The history of the fireplace is more than one hundred years old. Accessories for the fireplace accompanied him constantly. All this time he serves a person, not just heating his home, but also bringing to the interior uniqueness and uniqueness, creating an atmosphere of reliability, stability, coziness and home warmth.
Today, the family of classic wood-burning fireplaces has been replenished with electric fireplaces and bio-fireplaces. However, for any of them, fireplace accessories are still purchased, even if they are not used for their intended purpose, since their presence organically complements the interior of the fireplace room, gives it integrity and completeness.

The fireplace gives completeness to your home and adds to it warmth and comfort.

Modern fireplaces can harmoniously fit into any interior.
Accessories for fireplaces and stoves are considered in a narrow and broad sense. In the first case we are talking only about those of which the owner of the fireplace uses every day. In other cases they act as interior elements, giving the product the appearance of a real classic heating device.
In this article, read:
- 1 Accessories in a narrow sense
- 1.1 Coaching and grooming
- 1.2 Tongs
- 1.3 Дровница для fireplaceа
- 1.4 Broom and scoop
- 1.5 Fur
- 1.6 Servir
- 1.7 Spicebone
- 2 Accessories in the broadest sense
Accessories in a narrow sense
This group includes the following fireplace accessories, which can be purchased both at retail and in the kit:
Kocher and Granny
The poker, which in some sets is replaced by a crash. This is certainly one of the main tools that makes it possible to stir up coals and turn over logs in the furnace. These L-shaped products can have a square or round cross-section or be made twisted. The poker itself is made of bronze, cast iron or steel, and its handle is most often made of ceramics or natural bone and has a special ring for accommodation on the servitor. The optimal length of the poker is 500-700 mm.
Needed in order to shift if necessary coal and small firewood. Are made in the form of scissors or tweezers and are sold as a set. Separately, fireplace tongs are rarely available on sale. The product, which is given the shape of tweezers, is easier to manufacture, so it is much cheaper than the second version. When buying, it is recommended to pay attention to the material used in the production of forceps, as well as other tools. Most often it is steel, brass, cast iron or bronze. Steel, having the necessary reliability, are practical and affordable. Cast iron is much cheaper, but not inferior to the first in anything. Forged version of the forceps is made of bronze. This is a high-quality product of original design and high enough cost. Brass is also very expensive, but is used primarily as an element of decor. They can be bought for electric fireplaces.
Дровница для fireplaceа
Sometimes this product is called a firewood stand. It is sold complete with a fireplace or fireplace accessories or separately. It is made of bronze, brass or steel. Recently, the forged dovnitsa for the fireplace, which is an original element of the interior, is in great demand.
Broom and scoop
The fireplace broom is used to ensure that there is a constant order near the fireplace. A broom is used in conjunction with a scoop (the optimal handle length is 400 mm) to collect remains of coals and ash. The average height of the broom is 700 mm. Often it is included in the fireplace set. In this case, the length of the handle is usually 350-400 mm and it also has a decorative function. Separate sets instead of a broom complete with a brush.

More and more popular are forged items for the fireplace.
Furs, которым некоторые пользователи предпочитают опахало. Используются для ускоренного розжига fireplaceа. Чаще всего приобретается именно опахало, т.к. оно дешевле, занимает меньше места и в нем нечему ломаться. Это веер с твердой поверхностью, выполняемый из гофрокартона или пластика. Имеет отверстие для того, чтобы его было удобнее держать. Этот элемент можно изготовить самостоятельно.
This is the name of the stand, which contains accessories for the fireplace in the kit. Can be carried out in the form of a rack or in a hanging version. As a rule, it does not just perform a certain function of compact storage of products mentioned above, but it is also a work of art that looks great next to the fireplace. Quite often it is forging.
This is a normal case, in which you can store matches for lighting a fireplace. Priority when buying is not its functional purpose, and appearance. The product can have a different design and be made of bronze, silver, brass or steel.
Accessories in the broadest sense
- Predopochny leaf. Its presence is a mandatory requirement when installing a fireplace on the wood. If earlier this product was made of metal or pretoptical space was laid out with decorative brick, now more and more owners of the fireplace prefer this element made of a sheet of strong glass.
- Fireplace grate. Prevents that from the furnace fireplace fell coal and unburned logs.
- Protective screen. It is an additional construction that prevents the possible occurrence of a fire due to excessive heat or fallen glowing embers. It has various configurations and a degree of transparency. To make a romantic flair, an almost transparent screen with an ornamental pattern applied on it is perfect. A wide sheet with heraldic attributes will take you to the era of noble chivalry, and three unfolded doors will underline the strict beauty of the classic design of the room.
- Grate. Allows the fireplace to work qualitatively, removing coals and providing air access to the burning site.
- Forged doors. They keep the heat well. Quite often, forged fireplace door is supplemented with heat-resistant glass or spark-proof grids.
- Fireplace accessories. This includes loops, latch hooks, hooks, and the like.
- Means for cleaning the chimney.
Forgery products are in great demand among owners of fireplaces.
They are sold in sets and individually and have different equipment. Quite a large segment of the market for fireplaces kits is currently occupied by servitors of different shapes (knight, horse, etc.).
Heat and coziness in your home!