Canopies of polycarbonate in a private house - 30 photos of

Having its own house, cottage or dacha, each owner tries to equip as comfortable as possible not only the internal situation, but also the adjacent territory. Canopies made of polycarbonate in a private house have been very popular for a long time, therefore they can be found in almost every yard. Polycarbonate is the most demanded material along with such as metal, corrugated board, etc. In this article we will consider what caused this popularity of this material for canopy equipment, as well as its scope. You also have a selection of photos of this design in various angles for better perception of the material.

Polycarbonate awnings in a private house, photo 1Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house, photo 2Sheds of polycarbonate in a private house, photo 3Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house, photo 4

Canopies of polycarbonate in a private house: the merits of the material

Today, polycarbonate awnings in a private house can successfully replace a fragile and unreliable glass, with a number of positive characteristics. These include:

  • heat resistance. Polycarbonate is able to withstand very high temperatures (up to +100 degrees). At the same time, it does not ignite, which gives a chance to apply it even above the brazier;
  • light weight, which is 15 times smaller than glass. This factor plays a role in the construction of large and complex structures;
  • high flexibility, thanks to which the polycarbonate awnings in a private house, photos of which can be seen in our catalog, can have various forms;
  • sufficient translucency;
  • strength to mechanical influences and effects of chemicals;
  • simplicity of installation. It's easy to work with polycarbonate, which makes it possible to build the necessary structure with your own hands;
  • variety of colors;
  • affordable price. The use of this material will be much cheaper than glass, metal or wood.

Such a list of advantages of polycarbonate, undoubtedly, speaks about a choice in its favor. But here one should not keep silent about the shortage, which, albeit insignificant, but still takes place: the possibility of some expansion under the influence of high temperature.

Canopies of polycarbonate in a private house: sub-types of material

To date, three varieties of polycarbonate have been developed, each of which can be applied in this or that way. These can be canopies made of cast, honeycomb or profiled polycarbonate in a private house and not only. In most cases, the cellular is used, since it is the most flexible, plastic and lightweight. Cast or monolithic has a great similarity with the glass by its external features, and its strength considerably exceeds it. It is used mainly in structures that must withstand very high loads. The profiled polycarbonate sheet has a wavy form. The fortress is not inferior to the monolithic and is very convenient for use on roofs.

Types of awnings from polycarbonate in a private house

This material can be a good assistant in the arrangement of private home ownership. Polycarbonate barriers can fulfill their direct purpose of protection against atmospheric phenomena and pollution for different architectural objects. In addition, they also play an aesthetic function, since the designs are original, have a large color palette and can perfectly harmonize with any structure.

Canopies made of polycarbonate over the porch of a private house

Without this remarkable design, no single front door can be dispensed with. Such awnings from polycarbonate over the door of a private house are simply necessary. Having a reliable barrier against atmospheric precipitation, you can feel comfortable in search of keys or opening an umbrella when you leave the house. In addition, the canopy reliably protects the threshold and steps from the sticking of wet snow. Especially elegant looks canopy, assembled on the basis of a wrought-iron frame, which best suits the classical buildings and buildings, decorated in the old days.

Canopies made of polycarbonate over the porch of a private house имеют различные формы, выбор которых зависит от личных предпочтений хозяев. На фото мы видим примеры козырьков прямых, одно- и двухскатных, а также полукруглых и выполненных по индивидуальному заказу. Их размеры, в большинстве случаев, зависят от габаритов самого входа.

If the area in front of the entrance is quite large, you can organize a whole terrace - a recreation area in the warm season with a dining table, chairs, chairs and even a sofa. It is important to pay attention to the color of the material, giving preference to their own likes, although many designers tend to green shades.

Beautiful polycarbonate awnings in a private house are, in a way, his business card, attracting guests' special attention and providing reliable protection from bad weather. Examples of such design can be found in our photo catalog.

Canopies made of polycarbonate over the porch of a private house, фото 5Sheds of polycarbonate in a private house photo, photo 6Canopies made of polycarbonate over the door of a private house, photo 7Awnings from polycarbonate on the porch of a private house, photo 8Canopy polycarbonate photo, photo 9Types of awnings from polycarbonate in a private house, фото 10Beautiful awnings from polycarbonate in a private house, photo 11Polycarbonate awnings in a private house, photo 12Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house, photo 13

Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house for a car

Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house for a car имеют различные формы и размеры. Они могут быть рассчитаны как на один автомобиль, так и на несколько. Если крыша прямая, она должна обязательно иметь небольшой уклон, чтобы выпавшие осадки на ней не задерживались.

Forms can also be arched, single and gable. There are also exclusive models, which are awnings made of polycarbonate of the original form in a private house (photos show such options). In this case, the structures can have two supports on one side, and the second one can be mounted to the wall of the house, or it can be based on four, six or even eight supports if the dimensions are large enough. Less common cantilever designs.

Canopies made of polycarbonate over the porch of a private house, фото 14Sheds of polycarbonate in a private house photo, photo 15Sheds of polycarbonate over the door of a private house, photo 16Awnings from polycarbonate on the porch of a private house, photo 17Canopy polycarbonate photo, photo 18

Read also: Canopies for cars made of polycarbonate - 30 photos

Canopies of polycarbonate in a private house above the balcony

Canopies of polycarbonate in a private house above the balcony вошли в моду не так давно, но встретить их на сегодняшний день можно часто. Их основное достоинство, в этом, конкретном, варианте, заключается в способности хорошо пропускать свет, не создавая затемненности комнаты. При этом пленка, которой покрыт лист поликарбоната не пропускает ультрафиолет, что дает прекрасную возможность отдыхать на балконе в знойный летний день. Каркас такого покрытия может быть выполнен из различных материалов, но наиболее красивые навесы из поликарбоната в частном доме над балконом получаются в том случае, если каркас и ограждение выполнены из одинакового материала. На фото можно увидеть, насколько изящно выглядит балкон, имеющий кованую ограду и каркас, а также деревянные конструкции.

Types of awnings from polycarbonate in a private house, фото 19Beautiful awnings from polycarbonate in a private house, photo 20

Sheds of polycarbonate in a private house over a gazebo

Rest zones in the territory of private households are often equipped with small garden arbors. A canopy of such construction, where polycarbonate is the base, as seen in the photo, has, as a rule, a gable form or dome (perhaps, an elongated dome). Of course, individual model variants are not excluded. Such covers will reliably protect both from rain, and from penetration of ultraviolet, and will create a pleasant cozy atmosphere.

Sheds of polycarbonate in a private house, photo 21Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house, photo 22Canopies made of polycarbonate over the porch of a private house, фото 23

Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house above the pool

Бассейны уже давно перестали быть диковинкой на территориях частных домов. Но они требуют особого ухода, в частности, необходимо позаботиться о том, чтобы сухие листья и различный мусор не засоряли воду, так как чистка бассейна — дело довольно кропотливое. Polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house above the pool помогут решить это вопрос. Во время купания в солнечную погоду, конструкцию можно сложить, оставив часть заслона над территорией с шезлонгами. Если же на улице сильный ветер или дождь, навес легко раздвигается, превращаясь в сплошной заслон. В таком виде он пребывает и во время простоя. Специалисты советуют выбирать для бассейна материал голубого цвета, который придаст воде естественный оттенок.

Sheds of polycarbonate in a private house photo, photo 24Canopies made of polycarbonate over the door of a private house, photo 25Canopies from polycarbonate on the porch of a private house, photo 26

Polycarbonate sheds in the courtyard of a private house for outdoor kitchen equipment

Open summer kitchens often suggest the presence of barbecue, stove or even stove in the territory. And here, the best material for the roof will be polycarbonate, which, as mentioned earlier, is not afraid of high temperatures, does not ignite and does not support the combustion process. In addition, the kitchen space will always be light, which is very important in the process of cooking. In the photo below we can consider all the advantages of a polycarbonate coating of a summer kitchen.

Canopy polycarbonate photo, photo 27Types of awnings from polycarbonate in a private house, фото 28Beautiful awnings from polycarbonate in a private house, photo 29

In addition to all the above objects, polycarbonate awnings in the courtyard of a private house can be used to equip a children's playground, greenhouses, transitions from one building to another. Whatever the field of application, they will always please their owners with their beauty, reliability and long life.