Landscaping of the courtyard of a private house - 30 photos

Landscape design of the courtyard of the private house - the concept has long been not new, but rather widespread and in demand. Long gone are the times when the land, located around the house or dacha, was used purely under the beds. Today, there is a greater tendency towards aesthetic beauty. Because of this, the courtyards of private houses, for the most part, turn into peculiar miniature "recreation parks" with fountains, benches, artificial ponds and other elements. And this is absolutely true - it is in a cozy picturesque place of nature that it is most pleasant to relax after a day's work, spend time with your family and celebrate with your friends.

Modern landscape design - where to start

Properly design the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house - it is rather difficult and troublesome, but the final result will certainly bring a lot of pleasure to the owner. Since such a design will last for more than a year, before planning it is necessary to take into account the wishes and preferences of all family members living in the house. This also applies to geometry (to distinguish the entire territory in strict lines or smooth transitions), and to choose your favorite plants, the presence of a playground, a pond and other factors.

A separate place will be needed and pets. If the territory is large enough, it will not be difficult to place all the necessary zones on it with appropriate structures, plantings and furniture - everything will depend on financial possibilities. It is more difficult to make a landscape design for a small courtyard of a private house, but nothing is impossible, it is only necessary to put imagination and determine the necessary elements. It is also necessary to clearly choose the style of decoration, in order to take into account the costs of the corresponding buildings and decorative elements. The objects are distributed evenly over the territory to achieve a balanced appearance of the site.

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Landscaping of the courtyard of the private house: the main zones

The modern landscape design of the private courtyard provides for the existence of three main zones - a recreational area, a playground that borders the main house, and a green area, and there may also be small buildings for economic purposes. The recreation area is divided into sub-zones of active pastime, where there can be a sports or children's playground with a swing, a barbecue, a stove, a brazier, and a rest area, which includes a pond, cozy shady corners with benches, a bath complex and other elements.

The adjacent territory is a direct way out of the house. Here, as a rule, a patio with wicker or forged furniture is equipped, you can arrange a fountain, beautiful flower beds, alpine hills.

Green zone - it can be a picturesque fruit garden, hedges from bushes. On the territory of this zone often have outbuildings, they, if desired, can be decorated under fairy-tale houses or in rural style.

All the zones that provide for the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house require distinctions. In a role, original, borders, "hedges", consisting of high bushes, tall flowers and other plants, can act. Often used as a braid or a low fence for separation, for example, a picnic area or a children's corner.

Transitions between separately decorated sections of the yard can be laid out by various materials using concrete slabs, pavers, gravel, rock, granite. When laying out sometimes leave a small narrow spaces on which planted garden grass or dwarf flowering plants.

If the yard area has a hilly surface, it is not always worth it to align. On separate planes it is possible to equip separate zones and to connect them among themselves decorative steps that will look original enough and it is natural.

Read also: Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: 30 photos of the most picturesque options and recommendations for design

We design the courtyard landscape of a private house: the styles of landscape design

So, determining where and which zones will be settled, you need to choose a style that will carry the modern landscape design of the courtyard of the private house. Projects can be made by a professional designer, but, having figured out the intricacies, it is quite possible to do it yourself. Let's consider the basic styles of landscape design:

English landscape style in landscape design

English landscape style involves approaching the natural landscape, the plants are located in tiers: first low - grass, flowers, then shrubs, and then trees. Lawn is the most important element and should be maintained in a neat appearance. This style is inherent in the absence of any symmetry - cascading slopes can be replaced by flat sections with winding paths and artificial water bodies.

French style

French style — это, в первую очередь, симметрия. Ландшафтный дизайн частного двора, оформленный в этом направлении, подходит наибольшим образом для больших участков. Здесь приветствуются прямые аллеи, круглые беседки на пересечении садовых дорожек, фонтаны в центре участка или композиции, античные скульптуры и классические колонны. Цветовая палитра этого стиля разнообразна — главное, чтобы оттенки были мягкими.

Landscaping in Japanese style

Japanese garden - the style is rather restrained, provides for the mandatory presence of an artificial reservoir with a bridge in the yard. The composition can be supplemented with decorative stone and various plants: dwarf pine, juniper and others. It will not be superfluous to design architectural buildings, in particular, arbors or a tea house and decorative forms (statuettes, vases, etc.) in Japanese style. It should be noted that one of the main principles of this direction is asymmetry, which looks most natural.

Mediterranean style in landscape design

Mediterranean style. Landscape design of the courtyard of the private house, designed in this direction, provides for the design of the site on general principles, or in the spirit of a specific country - Italy, Greece, etc. The main colors of the style in which the buildings are to be painted - white, blue and yellow. Since the main principle is the unity of the landscape with the sky and the sea, the best option for such decoration will be a site on the top of a hill or slope, from where the view of distant horizons opens. The territory of the site will successfully look picturesque ruins, created from fragments of facade adornments, fragments of pottery, as well as stylized Roman columns. Sculptures depicting people, mythical characters, animals - are also characteristic elements of this style (it is important to have a sense of proportion so that there are no accumulations and meaningless compositions).

Hi-tech style

Hi-tech style. Такой современный ландшафтный дизайн двора частного дома предусматривает использование таких материалов как пластик, металл, стекло, а также бетон. Цвета, применяемые для оформления данного стиля — белый, серебристый, песочный, а также оттенки синего и зеленого. Здесь будут уместны вазы, имеющие строгие формы, абстрактные фигуры, стеклянные или металлические шары и кубы. Искусственные водоемы обрамляются металлом или бетоном, а высаженные растения должны обладать четкими формами крон (ели пирамидальной формы, туи, кипарисы).

In addition to all of the above, one should also mention the direction of eclecticism, which implies the combination of different elements. Such a landscape design of a country house site is also quite interesting, but requires some restraint and certain knowledge, so as not to overdo and create harmony of all elements.

The correct design of lighting, which requires a landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

Any design of a country house site includes properly selected lighting. First and foremost, it is necessary for comfortable movement around the territory in the dark - the whole perimeter, as well as all ladders and paths, should be equipped with illumination. Often used street lights, powered by solar energy. They do not provide high brightness, but they are enough to illuminate the paths. In turn, decorative lighting will focus on certain elements of landscape design and allow in the evening to enjoy their aesthetic appearance. Such an option can take place, illuminating, for example, an artificial reservoir (which looks absolutely fascinating), an alpine slide, a flower bed, woody plants or garden sculpture.

Furniture in landscape design

The choice of furniture for the backyard is huge, but, first of all, its operational qualities, as well as the landscape design of the courtyard of the private house, should be taken into account. If the furniture will be in the garden, where powerful adult trees grow - it is necessary to stop the choice of massive, made of natural wood, benches with forged elements. For more refined scenic corners with flowering bushes, which is endowed with the design of a private house site, wicker rattan furniture will do - it should be strong enough (elegant furniture will quickly lose its performance). In any case, furniture made of natural materials is more suitable for any weather conditions. A cheaper option is plastic furniture, but its disadvantage is that it quickly loses its properties, becomes fragile and loses color. It is worth paying attention and coverage, which will be installed garden furniture. Placed simply on the lawn, it will quickly lose its practical and aesthetic properties. For this it is better to use paving.

Landscaping of the courtyard 10 hectare - photo of the original design

To add more specifics to all of the above, let's consider what can be the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house of medium size of 10 hectare. This space will be enough for the design of individual zones and erection of buildings. The first thing that needs to be clarified is that the house itself should not be too close to the road and neighboring areas. In such a small area, smooth transitions are more applicable, they visually increase space. Directly in front of the house will look good playground or swimming pool. Here you can build a small artificial pond, planted around the perimeter of stunted plants, as well as a recreation area in the form of an oval lawn, in the central part of which will be a garden table and chairs.

The territory on the back of the house is best used for organizing a barbecue area, gazebos and patios framed by a hedge. The landscape design of the yard of 10 acres of private house can be decorated in any of the existing styles. A certain exception is only French, which requires a lot of space, but, with a competent approach, it is quite applicable.

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