Among consumers and professional designers, one-color design is one of the most popular, and specifically the bathroom in black and white directly emphasizes the exquisite taste of the owner.
Table of contents of the article:
- Psychology of dark-white tones
- Characteristic features of finishing the black and white room
- Design tricks in the monochrome interior style
- Microtexture and dressing
- Decor of the bathroom ceiling in monochrome style
- Walls and parquet in black and white style rooms
- Conclusion
- 80 pictures
Psychology of dark-white tones
Many people believe that the design, executed mainly in dark colors, is not particularly attractive. However, this is not quite so: if you adhere to the balance in a combination of dark and white, the room will look completely different, causing admiration from the owners and their guests.
Black and white colors are attractive because, firstly, the palette data reside on the opposite ends of the color range. It is common knowledge that the antitheses are attracted to each other, so choosing such a pair, one does not make a mistake. However, it is worth considering that achieving a rational combination of colors is a very difficult goal for all designers, including experienced ones.
Secondly, such a combination is the rivalry of opposites, in which the icy and light dark color fights, and at the same time expands the soft whiteness, forming an astounding result. In life there are many examples of the rivalry of opposites, so the main essence of this combination is clear as day.
Characteristic features of finishing the black and white room
Многие замечали, что белый цвет визуально делает комнату больше, формируя чувство простора и независимости. С темным цветом все не так. Он привносит в комнату индифферентность, замкнутость, пустоту. Поэтому главная цель дизайнера – отыскать ту самую золотую середину, при которой и черный, и белый смотрелись бы гармонично. Однако важно помнить, что больше внимания стоит уделять именно белому цвету, иначе ванная будет похожа скорее на темную пещеру, чем уютное местечко. Ванна комната хрущевке - как оформить красивый интерьер? 80 pictures идей
Small rooms are recommended to decorate with light walls, ceiling, floor and appliances, beautifully decorated with dark decorations. As part of the additions may include components such as rugs, laundry basket and the like.
If the client has a long and narrow bathroom, you can go for such a trick: the enfilade walls must be removed with black tiles, flint or wallpaper, and transverse only with white substances. In this way, the designer causes the user to feel the angularity of the bathroom.
Design tricks in the monochrome interior style
Design activities mainly consist of attempts to achieve various beautiful combinations of colors and contrasts. There are two main types of design: the rapid transformation of colors and soft transition of tones.
The first kind symbolizes a certain number of hypostases. It is allowed to cover the parquet with a dark color, in addition, by painting and the ceiling in the same color. On plumbing, in no case should you mix colors, otherwise you will get an unpleasant result.
If we talk about the second form, then there is no big difference what color should be painted. Simply select the desired pattern that harmoniously combines the colors. But the plumbing must be in one color.
On the walls, you can draw different drawings, but it's best to look at the bathroom in black and white tones of sakura branches, leaves and drawings of people.
Microtexture and dressing
Here, the designer is allowed to conduct a personal experiment with the texture of the tiles and tiles. Black and white tiles in the bathroom look good, so due to small discrepancies on the surface it is possible to create a new composition in the design.
Decor of the bathroom ceiling in monochrome style
As always, the ceiling should be painted white. Thanks to modern materials, you can achieve a truly beautiful result, even for inexpensive plastics. It must also be taken into account that the plastic must have hydrophobic properties. Otherwise, it will turn yellow and fall apart. Doors for the bathroom - which to choose, review, description, 70 photos in the interior
Walls and parquet in black and white style rooms
The classical view is a black-and-white cell, even if such a combination is quite remarkable and hostile. If we start talking about such styles as the Baroque, they assume a mosaic depicting a difficult intricate image. It is recommended that you try this style. Well, if the consumer decided to decorate the bathroom in a rural or folk style, then in this case try to alternate the mosaic squares or paste the tile with the desired geometric pattern.
Undoubtedly, the design of a black and white bathroom is very attractive from an aesthetic point of view, but it is also demanding of lighting. Fortunately, a number of degrees of illumination will solve the problem in case of its occurrence. You only need to think about the original design theory. The main thing is not to overdo the game of colors, and if everything turned out, you can see such a result, as in the photo of a black and white bathroom.
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