "sweep" with the color solution, and with the choice of suitable fittings, and with the presence of shelves-hangers in the amount that will really be necessary to accommodate all-all blouses, dresses and other favorite trash. To increase the visual volume of the bedroom around the perimeter of the cabinet, it is worthwhile to place several spotlights, and make the door mirror.
- Installation of double switches (near the front door and near the head of the bed at arm's length). This option is for comfort only. In fact at times so it would not be desirable to rise with the heated bed and to roam to the switch!
- To decorate the window follows soft flowing tissues or tulle. Heavy draperies in small spaces are inappropriate.
- Furniture for a bedroom should be, first of all, comfortable. After all, from the state of health of a person the whole of his busy working day depends. But here it is worth paying attention to some nuances that will not allow you to turn an already miniature room into a museum of one thing. The bed is better to choose without massive head restraints and high legs. Thus, visually the bed will look smaller than it actually is.
The ideas suggested in the photo gallery will help you decide on the individual style of your bedroom.